are all democrats evil?

We knoe that they are jealous and mentally defective ... but are they evil?

I think they mean well. I think they truly want everyone to have everything.....but I also think they are unwilling to understand the this just cannot happen. Life is not fair and never will be.

I do think that there are some (in DC, for example) who have such a love for power, control and money that they have not one single idea what they are doing to actual people.

Those people are evil in that they are too self-centered to see beyond their own self-unimportance.
I think they mean well. I think they truly want everyone to have everything.....but I also think they are unwilling to understand the this just cannot happen. Life is not fair and never will be.

I do think that there are some (in DC, for example) who have such a love for power, control and money that they have not one single idea what they are doing to actual people.

Those people are evil in that they are too self-centered to see beyond their own self-unimportance.


Just saying