Any audiophiles about?


Apr 10, 2001
What happens if I replace a set of 100W 3-way speakers with 100W 2-way speakers? Will it sound horrible?

What happens if I replace a set of 100W 3-way speakers with 100W 2-way speakers? Will it sound horrible?

It would depend what you were putting through them and also the age/hearing ability of the listeners. At my tage, it would be fine.
Also the quality of the speakers, I was assuming same quality.?
What happens if I replace a set of 100W 3-way speakers with 100W 2-way speakers? Will it sound horrible?


It depends on a bunch of variables the self-appointed experts here will be yelling at each other about shortly.

But if you like the way they sound, that’s the only answer that matters.
I would depend on how good the 100W 3-way speakers were.
It depends on a bunch of variables the self-appointed experts here will be yelling at each other about shortly.

But if you like the way they sound, that’s the only answer that matters.
iso36 gave the best answer you are going to get when he referenced your ears. Trust your ears.
It depends on a million different things. 2 way speakers can sound just as good as 3 way, or better, or worse. Depends on the source, and the speakers themselves. If you have cheapo 3 ways and replace them with high end two way, odds are the two ways will sound incredible as compared to the 3 ways. Equal quality, it comes down to the speakers in question and how they sound to you. They might sound shrill, harsh, boomy, thin, you name it.
Listen to the new speakers with the music you normally listen to. they might sound amazing, they might sound terrible. If you like bass heavy music, a set of electrostatic speakers might not be what you are looking for. If your music of choice is all vocal, or mostly midrange to upper sounds, the electrostats might be fantastic.
Your question is so broad, nobody but you can answer it. Its purely subjective. Sit down with a CD you know inside and out, close your eyes and listen to it on both sets of speakers (One then the other.) Pick the pair that sounds best to you.
I would depend on how good the 100W 3-way speakers were.

iso36 gave the best answer you are going to get when he referenced your ears. Trust your ears.

It depends on a million different things. 2 way speakers can sound just as good as 3 way, or better, or worse. Depends on the source, and the speakers themselves. If you have cheapo 3 ways and replace them with high end two way, odds are the two ways will sound incredible as compared to the 3 ways. Equal quality, it comes down to the speakers in question and how they sound to you. They might sound shrill, harsh, boomy, thin, you name it.
Listen to the new speakers with the music you normally listen to. they might sound amazing, they might sound terrible. If you like bass heavy music, a set of electrostatic speakers might not be what you are looking for. If your music of choice is all vocal, or mostly midrange to upper sounds, the electrostats might be fantastic.
Your question is so broad, nobody but you can answer it. Its purely subjective. Sit down with a CD you know inside and out, close your eyes and listen to it on both sets of speakers (One then the other.) Pick the pair that sounds best to you.

Above a certain volume, the bass overwhelms the speakers.

Better question (maybe): how do I determine what speaker wattage I need to match to the stereo? Does it indicate so on a label on the back of stereo that I'm missing?
If the bass is distorting the speakers, you need to adjust your crossover and send the lows to the sub. Standard speakers are only good to about 80hz then when the volume is turned up, they distort. Larger drivers will go lower than small drivers, but even so, they will call it quits and distort at some point. My mains are crossed over at 80 or 100hz (can't remember off the top of my head) and the pair of Velodyne 12 inch subs handle all the bottom end.