Anyone know any good places on line to educate yourself


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
a place where you can read and study and then it has a multiple choice/true and false type quizzing at the end to test how well you are learning.

something that is free

and something that gets progressively harder as you go through its material

any and all subjects welcome.
I know Barnes and Noble has online classes, I think it covers lots of subjects, it's called B&N University.
Kalyn said:
I know Barnes and Noble has online classes, I think it covers lots of subjects, it's called B&N University.

thank you very much Kalyn, looks like a nice start

any other sugestions anyone
How Stuff Works is great. But I don't think it offers quite what you're looking for. I think it'd be unusualy to find that sort of education for free . . .
For info., you can take a look at
They have great literature stuff, but have bio., math, etc. as well.
I think is charging for a few of their courses now though. :(
Free education is hard to come by, esp. if you want answers and feedback.
Keep searching though.

I'mVan, how stuff works is awesome. I have it bookmarked!