Asian men and caucasion women


Aug 16, 2001
The black on white is getting boring. How about a good looking (Chow yung Fat or Ming Tsai) asian male who has a hot time with a petit, cute white woman. YUM!:)
This person posted twice to Lit since August of 2001. I don't think they'll be back to read your post.
gmlynch99 said:
The black on white is getting boring ...

Says you! I find the subject infinitely fascinating. Also Black on Asian, Asian on Black, Black on Latina, Latino on Black, et al.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I'm sure whoever it's attached to is quite proud of it.

He's a chubby guy in his last 30'ies... I first saw this picture when I received the joke "missing girl" by e-mail. It's this e-mail from a concerned mother, whose daughter is missing. She's sending out a plee for anyone who has any info on the whereabouts of her daughter. She then gets an answer from a police chief in a small town on the African countryside. He informs her that they have found her daughter, and that she's allright. She doesn't want to leave her newly found love, however, and she's not able to explain how she has gotten there, as she suffers from a locked jaw...
Svenskaflicka said:
He's a chubby guy in his last 30'ies... I first saw this picture when I received the joke "missing girl" by e-mail. It's this e-mail from a concerned mother, whose daughter is missing. She's sending out a plee for anyone who has any info on the whereabouts of her daughter. She then gets an answer from a police chief in a small town on the African countryside. He informs her that they have found her daughter, and that she's allright. She doesn't want to leave her newly found love, however, and she's not able to explain how she has gotten there, as she suffers from a locked jaw...

He has to be much older than that by now!!! I first saw this picture and the other's in this series when I was in high school in the early 1980s. He was the winner of a Larry Flynt sponsored contest in Hustler magazine to find the non-porn industry guy with the biggest dick. According to the Hustler magazine, he was some dude from Georgia, USA.

If you examine the entire picture, it's clear from his hair and the ridiculous necklace that he's wearing that this picture was taken in the 1970's.

Yes, but the truly important question is: what does he look like hard? Normally cocks that huge (if it truly hasn't been touched up) don't get all that hard, and are really not the fun time most men think they would be. Well, at least not from a woman's point of view.
SexyChele said:
Yes, but the truly important question is: what does he look like hard? Normally cocks that huge (if it truly hasn't been touched up) don't get all that hard, and are really not the fun time most men think they would be. Well, at least not from a woman's point of view.

I don't know if the pictures were retouched. The didn't appear to be in the original photo shoot. There are certainly guys that big. I can't say if he has erectile dysfunction either. And, while some women don't like guys who are extremely well endowed, other's love them.

Incidentally, I can think of a couple of porn-dudes who are that big and apparently have little trouble getting and keeping an erection. I think that a lot of the idea that guys with +10" dicks aren't happy is women not wanting to hurt another guys feelings, and sour grapes on the part of guys with wee-wees.


Case in point, this dude, who calls himself "Mandingo" is around the same size as the above pic. I'm almost certain that this pic isn't digitally altered. It's a rip from a DVD. So, unless every frame of every DVD that this dude has ever made had been edited, it is as it appears to be.
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Please make sure that the photos you post here are not in violation of copyright. I'll give you a day or two to take these down if needed, then I'll do it for you.

Thank you,
Forum Mod
RisiaSkye said:

Please make sure that the photos you post here are not in violation of copyright. I'll give you a day or two to take these down if needed, then I'll do it for you.

Thank you,
Forum Mod

Doesn’t it just hurt to have so much power?
Just had to ask for my 100th post

Love Screaming Grace
Screaming Grace said:
Doesn’t it just hurt to have so much power?
Just had to ask for my 100th post

Love Screaming Grace
Actually, yes. Responsibilities are, typically, a pain in the ass. This one is no exception.

Congrats on your 1000th post.

Thanks, CBM, for going to links instead of pix.

Be well, all.

I agree. Almost always when I see interracial pair, or movie, or pics it's either Asian girl/white guy, or Black man/white woman.

Although I am a white man, I feel that there must be more stories with Asian men doing white women, because that would be more fair.