Asian love



Do not waste your time you foreigner you can not get rid of the Aryan past of Aryavarta. This is attack on Aryaputra Ram.
Which foreigner to exploit the Negro brought this poor creature on Aryavarta thread. We will protect the Negro (sirhugs) against any further exploitation.
Dont mind yayati , he's one of those guys who sells comic books in front of department stores and mumbles to himself.
Who cares fpor China in Aryavarta. china is a weak and backward land.
The truth is Aryavarta has 2000 nuclear warheads and the China nuclear programme is a hoax. The more then one billion Indians will for sure defend the Negro
We in Indian RAW know the game. All fake manufactured data is being carefully planted into the Indian media specially via the Times of India. Languages and people are being modified in order to create a confusion in the Indian society. We know the game we are ready. The original home of the Aryans in India and that is the only criterion. most people in all parts of India are pure Aryan. Colour variations in India occur due to climate. We are destined to protect the Negro as we Aryans are people of rich value. see an aryan Indian girl how tough she is she will defend the Negro. India is determined to protect the Negro this is the true Aryan spirit.
I thank all the Aryans of Aryavarta for genuinely supporting the Black chap.
our resident troll, Yayati, no doubt. He likes to make fun of people and overall piss us off. Just ignore him, he'll go away.

Awww, I think Yayati has a crush on me. :rolleyes: Why do men think the word slut is an insult? lol
The truth is Aryavarta has 2000 nuclear warheads and the China nuclear programme is a hoax. The more then one billion Indians will for sure defend the Negro.
Mixing is a good idea for the West to follow. We in Aryavarta do not believe in mixing, it even leads to death. Ultimately I might mention the Aryans of Bharat will come and help the Negro.
It makes no difference in Aryavarta our religion and history is on solid roots. Now these roots have been further consolidated by our brilliant politician Dr. M. M. Joshi. so no one can change the history of India to suit their global interests. Indians are determined to protect the Negro.
Why feed this troll and play his game?? I'm sure I'm not the only one who is sick of this bull shit!

Please, STOP PLAYING WITH THE TROLL. He will go away once bored with us.
ok ok ok ok ok

I did try to put the idiot in ignore but the chicken shit is not registered