Any Christians out there?

Totally. And if you're a Levite, you are in like flynn. Wonder who was writing this one.

I have to admit to being confused on this one logically. If you lost the temple and couldn't keep the covenant any more, didn't that mean "deal's off"?

And if you lose you priests, aren't you in trouble?

I have problems with Judaism logically as in most other faiths. But that doesn't seem to bother people so much.

I have to admit that when I read the old Testament partway through I thought "Man, the Jews are screwed, aren't they, this is really damned specific."

But I went to seder anyway and didn't bring anything up when bitter herbs were being passed.
I have to admit to being confused on this one logically. If you lost the temple and couldn't keep the covenant any more, didn't that mean "deal's off"?

And if you lose you priests, aren't you in trouble?

I have problems with Judaism logically as in most other faiths. But that doesn't seem to bother people so much.

I have to admit that when I read the old Testament partway through I thought "Man, the Jews are screwed, aren't they, this is really damned specific."

But I went to seder anyway and didn't bring anything up when bitter herbs were being passed.

I'm totally perplexed myself about a lot of this and I know a lot more about NT than OT, frankly. When your entire identity is that of people who keep laws your reaction isn't going to be "woo hoo, don't have to do THAT anymore!" though.

We stopped having to kill lots of animals every time Shlomo had a bar mitzvah around the time of Jesus - the temple went away in 70CE- there were some internal reforms at that point which not only Christianity got hold of, I don't think it's simply a question of location as much as it's been stated. There had to be some kind of reason that this dislocation was adopted as part of our sense of identity - and the move for less mitigated relationships to the Divine, which Christianity is largely rooted in.

Logical problems with Judaism don't trouble me in the least. As thought systems go, we love logic, but have no reliance on its satisfactions ever because G-d is unknowable unfathomable and we're worms.

I am at peace with that worldview, personally. I am much more at peace with a world in which bad shit happens because bad shit happens, bizzatches, don't even ask ME. Job is the only biblical story (other than Jesus bit on birds) that I've ever personally felt better about my life over. It's the horrible passage that a lot of people really find terrifying, in which the cosmic answer is "I'm God."

Christianity seems much more rife with cause-effect and logic.
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I'm totally perplexed myself about a lot of this and I know a lot more about NT than OT, frankly.

We stopped having to kill lots of animals every time Shlomo had a bar mitzvah around the time of Jesus - there were some internal reforms at that point which not only Christianity got hold of.

My best friend in high school was a gay jew. They were only kosher in the house. Which meant when we went shopping he was desperate to try bacon Ranch dressing.

Taught me a lot about religion, that did.
I have to admit to being confused on this one logically. If you lost the temple and couldn't keep the covenant any more, didn't that mean "deal's off"?
Deut 4:31 (and the rest of chapter 4)

Deal's never off. Accept chastizement, humble yourself, and everything is golden.
Deut 4:31 (and the rest of chapter 4)

Deal's never off. Accept chastizement, humble yourself, and everything is golden.

Okay. This is a cool site.

I like the version that says "Because the Lord thy God is a merciful God: he will not leave thee, nor altogether destroy thee, nor forget the covenant, by which he swore to thy fathers."

Addition of the word "altogether", which jives more with my understanding of the history of the Jews.

“Dear God, I know we’re the chosen people… but couldn’t you choose someone else for awhile?" - Fiddler on the Roof
Thankyou to everyone who's posted their views so far - I'm glad that it's been something that people can air their opinions on :) (Sorry if I have in fact opened a particularly large can of worms, but it has to happen occasionally.)

And for JMohegan, I go to a fairly middle-of-the-road Church of England church (I don't know what people would class me as; I don't like giving myself labels).
Thankyou to everyone who's posted their views so far - I'm glad that it's been something that people can air their opinions on :) (Sorry if I have in fact opened a particularly large can of worms, but it has to happen occasionally.)

And for JMohegan, I go to a fairly middle-of-the-road Church of England church (I don't know what people would class me as; I don't like giving myself labels).

Most of my information about the Church of England seems to be from Eddie Izzard. Which actually is a good thing.
Most of my information about the Church of England seems to be from Eddie Izzard. Which actually is a good thing.

I've known Episcopalians to be to the right of anything as well as practically New Thought revisionist.
The comedic stereotype I'm always left with for C of E is Graham Chapman's familial scene versus Michael Palin's in "every sperm is sacred."
Graham Chapman is C of E versus Michael Palin's Catholic.
Feeling all smug about being able to use BC, but never actually doing it, because sex, ew, scary.

Oh yeah!

I actually looked it up because that's the bit I was thinking...

"When Martin Luther nailed his protest up to the church door in 1517, he may not have realised the full significance of what he was doing, but… 400 years later, thanks to him, my dear, I can wear whatever I want on my John Thomas."
And remember acourding to the bible its as bad to eat crayfish as to have sex with ones own mother :)
And remember acourding to the bible its as bad to eat crayfish as to have sex with ones own mother :)

Eat lobster...go to lobster...go to hell...that's a tough one.

It's amazing how many of my food habits prohibit me from certain religions.

But I BELIEVE in the power of pork and shellfish.
Graham Chapman is C of E versus Michael Palin's Catholic.
Feeling all smug about being able to use BC, but never actually doing it, because sex, ew, scary.

In his defense, he WAS married to Eric Idle.
Cake or death?

"uhhh, Cake please."

"Very Well! Give him cake."

"Oh, Thanks very much! ...very nice."

"...You! CAKE or DEATH?"

"Uh, cake for me too, please!"

"Very well! Give him cake, too!....We're gonna run outta cake at this rate. You! Cake or death?!"

"Uh, death please. Oh-oh-oh...Cake! Cake! Cake, sorry!"

"You said 'death' first, ahh-ah-ah! 'Death' first!"

"No, I -meant- cake!"

"..oh, all right. You're lucky I'm Church of England...Cake or death?"

"Uhh, cake, please!"

"Well, we're OUT of cake! We only had three bits, and we didn't expect such a RUSH. So what do you want?!"

" my choices are...'or death'? Well, I'll have the chicken then.."
I am a Christian. SOme would call me a hypocrite. Thats their opinion and they have a right to it. As far as being here I say that is between me and God if its right or not. I bvelieve that all sins are the same no big or little sin.

I konw this dont make much since, I have hard time putting things into words. This is one topic that I struggle with. Thank you for makeing me face it.
"uhhh, Cake please."

"Very Well! Give him cake."

"Oh, Thanks very much! ...very nice."

"...You! CAKE or DEATH?"

"Uh, cake for me too, please!"

"Very well! Give him cake, too!....We're gonna run outta cake at this rate. You! Cake or death?!"

"Uh, death please. Oh-oh-oh...Cake! Cake! Cake, sorry!"

"You said 'death' first, ahh-ah-ah! 'Death' first!"

"No, I -meant- cake!"

"..oh, all right. You're lucky I'm Church of England...Cake or death?"

"Uhh, cake, please!"

"Well, we're OUT of cake! We only had three bits, and we didn't expect such a RUSH. So what do you want?!"

" my choices are...'or death'? Well, I'll have the chicken then.."

That's the one!

"So yeah, and the Romans went Christian and then we had Christianity for about 1500 years. You know, Catholicism, we believed in the teachings of Cathol, and everything it stood for... Then Henry VIII came along. Henry VIII, a big, hairy king, and he said to the Pope, the head of the Catholic Church:

"Mr. Pope! I'm going to marry my first wife, and then I'm going to divorce her. Now, I know what you're going to say but stick with me, my story gets better. I'm going to marry my second wife and then I'm gong to kill her, cut her head off! Ah, not expecting that, are ya? Third wife, gonna shoot her. Fourth wife, put her into a bag. Fifth wife, into outer space. Sixth wife, on a Rotissimat. Seventh wife, made out of jam. Eighth wife…” ( makes sound similar to putting babies on spikes )

And the Pope's going,

( Italian accent )"You crazy bugger! You can't do all this! What are you, a Mormon? You can't marry all these people! It's illegal! You can't do all this! I am the Pope, I am the head of the Church, I have to keep up… ciao! I have to keep up standards. What have you been reading, the gospel according to St. Bastard?"

So Henry VIII, who was Sean Connery for this film, said:

( imitating Sean Connery ) "Well then, I will set up a new religion in this country. I will set up the Psychotic Bastard religion."

And an advisor said,

"Why not call it Church of England, Sire?"

"Church of England, actually. Much better... Even though I’m Scottish myself."

So they did! That's the birth of Church of England, the birth of the Anglican Church! Disgusting, eh? That's no basis to start a religion on! Nothing to do with the Protestant church,I mean,Henry just shagged and killed a lot of women and then stole all the money off the monasteries. You know, rape and pillage, that is!"
I am a Christian. SOme would call me a hypocrite. Thats their opinion and they have a right to it. As far as being here I say that is between me and God if its right or not. I bvelieve that all sins are the same no big or little sin.

I konw this dont make much since, I have hard time putting things into words. This is one topic that I struggle with. Thank you for makeing me face it.

How does the no big or little sin work on a day to day practical basis?

So lying is the same as murder? That's either really harsh or really...unharsh.

Christianity is pretty clear on the 10 commandments being the important bits and the 7 deadly sins and such.

This is not intended to make you struggle more...but I like hearing things put into words if you can.
Basically, I would just like to ask if there are any Christian Masters/Dom(me)s/subs/slaves out there - and whether your faith has made any impact on that part of your life.
Amaranth :)
Yes - it's made a huge impact in that I won't play or have sex until I'm married. After that, I don't believe God cares what I do sexually with my husband, as long as it's just the two of us.

As far as the hypocrite thing goes, I've tried for years to love my neighbor. Problem is, when that neighbor finds out you're a Christian, he accuses you of judging him, when you have done nothing but be his friend. Talk about judging Christians! And that's all I'll say since it's pretty clear that most everything in life is tolerated except for Christians. :)