
R. Richard

Literotica Guru
Jul 24, 2003
Just what do these people think that they are doing? They are interfering with our right to make a living, publishing porn. How dare they! We need to organize a class action lawsuit and make them pay. (By the way, the asexcual thing is not just speculation, alas, I have dated a few of the frigid bitches.)

Asexuals – the fourth sexual orientation

Around 1 per cent of the world's population is reckoned to feel no sexual attraction at all

From playground chatter to high-street billboards; from magazines, newspapers and television to the subject of junk emails in our inboxes, sex is common currency. But a small, often misunderstood, sometimes disbelieved minority of the population is almost totally overlooked: they feel absolutely no sexual attraction to other people.

A book published in the UK next month claims such men and women, an estimated 1 per cent of the population, should be recognised as a fourth sexual orientation – asexuals.

Professor Anthony Bogaert's book, Understanding Asexuality, argues that a growing number of people consider themselves asexual. He believes asexual people are "an under-studied population" who can feel excluded from our "very sexualised culture". He said our society, "can place expectations on both sexual and asexual people, but particularly asexual people".

Joshua Hatton, 23, a language student from Birmingham, agrees. "Three years ago, I came across asexuality – it explained everything. I no longer had to lie to myself. Young men are expected to have some sort of casual sex; it's all around. Now I feel more comfortable."

Bogaert, an associate professor at Brock University in Canada, defines asexuality as a complete lack of sexual attraction. "There are two forms: people who have some level of sex drive, but don't direct this drive toward others (so they may masturbate); and other people who have no sex drive whatsoever."

The first non-academic conference to tackle asexuality took place at Southbank University, London, last month. Michael Doré, organiser of the World Pride conference, said: "We want asexuality to be recognised as a valid sexual orientation, rather than a disorder or something people have to hide."

The term asexual became popular in 2001, when David Jay launched the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network – or Aven – website. There are now more than 50,000 members worldwide.

The asexual community is made up of people who define themselves as hetero-romantic, meaning they feel romantic feelings towards the opposite sex, though no sexual desire, homo-romantic, meaning they feel affection for the same sex, and bi-romantic.

'When everyone at school was talking about sex, I wasn't interested at all'

Amy Gallagher, 20, from High Barnet, studies at London College of Communication. "When everyone else my age at secondary school was talking about sex, I wasn't interested at all. I thought there was something wrong with me. I did have sex out of curiosity, but afterwards I had no desire. I'm trying to meet another asexual person. I only came to know of asexual orientation a few months ago. I think if there was more awareness, people would identify themselves. I haven't told that many people."
There was a thread sometime back that posted something similar about Japanese men. A large number of men if memory serves.
There was a thread sometime back that posted something similar about Japanese men. A large number of men if memory serves.


LJ reloaded took it as evidence that evil domineering misandric women would soon have no power over men as asexuality spread and took over the worlds.


LJ reloaded took it as evidence that evil domineering misandric women would soon have no power over men as asexuality spread and took over the worlds.


I was remembering the news item, I think it was, not LJ's over the top take on it.
Just what do these people think that they are doing? They are interfering with our right to make a living, publishing porn. How dare they! We need to organize a class action lawsuit and make them pay. (By the way, the asexcual thing is not just speculation, alas, I have dated a few of the frigid bitches.)

Hopeless to the cause of reproduction is not the same as attempting to date someone with a personality disorder or emotional traumas.
Also, that 'Frigid bitch' might have gone on the date and found something she didn't like about you.

a date ain't a contract.
Also, that 'Frigid bitch' might have gone on the date and found something she didn't like about you.

a date ain't a contract.

No, that couldn't be it now could it. :eek:

Double R is such a nice guy.
Hello, R. Richard, interrstng piece....perhapsl pursue a similar docuemt n concerning frigid women to quiet the crickets in the pond?

Professor Anthony Bogaert's book, Understanding Asexuality,

I think there was a time in the dim, dark 1950's when professorial publishing or Ph.D thesis papers and such, actually had some cogent content and meaning, in t erms of reality.

Back in the even more distant 1930's, when women were a tiny percentage of college students, research was more directed at rational concepts, even in the arts, you know, the old fashioned effort to discover the meaning of things and how they fi tinto the larger picture.

Now...women are somewhere between 52 and 55 percent of all college students and the atmosphere and direction of studies has certainly changed to more social issure, subjective and relative studies, usually safe from controversy like this frigid forum.

Howya doin'?

When the average man learns the simple principle of you get what you give, and you should give first, the number of frigid bitches may decline.

RR's frigid dinner date that he got nothing would be my dinner date that led to breakfest
I would love to know how being asexual prevents some one from viewing, reading, or even producing their own porn? they can still experience arousal, lust, etc. They just don't experience sexual attraction. Some do experience romantic attraction and date, others don't, and often refer to themselves as "aromantics". there is also gray-asexuals who don't feel the first rush of sexual attraction but can come to sexually desire their partner if they have a deep enough emotional connection.
Asexual porn writer here! I think I have a lot fewer hangups about sex than most of my peers, which helps me a lot in my writing.