Anyone use tumblr?


Literotica Guru
Mar 19, 2013
Hi! I'm kind of new, so excuse me as I find the flow ...

So, tumblr. It looks like a fun way to express oneself, maybe gather images that inspire for writing projects but ... I'm not sure what the point is? Am I just too old?

I set it up as a ... companion I guess ... to my blog, but ... will anyone even see it?

Just curious!
Hi! I'm kind of new, so excuse me as I find the flow ...

So, tumblr. It looks like a fun way to express oneself, maybe gather images that inspire for writing projects but ... I'm not sure what the point is? Am I just too old?

I set it up as a ... companion I guess ... to my blog, but ... will anyone even see it?

Just curious!

It is all according to what kind of or types of pictures you are gathering.

Most of the projects there are for semi personal or blog use but there is a fair search system also.

I've used it to find inspirational photos on different subjects as story ideas have come along.
I've messed around with it in my real life. I keep meaning to go back and really find how useful it can be. I like the idea of using it as a "story board/idea board" of sorts. You can find a lot of really cool images, that's true!