Are you a cat or a dog person?

I like both and have both but i prefer cats to dogs, they're just a blast to watch and play with
Response: Meow.

Why? Cats are far more independent than dogs.
I have 3 cats.

I like dogs, too, but not the smelly kind. Smelly dogs make me feel dirty and gross if I pet them.
I prefer dogs as long as they're big enough to actually qualify. Little dogs terrify me.
<--- Look.

Difference between cats and dogs:

Dogs think since we clean them, feed them, shelter them and play with them, that we are gods.

Cats think since we clean them, feed them, shelter them and
play with them, that, therefore, they are gods.

Dogs, I used to have a 150lb Rottweiler, but I gave it to my Mother. Good dog, trained guard dog, who obeys both hand and verbal commands. Would never hurt anybody, unless commanded to by a two stage defense command or if someone directly assaulted a member of "her" pack. We all went to classes for months to train that dog.
I'm just an animal person. 2 dogs with puppies on the way, 1 cat, 2 ferrits, and 3 horses. Chicken and goats coming soon.
I love cats! They are my favorite animal. They are always doing something either cool and sort of haughty, or fun and cute. It's so amazing to get a cat from when it is a kitten and raise just know like everything about how they act. My last cat was a siamese, but she was part orange cat, so her markings were orange color...peach sort of. She was a blast, a real hellion. Cats have so much personality.
Johny Dawg

Dog person here. Why, you may ask? Because dogs are man's best friend. Besides, we are known by women calling us "Dogs", in my case: "Dawg" :p
superlittlegirl said:

I saw a woman at Gay Pride wearing a T-shirt that read "SAVE TREES. EAT A BEAVER." Cool, eh?

not as cool as your AV, you mind putting your hair up?
HeavyStick said:

cool, I'm sorry I forgot to say "please";)

I wonder if I could use the faux pas you just committed as leverage to persuade you to put that lovely ass av back up? The monkey makes me dizzy.
superlittlegirl said:

I wonder if I could use the faux pas you just committed as leverage to persuade you to put that lovely ass av back up? The monkey makes me dizzy.

you have to repeat what you just said.... I'm distracted by your hands and my mind is in overdrive right now...