Anti-Israel BBC at it yet again

what? what's that? a big news agency that ISN'T swinging with the right-wingers? i find that hard to swallow
Hanns_Schmidt said:
So you're calling Israelis right wingers?

israel is right-wing...they oppress minorities violently and the US backs them so yeah, why not?
grrrly said:
israel is right-wing...they oppress minorities violently and the US backs them so yeah, why not?
And what would you call Cuba? Oppressive left wing?
The two top methods for avoiding intelligent discussion: name calling, and saying something to the effect of 'don't complain, because someone else does it too.'

What does Cuba have to do with Israel? Other than the fact that they are both oppressive?
Johnny Mayberry said:
The two top methods for avoiding intelligent discussion: name calling, and saying something to the effect of 'don't complain, because someone else does it too.'

What does Cuba have to do with Israel? Other than the fact that they are both oppressive?
Fuck off cunt
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Maybeacunt, don't make me bitch slap you about again like last time

Every rabid, frothing anti-israel rant that dribbled out of your ignorant mouth was met with a counter argument you couldn't even fuckign match

Stay in your seat kid.
You guys are the dickless wonders at the old-folks home who shout at the television. You should learn respect for your betters...which means everyone the planet, most likely.
Johnny Mayberry said:
You guys are the dickless wonders at the old-folks home who shout at the television. You should learn respect for your betters...which means everyone the planet, most likely.
Another bit of wisdom from a member of the tolerant "left" As I said earlier Fuck Off......Cunt
They don't have an argument, or a life...they read a book 15-20 years ago, and stopped learning anything new. They attack without thought. It's fairly sad, especially considering that they are sitting at a computer, and have access to so much information. Instead of learning something, however, they simply hunt down opinions that agree with their bias.'ll notice that all you have to do is not agree 100%, and they assume that you are a leftist socialist pacifist.
Johnny Mayberry said:
They don't have an argument, or a life...
Well douche bag it would appear that we both registered at this place in Dec, you have over 2000 posts and im under 500 posts. Who doesnt have a life? Your still a cunt..........
Gil_Favor said:
Well douche bag it would appear that we both registered at this place in Dec, you have over 2000 posts and im under 500 posts. Who doesnt have a life? Your still a cunt..........


I am what I eat...
Jesus, it's Laurel and Hardy. Which one's the bitch in your relationship or do you both receive?

Judging by your posts obviously your IQs are too small to spot the obvious joke Johnny made....

You called him a cunt he said he is what he eats, i.e. he eats pussy. Good eh.
Braveheart_1969 said:
Jesus, it's Laurel and Hardy. Which one's the bitch in your relationship or do you both receive?

Judging by your posts obviously your IQs are too small to spot the obvious joke Johnny made....

You called him a cunt he said he is what he eats, i.e. he eats pussy. Good eh.
Shazamm, IM glad you explained little Johnnys "joke"