Asa's Sunset Cove

Eyes closing at the feeling and the tension leaving her slowly and peacefully.
He kneaded each foot with care and love. Massaging each toe and then upwards slowly her calf and her knee. Rising to start massaging the arm that wasn't holding the glass of chianti and started from the fingers and hand and worked up to her shoulder trying to get all of the muscles he could while she lay there in the chaise.
Finishing off the Chianti and then sitting up more so he can sit beside or behind Her she smiled at her loving and tender pet a hand reaching to his cheek.

Very good My precious pet.
Thank you mistress. Any other areas on your wonderful body that needs tending to?
Richard couldn't help but let a small smile escape his lips.
Lower back would be heaven pet.

Pulling him close for a kiss she smiled staring into his eyes.
He took the kiss and held onto it for a little longer.

Why don't you move over to the bed so you can get more ummm...comfortable.
He took the kiss and held onto it for a little longer.

Why don't you move over to the bed so you can get more ummm...comfortable.

She smiled at the dear thoughtful nature of her pet.

Yeah I like that idea... stretch out my lower back lying there while you administer what I know is a wonderful back rub.
Some presents for you Asa
Richard moved to the bed and watched her stretch out. His wings flexed over her creating a wonderful parallel to the scene. He gently reached out and started on her upper neck where he felt a lot of tension.
Tension through the shoulders and lower back as she sighed softly feeling the massage begin stretched out on the bed with a smile.

Richard's hands moved firmly and smoothly along his Goddesslike mistress below him soothing her aches and pains.

"You know, this feels good now, but I guess I'll have to do it all over again we finish our next play time. It seems it really works your body out mistress."
Richard gently chuckled.
I do truly enjoy our playtimes My pet.

She stretches a little and smiles to her pet. before letting her eyes fall closed at the tender yet firm massage he administered
I'm glad I an serve you well Mistress.

As he said that last remark he pushed a knot out in her back that had really developed.
Then he smoothed over the area with the palm of his hand.

Feeling that tight knot getting forced from the muscles in her back she smiled eyes closing as she shifted a little to resettle the relaxed muscles.
Richard heard the moan and then nuzzled down laying upon her feeling her warmth of her body. He gently continued massaging her neck with one hand and stroking the rest of her body with the tips of his wings.
She smiled reaching back snuggling him close with a soft almost purr.
In the works ~Hawaii 5 0 based Idea~

Rekindling in Hawaii

One year to the day and the Kalani deep cover assignment was truly paying off. Maylea found herself the well cared for arm candy of the previously thought second in command of the Moldero Syndicate. Alasdair Moldero had survived for quite some time with people thinking him just some general having always kept his face out of the media and letting his older brother and brother in law find their way to the camera. No one knew what Alasdair Moldero actually looked like. Everyone placed his name on his older brother’s face which was perfect with fine with Dominic as he thrived with the attention and infamy.

Finally she was back in Hawaii. It had been years since she had last been here last seen him. Now… of all places that her assignment would come to an end it had to be here… Her last contact even said that his team would be assisting in the take down… She slipped deeper into thoughts waiting for the private jet to deliver them to limo and the latest property Alasdair had bought to have a location to “vanish” to if he had to. Feeling a hand on her shoulder she roused from her thoughts and smiled to Alasdair as he slipped into the seat next to her pulling her close into an embrace.

The plane will be landing soon. I am glad we could find a property here. You I am sure will love to get back to your mother homeland.

She simply smiled and nodded as she snuggled close tracing his cheek with her hand.

Just promise me I will be able to be free of that overgrown baboon you call a body guard. I want to be able to run along the beach or shop or just get a bite to eat without having to move so slow so that idiot can read and stare at every little person sign or thing around me or whatever all in the name of his job.

Jakob will remain at the Villa or with the car. I have told him that you were in University here and your mothers family is from here so you will be safe and he would stand out a bit too much. Rest now though love we will be landing soon.

A message arrived in the 5 0 office addressed to McGarrett and his team informing them they would be the final contact for the undercover agent in the Moldero Syndicate. Giving only her cover name of Kalani and her attachment to the man presumed to be the second in command finally and their impending arrival in Hawaii. Her having been from Hawaii in her cover and reality as well as her contact point to meet with them or leave information for them at Kamekona's. Explicit orders left after all the other information for none of them to even remotely blow her cover and if a situation arises to just follow her lead.

Once they made it to the property it was the standard one day to relax and enjoy their new home before she would be out shopping and relaxing by the pool or on the beach and he would begin meetings and getting business contacts in perfect order here as well. the massive Russian body guard Jakob insisted on being in the car with her the first day out but after that he accepted Alasdair's decision at her request and remained at the Villa.

Kamekona had been filled in already about her cover and everything so when she arrived he simply nodded called her by her cover name and story offering a hug and quickly preparing her usual.

Kamekona... it has been far too long you are still just running this stand? Well at least there is a better view this time than on campus. SO from here where can I enjoy my meal and have the best view of the island?

Right over there the big table if you don't mind sitting with that couple over there. Aloha spirit my friend.

She glanced over to the table he pointed out and she paused for a moment... Kona.. and... Steve...

Thank you Kamekona... I think I will...

Walking over she smiled glancing to them. Mind if I sit down?

Kona was the first one to look up... Oh... sure.

Kona... Its me... Kalani She smiled to her.

Kona just nodded to both "Kalani" and Steve who simply sat dumbfounded staring into eyes he never thought he would see again. Steve gave a quick hello and taking a slipped paper from her he quickly left Kona and Kalani there.

They sat talking not seeing the men walking over till Jakob and Alasdair walked up. Alasdair leaned down kissing her cheek and then moving to grab Jakob as he moved closer to the woman he did not know. Kalani introduced her as Lana her old college roommate. Alasdair pulled Kalani up into an embrace and a reluctant sigh.

It appears I have meetings all day today... too many loose ends here but I will NOT miss dinner... I promise... when the gardener heard what you told me the cook would be making he said you were true Islander and we would love it and he seems picky eater so I know it must be very good

She acted disappointed quite well and sighed offering him a hug and kiss and a very clearly venom filled glare to Jakob.

Fine Lana and I will catch up and do some shopping or something

Use my card you carry whatever either of you desire I will gladly pay for.

With that Alasdair turned dragging his overprotective bodyguard with him.

Well that worked out great... lets go catch up. Kona laughed as they both took off to find Steve and the others for a quick briefing.

((Needing a Steve McGarrett any other characters can be NPC shared by both typists))

Real name ~ Maylea
Cover name ~ Kalani

Alasdair (NPC)

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Richard spoke gently while moving his hands over her.
I was wondering if I could take a semi permanant residence here in one of the other rooms? Make things a little more comfortable? Would that be too outrageous Mistress?
Yes that would be fine pet there are two other rooms available for now and who knows the whim could strike me to add more.

Stretching feeling those ever talented loving hands.
Having watched the second episode of Lost Girl from SyFy Suddenly feeling a "hunger" to write a thread around the Bo and Dyson dynamic especially but other characters lurking around to test their slow forming relationship



Jack pokes his head in and looks around. "Nice place. Quiet, out of the way, with a great view."

Lost Girl... haven't watched it yet... I take it you are liking it?