Any room for tube rats here?

There is always room in here. Welcome to Lit may all your wishes come true.
SqueakyMongoose said:
I just thought that I would introduce myself.
Im a mongoose, and I go Squeaky Squeaky.

Keep an eye out for SilvaTungDevil....he will like you.
We have a mongoose now. Lit is officially complete.

Welcome. Hope you have a great time. I don't make any funny noises though. Maybe I need to work on that.
Welcome to the freak show. Please remember to keep your hands and other apendages in the car at all times. Look out for the freaks... like uhhhhhhhh me. and other unsavory fellows... Oh and watch out for those people that like to shove rodents in their ass. you just turned into prime target number 1.
tell us a little more about yourself

age, gender, location.. shit like that..

Or you can post nude photos.
freakygurl said:
tell us a little more about yourself

age, gender, location.. shit like that..

Or you can post nude photos.

East Coast.

Don't have a camera to post naked pictures.
I am long, furry, have beady little eyes and go Squeaky Squeaky.

I'm single and somewhat of a goof off.

However since you decided to ask for naked pictures. That leads me to believe that you may have some your self. Are they any place I can get at em?
SqueakyMongoose said:
East Coast.

Don't have a camera to post naked pictures.
I am long, furry, have beady little eyes and go Squeaky Squeaky.

I'm single and somewhat of a goof off.

However since you decided to ask for naked pictures. That leads me to believe that you may have some your self. Are they any place I can get at em?

Laurel removed my nude pictures. I was making the regulars sick.

Damn it! I thought I changed my pc password. Bad Ferret! Get back in your room!
mr gere!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have your tube of rat grease!!!!!!!!!

dont let the jerbils on joecartoon see this thread
I feel so loved.

Good morning all, I have a few hours before I go to work. How is everyone doing this morning?