annoying co-workers


Dec 14, 2002
I mean annoying as an adjective, not a verb.

I have this one annoying co-worker who always says, "AWWWW SCCCHHHHHNAAAAP!" every time there is a moment of silence in a conversation. I think he's trying to say "Aw, snap" but draws it out for no reason. Why? I don't know.
Evil co-worker, bad!
well i do have co workers that get on my nerves at times. most of them are cool for the most part but there has been a few hot moments where i was ready to lose my job over they punk ass.
I have a co worker who "secretly" picks her nose and then insists on being all touchy-feely when she talks to you.

Now, that should not only be considered annoying, but, disgusting as well.
I say AAAAAWWWW SCHNAAAAPP! all the time, too.

I sure wish all my co-workers would let me know that it's annoying.
I'm letting you know right now! lol

Ezzie, your co-worker sounds worse than mine. Right now, you are winning. But my annoying co-worker even says this in restaurants to the servers when we all go out to lunch, and even on the phone! It's horrible.
I don't know about winning, Kara. Loud people really annoy me worse than anything, so, even though my co worker is a nasty pig, yours might be considered worse in my book.

Maybe, you can always wash up right? But what do you do when you're talking to Mum on the phone and he grabs it as a joke and yells "Aw schnap!" into it without even knowing who he's talking to? I was mortified.
That's when I'd look at him dead in the eyes and say "If you ever do that again, you'll have this phone stuck up your ass!"

But, that may just be my hot temper shining though. :)
Well I grabbed the phone back and hit him with it and threw a pen at him:) My mum wasn't too mad, just surprised. I told him never do that again! He's a nice guy, just kind of a moron with his catchphrase.
I have one of these annoying co-workers!

The woman is 40something years old, but she whines worse than my small children. Way worse. PLUS she's just constantly loud.

Fuck! I wish she'd just put a cork in it sometimes.

I feel better now, thanks.