Anyone From Australia

We meet up in Bonnie Doon to enjoy some serenity. And a good old fashion fuck fest....

Tell him he's dreaming!

Northern NSW, posting with low expectations 'cause Australia, especially regional Australia is such a small pond to fish in, but im up for chat, coffee, story review with boys or girls, and play with girls.

53, reasonably fit, golf, hunt, write and read.
Wow what exactly? It’s been a big ass week and I’m confused

Sorry, no time right now to write a long reply - I'll be back. Just wanted to say WOW.

That's 'I'll be back' as in today, tomorrow, sometime, never... you know the idea...
Ha ha, I had to go to bunnings yesterday and was smiling to myself at the whole concept of "the onion on top of the sausage is the most dangerous thing at bunnings" content!! :D

I did not get a sausage!!!
My sons kindy took over a bunnings sausage sizzle a few weeks ago. Was good fun. Mase good profit out of it.

Now I feel like a snag in bread!
Who else went past Bunnings today and paid closer attention to the people at the sausage sizzle? 😂
Weekend traditions!!!
Sun is out again today in Adelaide!! Look out, spring is here! 16 with rain on Monday 30 on Thursday!! Sounds about right!!

Summer's coming!! (Lucky me... Lol :):D)

Hoping for rain here in the northern rivers NSW
As much as I love summr, and girls in bikini's, please rain