Around Midnight


May 30, 2013
Randy Newman could not imagine what had possessed him to go along with his roommate's scheme. Hours before they had been in their dorm room, playing Dungeons and Dragons Now they were riding around in a hearse, at midnight, in the old abandoned cemetary across town.

Randy was a tall, good looking fellow with dark brown hair in a short haircut. His unfortunate plastic glasses did not help his looks though. He was in decent shape from lifting weights. He kept in such good shape for is Society For Creative Anachronism bouts. That damned plate mail was heavy!

The evening had started innocently enough. Reg had intruduce him to a friend from back home named Betsy. With her flaming red hair and infectious laugh she had been a good edition to the game. After all, have a girl play, and girl play, with them was fucking awesome. He hadn't gotten a good look at her because he was to nervous to do so, but his impression was that she was cute.

They had played for a few hours, and drank a few beers, before Betsy volunteered to take them on a beer run in her car. Seeing as his was a shit bucket, Randy thought this a brilliant idea.

Two hours later, Reg was passed out drunk in the back and Randy was nervously smoking a Lucky Strike and wondering what the world was coming to. Her car had turned out to be a long, black hearse and her taste in music ran toward Marilyn Manson and Rasputina, whoever that was. Being more of a Ben Fold's Five sort of fellow, and never really a fan of the Shinning or the Exorcist, he was unnerved, so say the least.

The radio was playing some morbid song about a year without a summer, filled with cellos and ghostly female voices. His death stick was down to a nub and his pack was empty. He was in a hearse with a strange ass red head, a case of beer and a sad excuse for a roommate. What else could go wrong?

(Pm me before joining. I am not sure if this is When Harry Met Sally or Night of the Living Dead, but I am looking for quirky and fun writing.)
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Betsy as she was called was a slender extremely pale almost ghost like skin coloring with a secret that was going to be revealed to her friends and gaming buddies here very soon.
Looking into the back seeing her old friend passed out cold Betsy looked to Randy.
So Randy you want to know a secret?
Besty would smile flashing pearl white teeth as she reached into his shirt pocket pulling his lucky strike free and firing two up handing one back to him all the while Reg remained passed out.
"I ain't sure. Your not planning to sacrifice me, are you?"

Randy took the cigarette from her and smoked it nervously. He was joking, of course, but still very nervous. He had stolen some glances at Betsy now and realize she was pretty, in a ghostly sort of way.

The hearse continued around the cemetary, blaring its creepy music.
No not unless you are scared by things you don't know or understand Randy.
Changes the radio station her fingers almost appearing to go through the nob as she did.
Never liked that song much, now this is much better.
A song by the Cruxshadows, Birthday (fyi many others only one but none I can think of that works right now however) came on.
Smiling yup that's tomorrow or wait no that's today.
Looking at the clock on the dash it was 2AM which meant that really in less then 5 hours she would in fact be 21 (hope not too old but figured she is buying the booze).
Watching a while longer as Randy stared at her Besty smiled and leaned in kissing his lips quickly more a peck then anything but even at that he would feel the coldness of her lips yet her breath was warm.
Randy was more than a little surprised by her kissing him. After all, pretty strangers did not just do that. "Ah, O.K. I expected a secret, not that." His lips tingled where she had kissed him. He resisted the urge to touch his lips and instead cleared his throat.

"Ya, I really wasn't." He leaned forward and kissed her back with a little bit of pressure." After all, she could not get to mad at him, when she had just done the same.
Betsy would deepen the kiss even more wrapping cold arms and hands around his back area.
The kiss lasted a good while before it was broken and Betsy looked at Randy pointing into the back seat and the still passed out roommate person.
So did he tell you anything about me, Randy, or was he smart and left it for me to tell you everything?
Either way I still have a secret to tell you.
By now Randy would begin feeling Betsy's cold hand drawing near and nearer to his cock area but it did stop on his upper upper thigh and with her other hand she took his face turned him back to her and kissed him once more before changing the radio station once more and heading into an even darker part of the grave yard itself.
He felt his cock jump at her touch on his leg and told it to behave. "Do tell." He regulated his breathing and prepared to listen. It was hard to condensate with Betsy's hand where it was. Randy was by no means a virgin, but he was not so experienced with women. He had lost his virginity with Sadly Row in the 12th grade. It had been an exiting and awkward experience. Since then there had only been a few girls.
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Betsy would lean in then into Randy's ear, teasing licking the outer part before whispering into it.
Today is my birthday and today I come fully alive.
Betsy would then lean back and wait to see the response this was always the fun part.
Randy was unsure what she meant about coming fully alive, but he wondered at first if she were turning 18. Surely not! She was to mature for that. He himself was 21 and had been for awhile now.

She was so that his geeky side thought that she might be a vampire who would suck his blood to come to life. He did not believe this, but merely thought it. "Well we wiill have to be sure that this is a special evening then. Happy birthday. What do you mean your coming alive though?
I was cursed at the age of 8 to be both living and dead at the same time. My insides alive and my outside well basically dead and ghost like. The one who put the curse on me did not think I would make to see 13 let alone 18 and then 21. Well in.
Looks at clock.
IN like 2 hours from now I will turn 21 and the curse upon me should be lifted and I will either become fully dead or fully alive that I do not know.
That is my secret and what I mean too Randy, so for now I am going to enjoy my time.
Randy would begin to now feels his pants being undone and Betsy hand slipping into them and wrapping around his cock as her eyes first and then her lips locked onto her's.
The hand he felt was ice cold as where Betsy's lips but again her breath was warm and seemed to be growing warmer.
Randy felt himself grow hard. He could not believe what was happening to him. He kissed Betsy back with passion. His tongue slide into her mouth and his hands reached around her to draw her closer. His hands roamed up and down her slender back, thinking she seemed cold. His cock pulse in her hand and expanded.

He deepened their kiss moving his tongue I've her teeth. His hands reached down and cupped her pert buttocks. He pulled her against himself, crushing her hand and his cock between them.
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Breaking the kiss after a long while Betsy would look to Randy.
I hope we can stay this way after my curse is broken. I so would enjoy that.
Just then the roommate in the back seat woke drunker then a skunk preceded to open the car door and try to get out.
Betsy herself reached her still free hand,the one not still working over Randy's cock and jack slapped him back to sleep again and then returned all her attention back to Randy now slowly lower her body and head down.
Randy could not believe the efficiency with which Betsy bitch slapped they friend back to sleep. "Remind me never to piss you off." He reached out again for her, running his hands over her back and hopped she was about to go where he thought she was going.

He felt a little guilty. He was not in love with Betsy yet, but they were going hot and heavy. He had always said that he would only do these things with someone he loved, but now he knew he was about to break that promise.
See a look of uncertainty Betsy would stop looking at Randy for a few seconds as if trying to size him up before speaking.
Yes, I have never been one to mess with which probably explains why I am still alive despite my curse. Now randy tell me something do I make you uncomfortable or are you just new to all of this, and please hold no shame or should I say I will not shame your answer if you say yes to both, but I wish to know.
Betsy would smile again something in face would begin to waver (she changing) as she did so this time but she would be unaware nor would she be aware that her 21st was within moments of now.
Randy almost screamed when she stopped, but managed not to. "No... I mean I'm not a virgin." There was a strange light starting to glow around Betsy's skin and he though that it must be some trick of the moonlight.

Desperate not to break the mood he kissed her again, cupping her face in his hands. "I want this. I want you Betsy."
A smile gleamed on Betsy face then the trick of light Randy thought he saw began playing more as off in the distance a clock striking 3 AM could be heard. All at once Betsy stopped everything and became stone cold only barely speaking.
This is it Randy my 21st birthday is here, and I am unsure what is going to happen.
Betsy would lean in then and begin kissing Randy long and deep as she did Randy would feel her body growing warmer and warmer. Her skin becoming darker well less see through looking for Betsy was still very pale skinned. Her hair and eyes began shifting and growing darker too eyes blue and hair very pale red blonde. It would also seem that Betsy breast and height grew some too which each did her breast by maybe a cup size from a C to a D and her height taking on around 6 inches so that she was now closer to 5 feet 8 inches rather then only 5 feet 2 inches.
As she continued to change Randy would feel her tongue almost serpentine like now snaking around his mouth and her hand now fully real no longer ice cold taking a hold of his cock again and with slow motions begin to jack him off.
Breaking the kiss then just long enough to whisper into Randy's ear, but not what she was doing to his cock.
I am alive and I want the cum from your over flowing cock to be the first thing my hands feel beside that of your cock.
Betsy would then return to deep kissing Randy as her hand continued to work Randy's cock.