another hair question

Max Powers

May 22, 2002
i have been visiting the boards for a while i dont post though i have been registered for while. I have seen a couple of forms on the topic of pubic hair. I am a 19 year old guy i havent had a whole lot of experience yet i am not a virgin so i wanted a better view on ladies opinions on weather they like their men trimmed or shaved or non shaved.
thanks for your time
It really depends. Trimmed is good, shaved is better. Though, if shaving irritates, trimmed is okay. Hairy, like really hairy, on a guy or girl is just really nasty, and generally smells like something has died down there. Another thing to think about, the less hair there is down there, the bigger the tool looks.
Shave dude you will love the feeling of wetness on your balls...........I find it a big turn on myself...........:)
trimmed is quite nice. you can leave the hair longer, but not more than an inch above the cock..make sure the hairline from your navel down is nice and even... the balls, while difficult, are really attractive shaved... more fun to lick too, so if you want that, go for the real short or shaved thing... same with any hair on your dick itself.. hair in the mouth during oral can get sticky... not the mood you are trying to create