Anybody got one of those cell phone boosters?


Aim for the Bullseye ; )
Dec 27, 2000
Does it work?
Any tips?
Would you buy another one?
If you don't use it-what's the reason?
Do they work better with different phones?
Any other comments?
I had one...

Had being the key word here...It lasted exactly a day... then I got rid of caused way too much static on my cell...:mad:

total waste of money in my humble little opinion;)
I'm suprized there were no more responses. I figured there were lots of people who had tried them based on the advertising they used to have.

Tatiana, thanks for your response. I have already ordered one, so I will try it. Ya never know--they HAD to work for somebody, right? (I know, that was my same response when I found out what an Epilady and other wierd inventions actually did. LOL)
I think it was Consumer Reports where I read that they were a total waste of money. I don't have one, obviously.
LOL... are these the things that stick under the battery?

Think about that for a second.

You know there are lots of cell phones out there that only have antennas to make people feel better.

BlondGirl said:
I'm suprized there were no more responses. I figured there were lots of people who had tried them based on the advertising they used to have.

Tatiana, thanks for your response. I have already ordered one, so I will try it. Ya never know--they HAD to work for somebody, right? (I know, that was my same response when I found out what an Epilady and other wierd inventions actually did. LOL)

lol....tried an Epilady too.....OMG....way too much fucking pain....I will take waxing anyday.....I gotta say tho....I love gadgets!:)
BlondGirl said:
Does it work?
Any tips?
Would you buy another one?
If you don't use it-what's the reason?
Do they work better with different phones?
Any other comments?
I don't have one - I would never buy one; snake oil. Take it from someone with some experience in wireless comms - they are a waste of money, I am surprised the FTC hasn't come down on these people for false advertising. Same goes for the devices promising "anti-radiation" benefits to block "cancer causing radiation from cell phones". I have even seen orgs selling both, which is interesting because the signal booster supposedly works (in part) by increasing "radiation", while the other products reduce "radiation" - thereby working at odds with each other. Take it from me - neither works.

These remind me of a device that a woman (who was into "white magic", witchcraft and crystals) asked me about once; it promised to take "unordered", "harmful" and "chaotic" RFI/EMI emmissions and turn them into "7th order" "ordered" radiation that therefore was "good radiation". The brochure was accompanied with drawings depicting this. I laughed my ass off - even if the device worked (which it most assuradly would not :rolleyes: ) - it would make the radiation more harmful than it was in its "chaotic" state - if there was any harm there at all.

Caveat Emptor - if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If there were a way to improve the reception and transmission of a cell phone with such simple devices (usually foil appliques reminscent of anti-theft devices that cost $0.10 to make - I think they may actually such), then the cell phone manufacturers would have done it.
Re: Re: ouch

Emerald_eyed said:
but thye little chopper thing, where you out it over your veggies and smack a plunger to cut it all up.
I have one from pampered chef and it works great

oooh......have it have a great garlic press too!:)

and when I am pissed off at someone...its SO great to imagine their head as the little plunger I'm smacking away on!
Lasher said:
LOL... are these the things that stick under the battery?

Think about that for a second.

You know there are lots of cell phones out there that only have antennas to make people feel better.
Yep - most of them in fact, including mine.
Re: Re: ouch

Emerald_eyed said:
but thye little chopper thing, where you out it over your veggies and smack a plunger to cut it all up.
I have one from pampered chef and it works great

Yup! I have that and the garlic press, too. I use the chopper, but I'm not much into cooking recipes that call for use of the garlic press. It was a gift.
It could be only me that finds this disturbing, but is there a reasons that discussion of the epilady-anti-shaving device reminded you of chopping veggies with glee?