Are all cats insane?

Nah, mine are too. But I got the ferret just to really drive them over the edge. It's complete now.

Dont tell Glam, but my cat is a boy and he kisses me all the time.....and uses a little too much tongue if you ask me.:D
The more insane the cat, the more fun they can be.

Hey Sterling thanks for the photoshop file info the other day....I found it and loaded it all I need to do is learn it....thanks!
no all cats are insane. mine was running after invisible things today and jumping and scurrying off.. althought.. he does have some fried brain cells since his incident with the paint thinner.
All the cats I have come across have been thoroughly insane. Wow, yeah every single one.
I have had two cats follow one object (that me and my husband could not see) at the same time. head turn with the others. It was freaky to watch
Next door neighbor's cat...ignore it and it starts ripping back and forth... down the hall; then back again at breakneck speed.
tyme said:
I have had two cats follow one object (that me and my husband could not see) at the same time. head turn with the others. It was freaky to watch

my cat BEGS.. rather funny but I'm too nice and cant say NO.
It's all a game they play, these cats. They are lulling us into a sense of false security. We think, cute. Actually, it's some evil plan they all have to destroy mankind. Haven't you ever noticed how cats decide to be all lovey dovey just as you are heading downstairs? They rub around your legs, and purr. You think they are showing you how much they love you.. but noooo.. They are actually thinking, "If I time this right, she'll go down those stairs ass over teakettle." It's true, I tell you!

Get a dog. They're dumber.

(I have a cat, actually. He's very sweet and I love him dearly, even if he does try to send me headfirst down the stairs.)