
Dietrich K.

Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2002
So a pirate walks into a bar, sits down and orders a drink. The bartender notices that the pirate has a captain's wheel down his pants. He says to the pirate, "Hey, do you know you have a captain's wheel down your pants? Doesn't it hurt?"

And the pirate says, "Arrrr, it's drivin' me nuts!"
Aye, me bucco... arrrgh...

Have you heard about the new pirate movie? It’s rated AARRRRGGH!

How much does it cost a pirate to get a piercing? A buck an ear!

Why did the pirate go on vacation? He needed some AARRRRGGH and AARRRRGGH!

How did the pirate stop smoking? He used the patch!

Did you hear about the pirate who scored 20,000 points for the Lakers? His name was Kareem Abdul JabAARRRRGGH!

What is piratophobia? Fear of a sunken chest!

What’s a pirate’s favorite country? AARRRRGGHentina!

What do you call a pirate that skips class? Captain Hooky!

What Star Wars character is really a pirate? AARRRRGGH-2 D-2!

What’s a pirate always looking for, even though it’s right behind him? His booty!

What does a gourmet pirate add to his dinner? A gAARRRRGGHnish!

How much did the pirate pay for his peg leg and hook? An arm and a leg!

What’s a pirate’s second favorite mode of transportation? A cAARRRRGGH! (to which one member of the club replied, “So, um, what’s a pirate’s first favorite mode of transportation?” “A ship, duh.”)

What kind of socks does a pirate wear? AARRRRGGHyle!

What has 8 arms and 8 legs? Eight pirates!
If we must, we must ...

A kid goes up to a pirate and asks "How did you lose your leg?"

"Arrr ... I was sailing the seven seas and a shark bit it off!"

"And why do you have a hook for a hand?"

"Arrr .. I was a-whaling and got in the way of a harpoon!"

"And how did you lose your eye?"

"Arrrr ... I looked up and a bird pooped in it."

"A bird pooped in it?"

"Arrr ... yes. It was the first day with the hook."