Anonymous comments


Jan 31, 2007
I dig feedback. I'll be the first to admit, I post too early, I don't flesh out the characters and plot enough, and I make mistakes.

It'd be REALLY nice if I didn't get attacked for the content, or the flow of the story, being told I have no idea of the english language or I must not have had sex before, or I have a small penis.

Is it too much to ask that if people are going to give you feedback, that it's at least constructive? I know I'm mostly whining and I apologize, but the a-hole that attacked my story, tho they did point out something that looking at it is ridiculous that I didn't catch, could have just left it at, "Hey this doesn't make sense."
I dig feedback. I'll be the first to admit, I post too early, I don't flesh out the characters and plot enough, and I make mistakes.

That's under your control. You can get over it. Maybe. I'm not sure I have.

Is it too much to ask that if people are going to give you feedback, that it's at least constructive? I know I'm mostly whining and I apologize, but the a-hole that attacked my story, tho they did point out something that looking at it is ridiculous that I didn't catch, could have just left it at, "Hey this doesn't make sense."

It's hard to even define what constructive feedback is. A lot depends on how you react to it. And yeah, that is too much to ask. Regardless of whether the feedback is anonymous or not, you don't get to choose how it's said.
Is it too much to ask that if people are going to give you feedback, that it's at least constructive? I know I'm mostly whining and I apologize, but the a-hole that attacked my story, tho they did point out something that looking at it is ridiculous that I didn't catch, could have just left it at, "Hey this doesn't make sense."

Hate to say it, and I wish it wasn't true, but yes, that's too much to ask. Some readers just get their thrills from abusing us poor hard-working writers who're entertaining everyone for free. On the other hand, I average about 1 comment per 1,000 views, so any comment, even from an Anon asshole, is welcome. I find the abusive ones entertaining and don't worry about whining, we've all done it as we get started and get familiar with LIT. Been there, whined, got educated..... :cool: - consider yourself privileged to join the rest of us :rose:

I'll be the first to admit, I post too early, I don't flesh out the characters and plot enough, and I make mistakes.

As per NotWise..... patience!!!! :D

It'd be REALLY nice if I didn't get attacked for the content, or the flow of the story, being told I have no idea of the english language or I must not have had sex before, or I have a small penis.

Try on "gook slut" for size. Yeah, it'd be nice not to, but it's not happening. Consider it one of the joys of writing here. Come here and moan with the rest of us - this isn't the first time it's been raised and it won't be the last. In two years time, you're going to be sitting here explaining this to some new author called nerd_writer or something and laughing .........
Attacked? On the internet? Oh my!

What you are doing here is providing free content. What the readers do is mostly read the free content. The problem comes when they think the content should be perfect for them to read. Perfect. If it's not, they become trolls and anon commenters.

You can always shut off anonymous feedback.
Attacked? On the internet? Oh my! .....
You can always shut off anonymous feedback.

Nooooooo. The anonymous feedback is part of the fun. I love my trolls and I miss them when they're not abusing me. It's such fun writing snarky comments back...
I dig feedback. I'll be the first to admit, I post too early, I don't flesh out the characters and plot enough, and I make mistakes.

Premature anything is problematic, especially on an erotica story site.

So you're in control of some part of this, by your own admission. Don't get off at Redfern, go through to Central (Oz reference, just use Google...)
Thank you

I appreciate you chiming in, and truthfully now that it's been a little while and I've had a bit to eat, I'm not feeling quite so whiny. :)

I'm going to see if I can find an editor if only to have another set of eyes look at it to see what I might not. I think the best piece of advice I read in going through the FAQs is "Don't tell me, show me," so if I have a picture in my head and it's flowing along nicely, that whole scenario might not make sense because of something I 'know' but might not make sense from another perspective.
Attacked? On the internet? Oh my!

What you are doing here is providing free content. What the readers do is mostly read the free content. The problem comes when they think the content should be perfect for them to read. Perfect. If it's not, they become trolls and anon commenters.

You can always shut off anonymous feedback.

Many of the intelligent and useful comments I get are Anonymous. I suspect some of them are writers who don't want to reveal their name for whatever reason. By the same token, some of the most idiotic comments I've received were registered members who have not posted any stories.

I leave feedback enabled, but occasionally "weed" the comments.

We post for free. The quality is generally worth the price; sometimes a bit better.

Readers, when they chose to comment, comment for free. Their material is likewise worth what you pay; sometimes a bit better.

Finishing stories before you post will help some. Recognizing that public discourse in general has descended into armed camps and people throwing rocks, will help you set your expectations. The sort of people who hang around reading erotica, or what passes for it, for free and often about their mommies, might not be the most genteel, or willing to engage in constructive dialog. It's not that sort of place, and it's not that sort of era.
The sort of people who hang around reading erotica, or what passes for it, for free and often about their mommies, might not be the most genteel, or willing to engage in constructive dialog. It's not that sort of place, and it's not that sort of era.

So true, but on the other hand I encourage readers to contact me using the feedback form and I get some of my best feedback that way. On the other hand I feel the female author / reader dynamic may be different than the male author / reader. I get a lot of female reader feedback offline too which did surprise me when I first started here. So reach out to your readers at the end of every story with a note saying whatever you want to say. I do that with all of mine now.
I laugh at some of the negative comments I get. One reader told me to 'write about anything but spoiled rotten bitches', another claimed that I had created the most hateful character in literary history and that he hated me too for creating her and another comment I had on one of my stories set in the 1950s was most critical of me having the characters use condoms. Since deleted, possibly by an administrator, the comment went something like this:

'Good story that you ruined by having them use a condom. You stupid, stupid, stupid fool. This is storyland, there are no babys (sic) or VD. His cock goes up the redhead's pussy (the main female character in the story had red hair) and he barebacks her.'

One thing I have also noticed from the comments is that many readers have problems with delayed gratification - some readers have claimed that my 4 page stories are too long.
One thing I have also noticed from the comments is that many readers have problems with delayed gratification - some readers have claimed that my 4 page stories are too long.

On the flip side, according to the masses, my 6500 word stories are too damn short. :)
Often hilarious

Some of the anonymous comments are so ridiculous they have me laughing out loud. On one story, a crossdressing orgy tale, I had all but forgotten that I had made one single reference to the wig my narrator had donned as being blond. This story received the 'hot' designation for scoring and was generally very well received, but his comment, with the subject line 'Yawn' was:

'Boring blondes blondes blondes give me something new eh?'

One has to laugh, given that there are a limited number of natural hair colors to describe. Of course it was anonymous, otherwise he would have identified himself to everyone reading as an idiot.

Don't take any of it to heart. The internet breeds morons.
Hate to say it, and I wish it wasn't true, but yes, that's too much to ask. Some readers just get their thrills from abusing us poor hard-working writers who're entertaining everyone for free. On the other hand, I average about 1 comment per 1,000 views, so any comment, even from an Anon asshole, is welcome. I find the abusive ones entertaining and don't worry about whining, we've all done it as we get started and get familiar with LIT. Been there, whined, got educated..... :cool: - consider yourself privileged to join the rest of us :rose:

As per NotWise..... patience!!!! :D

Try on "gook slut" for size. Yeah, it'd be nice not to, but it's not happening. Consider it one of the joys of writing here. Come here and moan with the rest of us - this isn't the first time it's been raised and it won't be the last. In two years time, you're going to be sitting here explaining this to some new author called nerd_writer or something and laughing .........

Shame theDevil with the truth, you just want your ass kissed by readers. Your wares are nithin to write Ma about.
And a big hug for you too. I've been missing your words of love and affection :heart::heart:

Here;s some luv:

The typical PILOT plot is like watching shit circle a toilet drain. Mostly it goes around in circles and stinks.
Another thing I've noticed is that some readers seem to lack any sense of humor.

Obviously humor is subjective, but while all my stories have some comedic elements and some readers seem to humor, I have gained some very negative feedback about it. One such story was a fluffy, harmless piece called 'Cute Celebrity Comes To Stay', where some bumbling guys are totally star-struck by a young soap opera actress and ask her cousin numerous dumb and inane questions about her. One comment on the story said that it was 'Crap' and they could not get through half of the page due to this immature bickering by these morons, asking if I really thought such lame characterization was engaging.
Since comment threads appear here regularly, couldn't AH use a FUCKED COMMENTS sub-forum? Also sub-forae for MY STORY WAS REJECTED and UNDERAGE CHARACTERS and NON-CON VS RAPE.
Anonymous the obnoxious has been targeting contest entries today.

The language makes it obvious that it is one sad and jealous individual.
I don't write in the Loving Wives section, but from what I've heard anything that draws the ire of readers there will result in some of the nastiest, most vitriolic comments one could imagine.

While many things appear to irritate them, it seems that stories about women who cheat without consequence attract the most angry comments. Stories about women who treat men badly, or who are even just strong willed or feminists seem to get LW readers riled up too.

I wrote a cheating story last year called 'Bridget the Bossy Bridezilla' in Erotic Couplings about an engaged yuppie couple called Bridget and Ben, set in the Australian city of Brisbane in the early 1990s. If I had posted this to Loving Wives, I think it might have set off a perfect storm of hatred if you consider the main female characters:

Bridget - Spoiled stuck-up Daddy's girl who treats her fiancée Ben like a cross between a doormat and a roll of toilet paper three weeks of the month, and 100 times worse every four weeks. When Ben stands up to her and calls her out on her bullshit, she at first tries to kick him in the groin, then cheats on him with his loser younger brother Craig (who she cannot stand, not least due to the wonderful advice Craig gave to her infertile sister) and allows him to perform sex acts on her she never allows Ben to do. This is all out of pure spite, Bridget is satisfied with her actions, and is never held to account for them.

Casey - Grunge chick university student, and Craig's former girlfriend. Although Craig is a loser, the way Casey dumps him is downright cold and heartless. Casey has already met a new boyfriend by the time she breaks up with Craig.

Charlene - Ben and Craig's foul-mouthed sister, who has three kids to three different father and is pregnant with her fourth. She constantly berates and belittles her partner Elvis, calling him terms of endearment such as 'you fucking dickhead', 'you fucking loser', 'you fucking lard ass' and 'you fucking retard'.

Tracy - Rich and opinionated cougar, married to a wealthy and powerful man. The client from Hell, Ben is assigned to her account after she drives Ben's male co-worker who previously worked with her to ill health, requiring a month's sick leave from work. Tracy is never held to account for her adultery either.

Somehow, I couldn't see Bridget, Casey, Charlene and Tracy being favorites of the LW Readers.
Yep, LW is NOT for the faint of heart. Back when I first joined Lit, I posted a story there that received so many boneheaded comments that it inspired a sequel as a reply to all of them.

Like many, I've had a favorite troll or two who will systematically show up to one-vote my library and occasionally leave behind a few vicious, poorly worded comments.

I like to imagine some lonely guy in front a spittle stained monitor, oozing flop sweat across his pimply and sore infested face as he furiously pounds on his keyboard while wearing a maniacal grin. All the while, he's convinced he has the power to ruin my day or persuade others with his vitriol of hatred.

In my vision, he sits beneath a single desktop lamp without a shade, in front of an old-fashioned CRT monitor, still using a classic, IBM model M keyboard (technically and shamefully manufactured by Lexmark). But he likes the sound the keys make as he pounds on them. It fuels his inner fires of hatred. There are junk food wrappers on the floor around his once proud and now worn, frayed chair with stuffing poking through the leather. In his mind's eye, he's a knight in shining armor charging to battle. The rest of us, he's a kid with a stick in danger of poking out his own eye.

Go home, kid. I hear your mother calling you.
The Loving Wives drama has me at least a little bit nervous about my first cuckold-ish story, which is now about 2/3rds written. Any advice? I'm obviously not planning to post it in Loving Wives, just Erotic Couplings. The gist is that it's a spin on the help-me-get-pregnant theme, where a couple recruits a man to impregnate his wife after facing infertility issues. In other words, the husband sanctions the encounters. It's more like the surrogate and the wife develop feelings and take it further than intended. Ultimately the husband comes to look upon the situation as a favorable threesome, and so it's not to the degree of "men being treated badly" or "cheating without consequences". I'm totally not used to husband/wife stories, so I'm a little bit out of my element. But are there any obvious pitfalls with this that I should look out for?
So true, but on the other hand I encourage readers to contact me using the feedback form and I get some of my best feedback that way. On the other hand I feel the female author / reader dynamic may be different than the male author / reader. I get a lot of female reader feedback offline too which did surprise me when I first started here. So reach out to your readers at the end of every story with a note saying whatever you want to say. I do that with all of mine now.

That's interesting. Like a lot of authors, I sometimes post a little note at the start of the story. But especially for a contest submission, I would imagine a reminder to participate in the voting, etc. at the end makes more sense. I'm just always wary of being too pushy. But especially for longer stories, after 5 or 8 pages, who knows if they even remember they're reading a contest entry.
That's interesting. Like a lot of authors, I sometimes post a little note at the start of the story. But especially for a contest submission, I would imagine a reminder to participate in the voting, etc. at the end makes more sense. I'm just always wary of being too pushy. But especially for longer stories, after 5 or 8 pages, who knows if they even remember they're reading a contest entry.

I get the odd piece of feedback saying readers find my chatty little end notes entertaining and sometimes informative. I do work on them as hard as I work on my stories too
One of my latest (now deleted) anon rants was about the wording of the copyright notice at the start of my stories.

It's standard wording for most mainstream fiction printed in the UK but anon considered it wrong.