At last, George has opened his big mouth again...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
I knew he couldn't keep his trap shut for long. All it needed was for someone to tell him what to say.

On a night of Grand Design he made a speech last night saying that once America has 'liberated' Iraq then it would spread democracy throughout the Region...

Now that's really going to go down well with all those other dictators and Royal Familes who have a very good life, thankyou very much.

Is your man really intent on starting a world war with America at the centre of a rain of missiles, bombs and chemical weapons?

Or doesn't he realise the affect his words have on the world and just says them because it sounds good for the domestic audience.

Should he be committed to the asylum now, or shall we give him another chance?

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Oh, come on. I'm sure the House of Saud would gleefully step aside for a democratic form of government.
Thrillhouse said:
Oh, come on. I'm sure the House of Saud would gleefully step aside for a democratic form of government.

Of course they will...

They liked the way Bush became President. That sort of double dealing is right up their street...


I don't know what Bush does for Saddam but,after seeing his
latest performance,he terrifies me.

Then after a mass revolt by Labour MPs we get the usual*We'll
carry on regardless*.

Loonies the lot of them.
mig said:
I don't know what Bush does for Saddam but,after seeing his
latest performance,he terrifies me.

He's completely unbalanced. I expect him to say that he didn't mean what he said and that he was misunderstood, any day now...

p_p_man said:
He's completely unbalanced. I expect him to say that he didn't mean what he said and that he was misunderstood, any day now...


Well said from someone who is the picture of mental health.

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Spoken like the fascist asshole you so clearly are.

You just love calling names, don't you?

Do you kiss anyone with that mouth?