arbitration ruling says lindell is on the hook for the $5M he promised to be proven wrong


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
so mouthy, unhinged lindell famously offered $5M to anyone who could prove his figures about voting claims wrong. An expert took him up on that and did so... lindell had refused to pay out so it went to arbitration.
In its decision, the panel said: “The data Lindell LLC provided, and represented reflected information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data.”

Based on its analysis, the panel said, “Mr Zeidman performed under the contract … Failure to pay Mr Zeidman the $5m prized was a breach of the contract, entitling him to recover.”

Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond, Virginia, told the Guardian: “The contest rules provided in the arbitration stated that disputes were to be ‘resolved exclusively by final and binding arbitration’ and observed that arbitration ‘is subject to very limited review by courts’. Thus, Lindell cannot directly appeal the arbitration panel ruling to a court.
Meanwhile, the Dems are desperate to dump Biden and Harris, without admitting the colossal error of nominating them.
I'm still waiting for the lieutenant governor of Texas to fork over the promised money on a conviction of voter fraud. The lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania came up with the goods--convicted Republicans--and claimed the prize. Has the Texas lieutenant governor delivered? Why, of course not. He was hunting for Democrats. And it's just Republicans who have been found doing it.
The man clearly has no family or friends that care enough about Mike Lindell to get him the help he so obviously needs. He also has incompetent lawyers who don't tell him to "Shut up!" or he ignores their advice. If he wasn't so negatively impacting America's politics it would either be comical or tragic.
  • A judge ordered Mike Lindell to pay the attorney fees of a man who won his "Prove Mike Wrong" contest.
  • Lindell owes Robert Zeidman $4,508 in attorney fees, according to a Thursday court order.
  • A judge already ordered Lindell to pay Zeidman the $5 million prize money.


Foster ruled in partial favor of Zeidman this week, ordering Lindell to pay a portion of his requested attorney's fees and knocking down the hourly rate.

"Based on the information in the record and the Court's own knowledge and experience regarding prevailing market rates, and taking into account the uncomplicated nature of this discovery dispute, the Court concludes that an hourly rate of $400 per hour is most in line with those prevailing in the community for similar services," Foster wrote.

The judge also applied a 30% deduction to Zeidman's counsel hours, saying his discovery requests were overbroad.
seems fair
  • A judge ordered Mike Lindell to pay the attorney fees of a man who won his "Prove Mike Wrong" contest.
  • Lindell owes Robert Zeidman $4,508 in attorney fees, according to a Thursday court order.
  • A judge already ordered Lindell to pay Zeidman the $5 million prize money.


seems fair
Best part of the article was that Lindell’s lawyers refuse to work for him any longer because Lindell hasn’t paid them.
Time for bankruptcy
If he had a wife, did she abandon his ass soon enough ??
Time to get a room at Marlago with his lover. Oh? No room there for a loser! But!! You took in Rudy!!