Are You Prepared For The Great Depression?


Libertarian Sage
Oct 11, 2022
“... economic growth is slowing down,” explains research fellow EJ Antoni. “Even the areas which contributed positively to gross domestic product (GDP) are not necessarily signs of prosperity. For example, business investment grew at only 1.4 percent in the fourth quarter, but that was almost entirely inventory growth. Nonresidential investment, a key driver of future economic growth, was up just 0.7 percent.”

“Meanwhile, residential investment fell off a cliff,” Antoni continued, “dropping 26.7 percent as consumers were unable to afford the combination of high home prices, high interest rates and falling real incomes. No wonder homeownership affordability has fallen to the lowest level in that metric’s history.”

There was a gain in net exports, but that was largely a mirage created by a major slowdown in international trade. “Imports are simply falling faster than exports, which shows up as an increase in GDP.”

But probably most concerning to Antoni is the sharp decline in real disposable income in 2022, which exceeded $1 trillion.

“This is the second-largest percentage drop in real disposable income ever, behind only 1932, the worst year of the Great Depression,” he observed. “To keep up with inflation, consumers are depleting their savings and burning through the ‘stimulus’ checks they received during 2020 and 2021. Credit card debt continues growing, while savings plummeted $1.6 trillion last year, falling below 2009 levels.”
I'm pretty sure I'm prepared, as long as the Congress and the Administration who brought it on don't find new ways to prolong and deepen it with more unwise "stimulus spending."
So, you have no concerns in the near future about the economy because you read anything but PJMedia?


Residential investment dropped 26.7 percent as consumers were unable to afford the combination of high home prices, high interest rates and falling real incomes.

This is the second-largest percentage drop in real disposable income ever, behind only 1932, the worst year of the Great Depression.

Federal nondefense spending grew 11.2 percent in the fourth quarter, another example of politicians feeding the federal budget while starving the family budget.

(This means nothing to you? What is your counter-argument/source for your "optimism.")
So, you have no concerns in the near future about the economy because you read anything but PJMedia?
That's not what I said.

There's a reason why they are mentioning the Great Depression
Is there a reason that no one else is in the Mainstream Media won't use such language, other than that they are those who side with the Left on most every issue? as the acknowledgement of the storm clouds on the horizon would be a repudiation of current economic philosophy when it comes to our fellows who lean a little more towards Socialism than they do the reality of the results of Socialism?
Is there a reason that no one else is in the Mainstream Media won't use such language, other than that they are those who side with the Left on most every issue? as the acknowledgement of the storm clouds on the horizon would be a repudiation of current economic philosophy when it comes to our fellows who lean a little more towards Socialism than they do the reality of the results of Socialism?
Lol....hyperbole is your answer.
I have been prepping since 2011. Gold and silver will sustain my wealth. My gunz will protect my groceries. Good luck to you.
Anyone that does not have, at the very least, 2 weeks of food on hand at all times is simply not paying attention. I have far more than that, but none of the survivalist food supplies, just regular food that we eat. Whether you believe in the potential of a great depression, or societal collapse, or just simply supply train issues or a truckers strike, you can no longer trust your grocery shopping to stopping at the store every day or every couple of days.
I do own firearms, hopefully all I would need them for is hunting for additional meat. But honestly the best idea is to be invisible right out in the open. I don't tell anyone what I have and that is my best first line security.

I know one or more of the self described superior minds here will say that I'm paranoid, or make some dumb ass comment about a bunker, or whatever. I don't care what they think, but when the bad times come they will be first in line to cry for the government to help them, or attacking their neighbors for food.
I know one or more of the self described superior minds here will say that I'm paranoid, or make some dumb ass comment about a bunker, or whatever. I don't care what they think, but when the bad times come they will be first in line to cry for the government to help them, or attacking their neighbors for food.
I'd call you scared, but not paranoid. Not because of you being prepared for an emergency, everyone should be. That is just good common sense.
No I call you scared, based upon everything you have posted. The preponderance of your attitude if you so choose to call it that.

Why, just look at the last line in your post which I have bolded. That say's it all.
I'd call you scared, but not paranoid. Not because of you being prepared for an emergency, everyone should be. That is just good common sense.
No I call you scared, based upon everything you have posted. The preponderance of your attitude if you so choose to call it that.

Why, just look at the last line in your post which I have bolded. That say's it all.
I'm neither scared, nor paranoid. I say I am prepared for whatever comes my way. I can tell you my having food, and toiletries, and yes even toilet paper, stocked up saved my wife and I from financial ruin when she had breast cancer. She was unable to work for a few months and my income covered our bills and our food and supplies kept us fed and taken care of. So it isn't always fear of the apocalypse as much as it is learning the lessons of those that survived hard times and how they did it. We also have fruit trees and a large vegetable garden and we can and freeze a lot of stuff. We get eggs from a neighbor in exchange for paying for 2 chicken's costs for 2 years. We save a ton of money on eggs. The supply chain is easy to rely on for normal life, we are ready if things go bad, no matter why.

My last line shows no fear, it shows reality. What happens after every major disaster? Civil unrest, rioting, looting, crimes of all sorts, even against their neighbors and businesses that operate in their areas. The calls for help from the government resonate loudly after every disaster and sadly the government has been abysmal at getting help to the people quickly. Reality, not paranoia or fear.
My last line shows no fear, it shows reality.
It does? Who's reality, your's or the one the rest of the world lives in?
What happens after every major disaster?
Depends upon the disaster,now doesn't it? What is gona happen after this ice storm disaster in Texas? Neighbours gona start killing neighbours?
Civil unrest, rioting, looting, crimes of all sorts, even against their neighbors and businesses that operate in their areas.
Really, maybe look over seas, i might suggest trying Ukraine. See any neighbours there killing their neighbours? Not fucking likely. Sorry to bust your bubble, but in times of disaster, people who are civilised pull together. Which is why I stated early, and still state, you're "scared". Period.

If you were in Ukraine, you'd be shitting bricks, hiding behind women I suspect. And that would be a place where you should be out front protecting them. Fuck off with your "I'm just being prepared" rhetoric. That is your fear talking.....we are witnessing a country be devastated today in real time. None of the shit you spew is happening there.
The calls for help from the government resonate loudly after every disaster and sadly the government has been abysmal at getting help to the people quickly. Reality, not paranoia or fear.
You do have a point here, the US government has proven to be "political" in how disasters are handled, based upon where the disaster is, and who is in the Presidents office.
It does? Who's reality, your's or the one the rest of the world lives in?

Depends upon the disaster,now doesn't it? What is gona happen after this ice storm disaster in Texas? Neighbours gona start killing neighbours?

Really, maybe look over seas, i might suggest trying Ukraine. See any neighbours there killing their neighbours? Not fucking likely. Sorry to bust your bubble, but in times of disaster, people who are civilised pull together. Which is why I stated early, and still state, you're "scared". Period.

If you were in Ukraine, you'd be shitting bricks, hiding behind women I suspect. And that would be a place where you should be out front protecting them. Fuck off with your "I'm just being prepared" rhetoric. That is your fear talking.....we are witnessing a country be devastated today in real time. None of the shit you spew is happening there.

You do have a point here, the US government has proven to be "political" in how disasters are handled, based upon where the disaster is, and who is the Presidents office.
Frankly, you don't know shit about me. You don't like my answers so you attack, insult, and infer a bunch of BULL SHIT to make yourself look so fucking cool. Sorry ass face it doesn't sell here. So FUCK OFF, or don't, I don't care.

By the way, to support what I said look at the last LA riots where store owners were protecting their businesses and their very lives against looters and rioters. Also look at Katrina where looting of homes and businesses occurred, and rape and violent crimes were occurring even in the temporary shelters. So No I don't believe the ice storms will lead to that, but don't be a dumb ass and say it never occurs.

Just for reference I live in the USA, not Ukraine, so other than having empathy for the citizens of the Ukraine and supporting our government giving them military equipment for their fight you whole tantrum was irrelevant and frankly stupid.
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They're not predicting a recession.....they're predicting the great recession. Because you wouldn't click on a mild recession.
Frankly, you don't know shit about me. You don't like my answers so you attack, insult, and infer a bunch of BULL SHIT to make yourself look so fucking cool. Sorry ass face it doesn't sell here. So FUCK OFF, or don't, I don't care.
Sorry that you "can't handle my opinion", based upon the preponderance of the post you have made here. Grow the fuck up.
By the way, to support what I said look at the last LA riots where store owners were protecting their businesses and their very lives against looters and rioters. Also look at Katrina where looting of homes and businesses occurred, and rape and violent crimes were occurring even in the temporary shelters. So No I don't believe the ice storms will lead to that, but don't be a dumb ass and say it never occurs.
Which is why I pointed out, people react to disasters in different ways, compared to your blanket statement below, which you seem to claim happens AFTER every disaster. That is blatantly false! Tough shit if you don't like your own stupidity being thrown back in your face.
What happens after every major disaster? Civil unrest, rioting, looting, crimes of all sorts, even against their neighbors and businesses that operate in their areas.

Just for reference I live in the USA, not Ukraine, so other than having empathy for the citizens of the Ukraine and supporting our government giving them military equipment for their fight you whole tantrum was irrelevant and frankly stupid.
No, I am pointing out "you're scared", and hypothetically stating how I think you would react if you were in their situation. That is not a "temper tantrum" on my part.

The whole world can see the turmoil in Ukraine, a country that was a mostly stable Democracy, invaded by it's neighbour.
A disaster of epic scale.
Nothing of which you claimed that happens after a "disaster" has occurred. Why? Maybe because you're wrong and just scared.

Or you are implying is the US society is so unstable, that any "disaster" will lead to your post below?
Civil unrest, rioting, looting, crimes of all sorts, even against their neighbors and businesses that operate in their areas.
Sorry but I have a bit more faith in Americans rallying around each other in a major disaster over the few times riots etc have broken out after a few racially charged events.
Sorry that you "can't handle my opinion", based upon the preponderance of the post you have made here. Grow the fuck up.
How about you FUCK OFF if you don't like what I post? You aren't forced to read what I post. Other than your replies to me I don't read what ypou post.

Which is why I pointed out, people react to disasters in different ways, compared to your blanket statement below, which you seem to claim happens AFTER every disaster. That is blatantly false! Tough shit if you don't like your own stupidity being thrown back in your face.

I'lllet you win this one. I guess I don't consider some of the things you call disasters true disasters. I lived most of my life in Wiscvonsin where ice storms, blizzards, deep snow and sub zero weather was considered a normal winter.

No, I am pointing out "you're scared", and hypothetically stating how I think you would react if you were in their situation. That is not a "temper tantrum" on my part.

No where did I say how I'd react other than to live off my supplies while just in time grocery shoppers would end up looting, robbing their neighbors,or crying to the government in times of emergency.

The whole world can see the turmoil in Ukraine, a country that was a mostly stable Democracy, invaded by it's neighbour.
A disaster of epic scale.
Nothing of which you claimed that happens after a "disaster" has occurred. Why? Maybe because you're wrong and just scared.

Or you are implying is the US society is so unstable, that any "disaster" will lead to your post below?

Sorry but I have a bit more faith in Americans rallying around each other in a major disaster over the few times riots etc have broken out after a few racially charged events.

If you can't see the difference between a country at war rallying around itself in the battle to survive and the civil unrest of the the past few years in the US then there really is no point trying to have an adult conversation with you. I am not scared of anything happening in my area. Neighbors here watch out for each other and help each other. But then again we aren't anywhere near a major shit hole city like New York, Chicago, LA, Seatle, and more.
I can't wait for your next post of rambling nonsense. Because you can't help yourself.
I'm optimistic. Wildly optimisitic about the US's economic prospects over the next decade. Will their be bumps? Sure. But thank God I'm not living in Europe or Asia or Africa or South America. Or Mexico. And, let's face it, smart money is on my side, with the 10-year only at a paltry 3.5%. Further, let's face it, if you think smart money is wrong, then the only reasonable thing to do is to stockpile ammo.
Anyone that does not have, at the very least, 2 weeks of food on hand at all times is simply not paying attention. I have far more than that, but none of the survivalist food supplies, just regular food that we eat. Whether you believe in the potential of a great depression, or societal collapse, or just simply supply train issues or a truckers strike, you can no longer trust your grocery shopping to stopping at the store every day or every couple of days.
I do own firearms, hopefully all I would need them for is hunting for additional meat. But honestly the best idea is to be invisible right out in the open. I don't tell anyone what I have and that is my best first line security.

I know one or more of the self described superior minds here will say that I'm paranoid, or make some dumb ass comment about a bunker, or whatever. I don't care what they think, but when the bad times come they will be first in line to cry for the government to help them, or attacking their neighbors for food.
I have been prepping since 2011. Gold and silver will sustain my wealth. My gunz will protect my groceries. Good luck to you.
I have a six-month supply on hand, more if I ration and take a deer or two and they are plentiful here.
Additionally, I have enough ammunition for a minor firefight and water purification units and a pond to draw from.

I also have stored away gold and silver (in a big Liberty™ safe) and I am fond of gold chains because the links can be separated for barter. I also have coins and bars.

My neighbors are decent country folk who are also provisioned. All it takes is one good storm to put us out of power and light for a week or two, so every room has at least one kerosine lamp and matches within easy reach and constantly replenished as needed.

Deep freezes are kept as full as possible to keep food frozen for as long as possible and some of the deer always goes to making jerky.

I like that. Superior minds verses Suspicious Minds

Earliest motto learned: Be Prepared
But even the Boy Scouts had to be emasculated...
I'm optimistic. Wildly optimisitic about the US's economic prospects over the next decade. Will their be bumps? Sure. But thank God I'm not living in Europe or Asia or Africa or South America. Or Mexico. And, let's face it, smart money is on my side, with the 10-year only at a paltry 3.5%. Further, let's face it, if you think smart money is wrong, then the only reasonable thing to do is to stockpile ammo.
Long term, yes. Not so much so over the short term.
And a thought on the serious charge of paranoia. Paranoia, especially societal and cultural paranoia is a good thing to those whom have spent a modicum of time studying history. Nations and cultures tend to collapse almost overnight and take peoples by surprise, because, like the frog being boiled slowly, internal rot happens so gradually as to be noticed by only a very few who are not completely focused on either survival or the passions and desires of the moment (poor verses affluent conditions). It is always with hindsight, as in the fall of Rome, that we can isolate and identify the nature of the decay. Among these are an abandonment of traditional mores, depletion of resources and monetary inflation (and I would argue, especially the latter).

Even as we enjoy unparalleled leisure and luxury in the here and now, the seeds of our inevitable demise have already been sown and are evident to the historian, but unimaginable to the rest of the population, so paranoia is not an untoward attribute, but an actual nod to reality.
Preparedness is like buying auto insurance. You're not looking forward to a crash, but you're covered in case the crash occurs.