ARe you a kind person?


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
Are you only kind to your friends?

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?

How do you measure kindness?

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?

So many questions....pick and chose!
kind person

hi miss taken

1 i try to be friends to everyone yes

2 is a very very definate yes

3 yes i have giving a blind man a dollor ever brought him a drink

4 i dont measure kindness i dont think u can measure it

5 yes on an occasioni thought about it but i cant change

:rose: :rose: biggbear8
MissTaken said:

Are you only kind to your friends?
No I am not just kind to my friends

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?
Yes I am, even if they step all over me.

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?
Not only would I give him a dollar, I would bye him breakfast, lunch or dinner.

How do you measure kindness?
You don't measure comes from the heart.

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?
No it is not me to be unkind.

So many questions....pick and chose!
I am always nice.

I am even nice when I want to rip someone's head off and shit down their neck.

Sometimes, it is hard to be nice, but it pays off in the end.


Does anyone want to play nice with nice lil ole me?
MissTaken said:
Are you only kind to your friends?

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?

How do you measure kindness?

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?

So many questions....pick and chose!

Friends? What are those?

The only risk is in being caught. :)

Yep, I'd throw that dollar coin in there, and grab the $2.35 that comes flying out from the concussive effect. :)

In feet. The number of feet the blind man's dog travels after I punt it.

Sometimes.... sometimes I think instead of kicking the blind man's dog, I should kick the dog *and* the drunk homeless guy asking for change. And then when he looks up at me, I'll say "Can you break a 100? No? Oh well." :D
nice lil troll said:
I am always nice.

I am even nice when I want to rip someone's head off and shit down their neck.

Sometimes, it is hard to be nice, but it pays off in the end.


Does anyone want to play nice with nice lil ole me?

I thought that is what I have been doing. AHHHHHAAAAAA
I know who it is now.
MissTaken said:
Are you only kind to your friends?

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?

How do you measure kindness?

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?

So many questions....pick and chose!

1) Yes, until they don't deserve it, then I am just lukewarm
2)Yes, if I have $2
3)I don't. I just try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
4)No, so far, kindness has worked, and people get the hint with lukewarm.

good thread!
Re: Re: ARe you a kind person?

Harmless Pig said:

1) Yes, until they don't deserve it, then I am just lukewarm
2)Yes, if I have $2
3)I don't. I just try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
4)No, so far, kindness has worked, and people get the hint with lukewarm.

good thread!

Whoops! Missed #1 No, not just to my friends
Are you only kind to your friends?
*No, I think I am fairly kind to most people that have been put in my journey of life...for the most part.

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?
*Yes, I am naive but getting stronger. I trust people too much and really give them more credit than they have earned.

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?
*I have and will do again. I have fed the hungry when my cupboards were bare. Honestly.

How do you measure kindness?
*Kindness is immeasurable. You reap what you sow. Give out kindness it comes back to you. Random acts of kindness are born in the heart of loving and affectionate people.

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?
*Not necessarily unkind per se. But I have definately come to a realization that I need to be a bit less naive.

Great thread as always sweet T. :kiss:
Are you only kind to your friends?
I am kind to my friends, but not just to my friends.

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?
No, some do not deserve kindness.

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?
If I have a dollar, I give it.

How do you measure kindness?
How a person treats waitresses, janitors, secretaries, etc.

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?
No, I do just fine.

I try to be kind each day to someone that I know has not received affirmation for a while. We all need it and I try to give it when I can. I try to recognize good deeds and everyday kindnesses. :)
MissTaken said:
Are you only kind to your friends?

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?

How do you measure kindness?

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?

So many questions....pick and chose!

No, I'm kind to everyone. Especially the mean ones. (ticks them off good)

Yes, I believe everyone deserves a spot of kindness in their day and this might be the only one they get.

Have, do and will again. And buy food for the guy with the sign that says 'will work for food'

You can only measure kindness in how much it fills your heart as you give it away. The more you give, the fuller the heart.

No, never. That would make me the same as them and I won't give in to that.
I have been told that the term "mean and nasty bastard" is most appropriate in my case.
MissTaken said:
Are you only kind to your friends?

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?

How do you measure kindness?

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?

So many questions....pick and chose!

I'm cursed/blessed/blessed/cursed with being a nice guy...

Can the blind man play the blues? I'd be happy to give him a harmonica and play along then.

To do a good deed in the hopes of return means you weren't doing the deed to be good but to get paid in some ways.


MissTaken said:
Are you only kind to your friends?

Friendship means alot to me and I don't take it lightly. I believe I am very kind to my friends and others.

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

Yes, I believe there is kindness in everyone and so if I give it, it might be returned.

Would you give the blind man with a tin cup a dollar?

Yes, I would and have given my last one to many.

How do you measure kindness?

I don't measure it.

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?

Well I have to say I have been very kind to some people and gotten slapped in the face. So I guess so.

So many questions....pick and chose!

Miss Taken.... Your threads are always kind and enjoyable. :rose:
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MissTaken said:
Are you only kind to your friends?
no..everyone deserves kindness

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

I try to be

Would you give the blind man with a tin cup a dollar?
yes and also the time to talk to him

How do you measure kindness?
agree with angel dont measure it..its not something that is finite anyway

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?
not so far

So many questions....pick and chose!

Are you only kind to your friends?

Only kind to your friends isn't kind. It's phony.

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

I try, but sometimes being human and a parent and husband causes me to choose the safer option.

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?

No, but I would buy him a meal.

How do you measure kindness?

It's only measurable in one;s heart, really.

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?

I've felt that way, but after years walking through train and bus stations in NYC and scoffing at homeless people, I began to wonder what kind of monster I had become. So I moved to Virginia. LOL
WEll, there are certainly times that I wish I were thicker skinned or could simply walk away from someon in need.

Perhaps, that makes me less than kind, but I have been taken advantage of because of my altruistic nature on many occasions.

IT doesn't really matter.

I will continue to be kind to everyone.

I will give the blind man a buck, if I have it.

I will pray for friends and strangers in need.

And will just continue to be who I am.

Re: Re: ARe you a kind person?

kikmosa said:

Have, do and will again. And buy food for the guy with the sign that says 'will work for food'


(now what did I do with my sign.... " Will work for sex!")
Are you only kind to your friends?

~ I'm a kind person by nature, which means I treat EVERYONE the same.

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

~ Oh yes, I sometimes see risks but weigh them up against the good that can be done.

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?

~ More than that, I've sent $100 to an online friend who was in need.

How do you measure kindness?

~ By how good I feel. And I feel good helping people.

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?

~ No, not unkind... but more savy perhaps. I'm too ready to believe at times, when I should question.
1. I try to be kind to everyone..... it makes me feel good to know something like a simple "hello" can mean so much to some people
2. Yes...I think the satisfaction of being kind is greater than the risk
3. Yes i would help someone in need if I could
4.I don't measure kindness.... I give it freely from the heart and in most situations it is returned ,if not I would still much rather give than to receive
5.Not more unkind but maybe a little more cautious...but i'm a very trusting person so it's hard to doubt something that feels right
MissTaken said:

Now, I dont' believe that, sweet friend!

Ask my ex-wife. She'd be happy to tell you, and in a condescending manner, too
mbb308 said:

Ask my ex-wife. She'd be happy to tell you, and in a condescending manner, too

I know my ex would tell you I am a miserable bitch.

Well, what do they really know about us now?

EX being the operative part of the word :D
MissTaken said:
Are you only kind to your friends?

Are you kind to everyone regardless of the risks involved for you?

Would you give teh blind man with a tin cup a dollar?

How do you measure kindness?

Have you ever felt that you need to learn to be more unkind on occasion?

So many questions....pick and chose!

1) I try to be kind to all around me.... even those I know don't like me!
2) I try to live by the saying "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" When you give someone a smile then your blessed with smiles back at you. When I am acting bitchy I hope someone would put me in my place!
3) When I have the extra money I always give... it only comes back to you tenfold. But sometimes I just don't have it to give.
4) Kindness cannot be measured.
5) No... but I have learnt the difference in being kind to someone and letting them walk all over me.

Thanks for starting a thread like this... so nice to see so many kind and pleasant people out here!