Apparently the "ignore expiriment" is working.


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
All the trolls are being forced to post unregistered so people see them. lmao It's quite sad really. Funny! But sad.

Cool thing is it's also taking the sting out of "unregistered".
now, if we could just have a feature to ignore all guests . . .
The problem is that every now and then, some Unreg has something legitimate to say, or a legitimite problem.

On the plus side, since Yoyo has (apparently) been gone, there have been less "Help, I'm an American Whore married to an Indian man whose family is controlling..." type threads.
The only time I ever see an unregistered post that mattered is when that person starts a thread. So the trolls can just be weeded out through thread titles. Not always, but for the most part, and if not by the title than by the first post.
Yes it would be a shame to lose thos posts Raw, but I wouldn't cry over it.
It's true. The "takeover" isn't happening, and they're getting seriously pissed. LOL

I love winning.
There's actually a cool side affect. If it keeps up then all unregistered insults will be dismissed as ignorable trolls and people will have to flame others under their registered name to be acknowledged. As it should be.
I wonder if the "trolls" are laughing at you for having made you use your ignore feature.

And having made you start another thread about them

Just a thought
No, trolls laugh when you feed them, see you're doing it now. Sure there might be some short term satisfaction from being ignored, but that's only good as long as you're being pointedly ignored. The feature will mean people simply stop thinking about them, and that is exactly what the attention craving little fools hate.
Problem Child said:
Did you decide who you're voting for yet?

I'm not hating this Jill Stein woman. She's the Green Party candidate and I like her stance on Healthcare and I'm reading up on her ideas on education now. She won't win, but at least my vote would help make the point that a two party system ain't cuttin' it.
I can't decide on the fucking Governor. They're both so awful. I swear to God I'm thisclose to voting Libertarian.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I can't decide on the fucking Governor. They're both so awful. I swear to God I'm thisclose to voting Libertarian.

I thought that was a joke the first time I read it...
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I can't decide on the fucking Governor. They're both so awful. I swear to God I'm thisclose to voting Libertarian.

Are you mocking me or is this simply a probelm on both coasts? lol
We've got two incompetent pussies who can't seem to actually run anything vying for Governor, and for the life of me I can't figure out how they got here.

Actually, I can. They have money.
Unregistered said:
I wonder if the "trolls" are laughing at you for having made you use your ignore feature.

Let me get this right - there are people out there so very, very sad they consider it a victory of some sort to - ahem - "force" people to ignore them?

Oh, my, god. My pity is boundless.
peachykeen said:
Let me get this right - there are people out there so very, very sad they consider it a victory of some sort to - ahem - "force" people to ignore them?

Oh, my, god. My pity is boundless.

Peachy, it seems the 'trolls' might want to make an impact

Now whether you consider it a worthwhile impact or not..the fact that a user has made you go against freedom of speech, and has affected you to the point of having to take action, is a significant measure of the effect he/she has had
Dixon Carter Lee said:
We've got two incompetent pussies who can't seem to actually run anything vying for Governor, and for the life of me I can't figure out how they got here.

Actually, I can. They have money.

Welcome to Massachusetts. We have a woman who will probably be brought up on some kind of laundering or fraud charge in the next year and a man who's corruptions run so deep I think he was on the take in kindergarden.

On the upside there are a couple of senate runners and a representative that I actually like.
You should see Georgia. The current gov is bragging about his wonderful education package and the "Hope" scholarship while we fell from 49 to 50 in SAT scores. Meanwhile, the only issue his opponent, "Sonny" Perdue can muster up is how Gov Roy Barnes changed our racist flag and he wants the Dixie Stars and Bars back.

Oh, and Max Cleland, the communist, bragging about President Bush and how they are all buddy-buddy while Bush is out peddling votes for Saxby (his opponent.)

PS, If you think the names are southern, you should see Gov. Barnes on tv.

"Hey ya'll, I'm Gubner Roy Barnes, howeryou? Hoss, get me some water if'n you gonna be talking for a spell. Come here little lady, lemme look you over one time! WHoooooo wheeee! Ain't you purdy! How's your momenem?"
Unregistered said:
Peachy, it seems the 'trolls' might want to make an impact

Now whether you consider it a worthwhile impact or not..the fact that a user has made you go against freedom of speech, and has affected you to the point of having to take action, is a significant measure of the effect he/she has had

The only impact is, it makes my life easier by being able to scroll by their worthless scrawl that much faster. They're still free as all hell to speak. There's nothing significant about it.
peachykeen said:
The only impact is, it makes my life easier by being able to scroll by their worthless scrawl that much faster. They're still free as all hell to speak. There's nothing significant about it.

The way I see it, you're on a freedom of speech site.

MOST users here believe in freedom of speech.

By placing a gag on certain users, you've done exactly the opposite of what this site is about.

It's obvious you've been affected by them.

There is no shame.