Ask Me A Question v. 1.9.19

We usually got a house down around Barnegat Light. I remember climbing up the stairs to the top of the lighthouse there when I was a kid and being terrified because you could see all the way down (and the stairs didn't seem all that solid to me).

"The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern

What's the best food to eat on a stick?

Corn dog with mustard or chocolate covered Rice krispie treat

What's the best sound to hear from an open window?
Corn dog with mustard or chocolate covered Rice krispie treat

What's the best sound to hear from an open window?

Either an ice cream truck or soft gentle rain...soft enough that you don't have to close said window.

What's the sound you're happiest to hear every day.
Arm wrestle? No. On the other hand, should you Jello wrestle... ?

Have you ever wanted to change your username?

Not really...or do you like the sound of “Minge_Festival”? 🤔

Sex when the mood strikes, which is usually at night unless I’ve got the day off

Do you do any human tricks?
Bella said:
Do you do any human tricks?

Umm, I can twist and fold my tongue. Does that count as a trick. Eh, probably more of an anomaly, at best.


Sex in the morning, or at night?

Both. :D

If you could do so without personal, professional, or legal repercussions, would you have sex in a very public place?
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