Any breast torture ideas?

I have one of those nubby, stiff rubber mats that people use as doormats outside of stores. Make someone lay face-down on that for awhile and watch them squirm! (especially if you're putting extra weight and pressure on them from behind)
An idea that I've never had done, but have seen: How about a clothespin zipper. (Hurting just at the though) :eek:
from what I hear from the women I know, nursing a teething baby is torturous, but probably not practical for regular torture purposes :rolleyes:
James G 5 said:
from what I hear from the women I know, nursing a teething baby is torturous, but probably not practical for regular torture purposes :rolleyes:


Newborn babies have grips tighter than the strongest vice clamps.
my story featuring the breast clamp hair clips is posted as
" Bondage Bowl XXXVII".

thanks again to Helia for her advice.

I have the potential for a sequel. Are Ted and Alice worthy of a sequel?
If so, what 4 additional "lessons " should Ted teach Alice? Should I introduce another player ( one of the other trophy wives mentioned in the story)?
i love crafting new toys, and love nipple torture! ~*smiles*~ So i though that i would share with you several nipple torture related things i have recently made for the Dungeon.

One is a nipple leash, if you've never tried this, it's very fun and would be very easy to make. The one i made in the picture is vinyl, but i love to sew. If you don't know how to sew, it would be easy to make something just as fuctional by purchasing two dog leashes and tying them together.

The other is what i call "the nipple stretcher". this was inspired by a picture i saw on the net ~*smiles*~ The bottom peice lays against the chest, the clamps of coarse go on the nipples, and the rod ajusts up and down and streaches the nipples to your Dom's delight... ~*smiles*~

i have not posted pictures here before, so hopefully this goes well... lol

If anyone has questions about how i made either of these, i'd be more than happy to help!
nipple stretcher in use

i've had a couple questons about how exactly the nipple stretcher works, sorry to disapoint you, but i have no pictures of it on me :( ... perhaps i will another time.

here's a link to the picture that inspired me, in the picture, it is actually being used. the picture is about half way down the page, you can't miss it :devil:
Hexiegirl said:
I have a question for any of you mommies out there: I am due to give birth in about 5 weeks. One of my nipples bleeds when pressure is put on it (like pulling on it during sex). It doesn't hurt especially, but its just strange to see blood some out. Is this normal? :confused:

It could be a clogged milk duct. i would just mention it to my ob at my next weekly check up. Also, congratulations!