another question from bunny

bunny bondage

just cruisin' through
Oct 4, 2002
so ok, i've had a fantastic day and i do plan to make it into a story and post it here soon. but that's for a later date. at the end of my wonderful day as He was threatening to spank me in the bookstore, (which He didn't by the way, but i was put in my place later, rest assured) it occured to Him that He'd really like some sort of shock collar or something. as He put it "if i could just press a button and then you'd go ZZZT! that would be great" (or something close to that) so this is my question for you all: is there a thing like this? help! thanks! ^_^

I know this isn't exactly bondage or electricity... but it would sure make me twich...

a remote controlled virator *smile*
Johnny Mayberry said:
I'm sure there are devices attached to dog collars that can be adapted to your needs,

I think so, too. A version of a training collar for a dog perhaps. Or something to stop a dog from barking.

BB, try google for dog training stuff and see what you can find. ;)

Helena :rose:
yes there is a training dog collar...expensive..but does work I am told.
Yep, a dog-training collar works. I regret to inform you that you can even fashion your own harness for it out of nylon straps.

Mine, set on level three or four our of ten levels, always made me squeal and jump without my being able to control it.

It's static electricity and therefore relatively safe.

Also, you can usually set the control so that it shocks the wearer for wandering out of a preset (mine was five-foot) range from the holder of the remote control.

I've seen TENS units that are remote controlled. The egg can be inserted and harnessed in.
Definately gets your attention.
There are remote controlled vibrating panties

There was a thread here some time ago about them
Humans - they make great collared, punished pets!

I haven't been able to stomach those collars ever since I saw some idiot using one on an already very timid dog for basic obedience - oh, how I would have loved to put that shock collar around his neck and make him do the same song and dance of yelps and confusion!

I have a dog that does bark too much at times for my liking, but I cannot bring myself to use this device on him. I'm all for these becoming a consensual pervertible. :)
NemoAlia said:
Yep, a dog-training collar works. I regret to inform you that you can even fashion your own harness for it out of nylon straps.

Mine, set on level three or four our of ten levels, always made me squeal and jump without my being able to control it.

It's static electricity and therefore relatively safe.

Also, you can usually set the control so that it shocks the wearer for wandering out of a preset (mine was five-foot) range from the holder of the remote control.


Does this sound like a great idea to anyone else? My goodness...
His_sugar said:

good thing i behave isn't it?

Actually, it was the part about straying from My side that intrigued Me the most. For some reason I find that idea particularly appealing. Not something I'd ever considered before reading this, but now I don't know that I would go out without it. *grins*
Solitude said:
Actually, it was the part about straying from My side that intrigued Me the most. For some reason I find that idea particularly appealing. Not something I'd ever considered before reading this, but now I don't know that I would go out without it. *grins*

Why on earth would i ever stray?

