

Literotica Guru
Jun 30, 2001
We have had a thread on "Favourite Stories" and several ideas for writing contests. I have suggested regular reviews of stories, which received some favourable content. Still, no one is willing to invest the time for the regular reading and compiling, that this would take.

A new suggestion: What about anthologies?

This would be a short story length title page which would contain a brief introduction to the story by the Editor of the Anthology, a link DIRECTLY to the story, and then back to the anthology Introductions Page.

Several people could do "Their Choice" of BEST STORIES OF 2001, and BSO 2002. Someone else could collect their favourite "Stroke Fiction, by year," others could take picks from Genres like "Best Loving Wives".

It wouldn't always have to be "Best," for example, the funniest "Cheating Wives", could be a collection of cheating wives stories, which in the opinion of the Editor, are humorous.

There could also be contests announced, under a variety of writing conditions, the chain stores are already one example. Also, stories on a theme provided by the editor, stories about a particular fetish, or combination of fetishes. They could be developed by writers to compete, or by invitation only. That would be at the editor's discretion.

What we would end up with, would be a New Category: Anthologies that would link directly to the stories, which are collected under the list of a writer's works. The most likely way to bring the reader back after reading one story, would be through the use of a frame.

There would need to be some sort of mechanism for the author to agree, or disagree, to have the work appear in any anthology, and a rule that no single story may be anthologised more than a certain number of times - for example - only three times.

Anybody got any further ideas, or opinions on the subject?
wow Quasi, there is a lot for me to get my head around in your thread.

as i am an 'editor' and i use the term loosely, this is what you'd like me to do:

a) edit the story;
b) in a new category named 'Anthologies', i would provide a 'blurb' about the story - ie my own opinion;
c) provide a link to the finished, accepted submission.

i'm still thinking this idea through...

it would mean:
-a final reading of each story before it is submitted,

-the author would have to inform the editor the story had been accepted, thus allowing the editor to 'advertise' the link.

-as editor, i would, within my own anthology link, choose the stories i liked best.

okay i'll stick my neck out and say i would do that for my Authors.