Are the 'Pubs TRYING to get voted out?


Dec 31, 2009
Why else would .....

Republicans block cap on insulin costs for many Americans from Democratic deal
NBC News|12 minutes ago
Republicans stripped out a provision to cap insulin costs at $35 for private insurers, but the Inflation Reduction Act still includes an insulin price cap for seniors on Medicare.

Inflation Reduction Act: Senate GOP Blocks Insulin Price Caps For Private Insurance As Democrats Aim To Pass Economic Bill
Forbes|30 minutes ago
The Senate has spent more than 12 hours debating amendments to the $430 billion Inflation Reduction Act, a landmark climate, tax and healthcare bill Democrats aim to pass Sunday afternoon using the Senate's reconciliation rules,
they've an uphill battle convincing so many of their elderly AARP-status voters on this one: they've been running adds like crazy trying to convince these voters that allowing Medicare to bargain for lowest prices it'll mean THEY can't get the medicines THEY need. The AARP, however, are very supportive of the bill because they KNOW it'll benefit their members enormously... so the voters have to choose who to believe, the politicians or their beloved AARP.
I inject insulin three times a day. The cost to me under the NHS? My taxes and nothing at the time of collecting the pens.

If I weren't a pensioner? Maximum £10 for a pack of 4 pens, reduced if I buy a 'season' ticket as a regular user of NHS medication.
they've an uphill battle convincing so many of their elderly AARP-status voters on this one: they've been running adds like crazy trying to convince these voters that allowing Medicare to bargain for lowest prices it'll mean THEY can't get the medicines THEY need. The AARP, however, are very supportive of the bill because they KNOW it'll benefit their members enormously... so the voters have to choose who to believe, the politicians or their beloved AARP.
AARP is a for profit business and because of that has one overriding principle: do what is best for their members. Ain't even close which one I would believe.

This is something I am used to living in Ohio — these are people who just don't worry about reprisals from the voters. Hell, Grandpa Grassley is out there complaining about Senate votes cutting into his month-long vacation, and he's actually up for reelection. That's the kind of thing that in the past would have been considered political suicide, but not in the era of cult politics.
Things like this just fuck me off, and yeah, sometime the GOP is it's own worst enemy. People are dying because they can't afford insulin. Yet another rreason to vote UltraMaga candidates instead of frigging rino's.
Democrats had sought to overrule a decision from the Senate rules official, the parliamentarian, that a $35-per-month limit on insulin costs under private insurances did not comply with the budget reconciliation process, which allowed Democrats to pass their bill with a bare majority.

"Lying Dems and their friends in corporate media are at it again, distorting a Democrat 'gotcha' vote. In reality, the Dems wanted to break Senate rules to pass insulin pricing cap instead of going through regular order," Wisconsin Republican Ron Johnson tweeted afterward, noting that he previously "voted for an amendment, that Dems blocked, to provide insulin at cost to low-income Americans."

The parliamentarian had said the insulin cap would violate the Byrd Rule, which requires that a measure have an effect on the federal budget that is not "merely incidental" in order to qualify to pass through reconciliation.
Democratic Rep. Bill Pascrell, of New Jersey, said on Twitter that Republicans "told millions of Americans who use insulin to go to hell. Remember their names."
The 43 Republicans who voted against the price cap are:
  • John Barrasso, WY
  • Marsha Blackburn, TN
  • Roy Blunt, MO
  • John Boozman, AR
  • Mike Braun, IN
  • Richard Burr, NC
  • Shelly Moore Capito, WV
  • John Cornyn, TX
  • Tom Cotton, AR
  • Kevin Cramer, ND
  • Mike Crapo, ID
  • Ted Cruz, TX
  • Steve Daines, MT
  • Joni Ernst, IA
  • Deb Fischer, NE
  • Lindsey Graham, SC
  • Chuck Grassley, IA
  • Bill Hagerty, TN
  • John Hoeven, ND
  • Jim Inhofe, OK
  • Ron Johnson, WI
  • James Lankford, OK
  • Mike Lee, UT
  • Cynthia Lummis, WY
  • Roger Marshall, KS
  • Mitch McConnell, KY
  • Jerry Moran, KS
  • Rand Paul, KY
  • Rob Portman, OH
  • Jim Risch, ID
  • Mitt Romney, UT
  • Mike Rounds, SD
  • Marco Rubio, FL
  • Ben Sasse, NE
  • Rick Scott, FL
  • Tim Scott, SC
  • Richard Shelby, AL
  • John Thune, SD
  • Thom Tillis, NC
  • Patrick Toomey, PA
  • Tommy Tuberville, AL
  • Roger Wicker, MS
  • Todd Young, IN
they've an uphill battle convincing so many of their elderly AARP-status voters on this one: they've been running adds like crazy trying to convince these voters that allowing Medicare to bargain for lowest prices it'll mean THEY can't get the medicines THEY need. The AARP, however, are very supportive of the bill because they KNOW it'll benefit their members enormously... so the voters have to choose who to believe, the politicians or their beloved AARP.
Sen. Rick Scott was on Face the Nation to make the argument that pharma companies need high profits in order to save lives. Margaret Brennan was having none of that.
People should learn how to read and understand before attacking the GOP;

"Republicans argued the insulin price cap did not fall under the rules for reconciliation bills, after Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough said the provision did not relate to the federal budget (reconciliation bills must deal with budgetary legislation in order to bypass the 60-vote filibuster rule and pass with a simple majority vote)."

Democrats don't give a shit about laws and rules, but it is the rule.
People should learn how to read and understand before attacking the GOP;

"Republicans argued the insulin price cap did not fall under the rules for reconciliation bills, after Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough said the provision did not relate to the federal budget (reconciliation bills must deal with budgetary legislation in order to bypass the 60-vote filibuster rule and pass with a simple majority vote)."

Democrats don't give a shit about laws and rules, but it is the rule.
The vote was to waive the budgetary rules for the insulin provision.
Joe Biden's big spending bill will be remembered as the National Stagflation Act. That's where we're going and 51 Democrats are driving the bus.
they got 6 or 7 repubs last time... Schumer's doing this well: the Senators have had time to receive plenty of public backlash over this which should drive the numbers of yes votes upwards... but if it still fails to reach the 60 mark required, the republicans can be DOUBLE-BLAMED come midterms. love it, and hope it does get waived then passed into law.
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The vote was to waive the budgetary rules for the insulin provision.
Rightguard is not very bright to begin with, but when you add Democrats outmaneuvering his team for the last several weeks, he starts babbling even more incoherently.

It's so delicious seeing the Deplorables melt down. And they keep sending in donations to pay Donald for more Kool Aid.
The Pubs are neglecting the meat of the issue. College is a racket now, like healthcare. They could put some effort into warning kids about ruining their lives with debt. But that may piss off some donors, the racketeers.
On the insulin issue, we could start with healthier diets to prevent diabetes. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup in everything is a constant assault on the kidneys and pancreas. Even plain white rice is a diabetes factor. Brown rice is stripped of its nutrients to make white rice with a longer shelf life. What's left is starchy sugar, so people on rice diets are soon hungry again. Healthier diet will eventually be all we can do about that, as making and storing insulin becomes too expensive for most people.
I don't think the Republicans are trying to get themselves voted down--because they are rabid enough not to notice the effect of what they are trying to do--but I do think they are contributing heavily to their own losses in coming elections.