Another where to put this question.


Jul 12, 2021
My story about the swapping TV show has evolved and is in the 14K word range and chapter 1 is 99% and chapter 2 is 90%. Note this is not the story about the 4 couples swapping I asked about last week. Chapter 1 just needs to be run through Grammarly and then it is done. 1 section of Chapter 2 needs smoothing then my two spell checks.

It fits no category. LW was my first thought. I'm used to getting 1 bombed and roll with it, but because the characters first divorce legally then remarry, sex is technically not cheating.

My main goal was I had fun writing this one. I really like my characters. It's funny how I get attached to my creations. yes, I would like readers but if it does not fit, it does not fit.

I've never really seen a story like this one in what I have read here. I've seen elements of it, but every element here has been covered at some point.

In a dark alternate future twenty couples are all desperate homeless or on the verge of it. They end up on an X-rated swap streaming show.
1) They agree to be on it after a long painful and invasive process
2) They have to agree to be relocated to a fictional location
3) They are divorced in real time thanks to that fictional location.
4) They are paired up with one of the other spouses and re-married the same day. (Yes I know in real life people would be too broken but this is fiction)
5) They arrive and life does get better, for most but not all couples. It follows one of the husbands and his new wife.

It is NOT all that realistic. The location is a fictional, large and entirely clothing-optional island chain. The people on the show obsess on this part at first, but it becomes less of their concern as times go on and they get used to it. To the people on the islands, nudity is just a thing. A pretty pair of boobs is just like a pretty face. It's just pretty. A nice package is just like a handsome face. It just is. Sex is much more of a European attitude though monogamy is stressed more. the Islands chain is very couples-centric.
Their houses are cammed 24/7 so sex is seen.
There is a lot of sex but a lot more time is not sex. The show does send the couples on fun adventures.
It starts off VERY dark but gets lighter, especially in Chapter 2+
Sex is one on one among all major characters
It is VERY wordy and descriptive. I paint a ton of pictures in the story and describe the scenes. I even put in song suggestions at certain points that fit the time. Almost like a movie.
It is excessively emotional as their lives are torn apart and torn from them then replaced with the lives given them by the show.

LW? EC? ENV? Something else?
My story about the swapping TV show has evolved and is in the 14K word range and chapter 1 is 99% and chapter 2 is 90%. Note this is not the story about the 4 couples swapping I asked about last week. Chapter 1 just needs to be run through Grammarly and then it is done. 1 section of Chapter 2 needs smoothing then my two spell checks.

It fits no category. LW was my first thought. I'm used to getting 1 bombed and roll with it, but because the characters first divorce legally then remarry, sex is technically not cheating.

My main goal was I had fun writing this one. I really like my characters. It's funny how I get attached to my creations. yes, I would like readers but if it does not fit, it does not fit.

I've never really seen a story like this one in what I have read here. I've seen elements of it, but every element here has been covered at some point.

In a dark alternate future twenty couples are all desperate homeless or on the verge of it. They end up on an X-rated swap streaming show.
1) They agree to be on it after a long painful and invasive process
2) They have to agree to be relocated to a fictional location
3) They are divorced in real time thanks to that fictional location.
4) They are paired up with one of the other spouses and re-married the same day. (Yes I know in real life people would be too broken but this is fiction)
5) They arrive and life does get better, for most but not all couples. It follows one of the husbands and his new wife.

It is NOT all that realistic. The location is a fictional, large and entirely clothing-optional island chain. The people on the show obsess on this part at first, but it becomes less of their concern as times go on and they get used to it. To the people on the islands, nudity is just a thing. A pretty pair of boobs is just like a pretty face. It's just pretty. A nice package is just like a handsome face. It just is. Sex is much more of a European attitude though monogamy is stressed more. the Islands chain is very couples-centric.
Their houses are cammed 24/7 so sex is seen.
There is a lot of sex but a lot more time is not sex. The show does send the couples on fun adventures.
It starts off VERY dark but gets lighter, especially in Chapter 2+
Sex is one on one among all major characters
It is VERY wordy and descriptive. I paint a ton of pictures in the story and describe the scenes. I even put in song suggestions at certain points that fit the time. Almost like a movie.
It is excessively emotional as their lives are torn apart and torn from them then replaced with the lives given them by the show.

LW? EC? ENV? Something else?
From what you've described, it might be best in Group, or possibly EV.
As a regular reader of GROUP I can confirm that me and my fellow Groupers (not Groupies) would greatly enjoy this.
All sex for major characters is one on one to be clear. I always thought of group as threesomes and above. Enlighten me. I am not arguing. Im learning. This story does not fit any category completely.
All sex for major characters is one on one to be clear. I always thought of group as threesomes and above. Enlighten me. I am not arguing. Im learning. This story does not fit any category completely.
Yeah, but you've got a menagerie, a smorgasbord of players. I don't think the main criteria for Group is threesomes (plus), just a multitude of tits and ass will suffice.
If the story focuses the sex in just one-on-one with couples outside of their marriage, then it sounds appropriate for Loving Wives as "Extra-marital fun; swinging, sharing and more."

BUT only choose that category if you can tolerate the hateful comments of those who disagree. You'll receive more views and probably more comments in LW than any other category. But your story is likely to get about a 1.0 lower rating average than elsewhere, and some of the comments WILL be haters who don't even read the whole story.

If you want a calmer, receptive, but smaller audience, try Erotic Couplings.
All sex for major characters is one on one to be clear. I always thought of group as threesomes and above. Enlighten me. I am not arguing. Im learning. This story does not fit any category completely.
The differences between swinging and group sex is all in the mind of each individual, and it changes based on that individual's attitudes. Swingers can enjoy one-on-one hookups, and even consider a threesome little more than that 1-to-1. They might not even see four or five people in a room enjoying a one-on-one with the other a threesome as "group sex", as long as there's some hands-off separations between them.

I heard one woman give what I think is a good description of what I believe is group sex, by describing it as a "puppy pile". Visualize a group of people with an 'almost anything goes' romp.

But as I said, it's the individuals who decide their own ideas of what constitutes group sex. That's probably why the Admins here include the word "swinging" in both LW and GS categories. It's flexible.
Thank you for all your help. I am being horribly unclear and I apologize

ALL sex is one on one and with their current spouse. That is the main protagonist Joshua has wife 1 Ashley. They fuck. They end up on show. Joshua is divorced (Painfully) from Ashley and is remarried to Jennifer later that same day. The then starts fucking Jennifer exclusively. Chapter 2 is them adjusting to their new lives.

This follows Joshua

Ashley is remarried to a guy named Justin (Book 2 which is a long way off and just an outline)

The swap is a full legal divorce then remarriage and people are only sleeping with their spouse.

Also if I am losing views... (The more I get replies the more I lean away from LW) which group would appreciate the detail and wordiness of it the most? (Not necessarily score. I have worked HARD on this one.). which group would appreciate the HUGE work I have put into detailing things like the scenes?

2 examples
>I walked past that line, down the hallway and the enormity of it hit me. My former life, ALL OF IT, was gone. They were smart to have the marriages take place four hours later rather than right after because my emotions were shot. I wanted to punch someone, but there was no one to punch.

My marriage was gone. My life was gone. EVERYTHING... All… gone.

We were all led into a locker room and told to strip off completely, including wedding rings. We were to have nothing from our old life. It was a room full of naked guys and a few were quietly crying. I won’t lie. I was close. <

>We landed at six in the evening, local time, after our flight from Charlotte to St. Ives Island. We stood up then left the plane, waiting for the second plane to come to the hangar.

The other three jets landed three minutes apart after us. The other jet with our St. Ives group came in and disgorged its passengers near us. While we were waiting to get into the luxury shuttle van that was to take us into town, the two jets carrying the St. Austell group waited in the distance.

The dark silhouette of those planes framed against the last darkening glow of a beautiful orange sunset was burned into my mind. I realized Ashley was on one of them, sitting next to her new husband. It hit me... HARD. <

In that last sentence, I see the image and I want my readers to see it in their minds. The dark image of the private (jet) plane. The dark orange sky. the lights of the windows of the plane and his (now ex wife) Ashley might be sitting next to her new husband behind one of them...
Thank you for all your help. I am being horribly unclear and I apologize

ALL sex is one on one and with their current spouse. That is the main protagonist Joshua has wife 1 Ashley. They fuck. They end up on show. Joshua is divorced (Painfully) from Ashley and is remarried to Jennifer later that same day. The then starts fucking Jennifer exclusively. Chapter 2 is them adjusting to their new lives.

This follows Joshua

Ashley is remarried to a guy named Justin (Book 2 which is a long way off and just an outline)

The swap is a full legal divorce then remarriage and people are only sleeping with their spouse.

Also if I am losing views... (The more I get replies the more I lean away from LW) which group would appreciate the detail and wordiness of it the most? (Not necessarily score. I have worked HARD on this one.). which group would appreciate the HUGE work I have put into detailing things like the scenes?

2 examples
>I walked past that line, down the hallway and the enormity of it hit me. My former life, ALL OF IT, was gone. They were smart to have the marriages take place four hours later rather than right after because my emotions were shot. I wanted to punch someone, but there was no one to punch.

My marriage was gone. My life was gone. EVERYTHING... All… gone.

We were all led into a locker room and told to strip off completely, including wedding rings. We were to have nothing from our old life. It was a room full of naked guys and a few were quietly crying. I won’t lie. I was close. <

>We landed at six in the evening, local time, after our flight from Charlotte to St. Ives Island. We stood up then left the plane, waiting for the second plane to come to the hangar.

The other three jets landed three minutes apart after us. The other jet with our St. Ives group came in and disgorged its passengers near us. While we were waiting to get into the luxury shuttle van that was to take us into town, the two jets carrying the St. Austell group waited in the distance.

The dark silhouette of those planes framed against the last darkening glow of a beautiful orange sunset was burned into my mind. I realized Ashley was on one of them, sitting next to her new husband. It hit me... HARD. <

In that last sentence, I see the image and I want my readers to see it in their minds. The dark image of the private (jet) plane. The dark orange sky. the lights of the windows of the plane and his (now ex wife) Ashley might be sitting next to her new husband behind one of them...
I could see that story going in Loving Wives, Erotic Couplings, or even possibly SciFi/Fantasy (due to the dystopian future.)

It's not about group sex.

Now the difference between LW and EC is whether you want people to READ it (views) or LOVE it (ratings).

Erotic Couplings will give you a smaller audience, but they will be kinder, more receptive to it, and more generous with higher star ratings.

In my experience, the Loving Wives audience will be much larger, but more diverse and vocal in their opinions. Many will harshly criticize that story with comments like "How could you leave your spouse?!!!", and they will HATE it with a 1 star.

So, it depends on how well you handle criticism and what YOUR metric for success will be.
It seems more LW to me, but GS would be my second pick, and as others have said, it's more about the reception you want than the content of the story. Do you want higher scores? GS. More views and comments, some negative, and probably lower scores? LW.

Oh yeah, or EC.
See Heartbreak and Hope Chapter 01 has been submitted to EC.

Many thanks to all those who gave advice. In the end, I picked Erotic Couplings due to the entirely one on one sex. I chose it over Group sex after going there and skimming a ton of stories that looked zero like this one as far as pairings and who was doing who. I picked it over Loving Wives because EVERY encounter was of a married person and their spouse... even though the spouse was an arranged marriage.

GS people... I did listen. BTW I am working on a GS storyline though it is at 15% MOL and little more than an outline.

I hope yall read it and like it. I spent 2 months on it (Yes and others. But HUGE hours went into it)
Good job asking here. I’d be crazy about that story too.

If it helps future writers, all the group sex in my stories has been one on one amongst an orgy or threesomes with voyeurs at most. I don’t think I could ever write a daisy chain or puppy pile, being inexperienced with such things in real life. I also honestly question their practicality and effectiveness. But if I wrote a story about them where the characters weren’t based on famous people?

Definitely Group Sex, maybe Erotic Couplings or Novellas depending on length.
My two cents. Just because there's 20 couples doesn't mean its group if the story involves the 'reconfigured' couples to get sexually acquainted.

I would avoid Loving wives, for two reasons. One, they've been divorced and are now remarried, so I don't see where it would fit. There's no extra marital angle. Other reason is...its loving wives and it would get roasted because that often happens there.

I would go erotic couplings. Lower traffic, but it also doesn't need a particular niche to survive on.
Or just cast celebrities as your characters and shove it there. My story Passion 5 is about the TomKat relationship. It would easily go in Loving Wives if it weren’t about famous people.
The decision is yours to make....
LW, low score, but high views...
Alternative categories you suggested... Better scores, less readers...
If you can handle the negative comments, then LW....
LW is not about cheating... It's about wives having fun... Some extramarital...

I think you approached this correctly, that being seeking some input from thoses have been posting here for a long time. I can not beging to tell you the odd feedback I received from my first, A Wedding Slow Dance. No matter where you post there are going to be some people who can't write a hard nipple into a waiting mouth, but will be glad to tell you the nipple was the wrong color or not hard enough. LOL
Seriously, I think the point everyone is making is write for yourself, believe 100% you are doing all of us a favor by sharing your gift, post it and then don't apologize. My two centovoes is erotic coupling would be a grand fit and I look forward to reading it.