Annoying abreviations.

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
There are several people who text me, using the letter 'k' instead of ok.
What? Your finger is too tired to press the 'o'?
It annoys the crap out of me :mad:
I don't know why, but whenever a 'k' arrives on my phone I get pissed off.

What abreviation annoys you?
These relate to another board I'm on. BM and CM. They refer to birth mom and cafe mom, but I always read it as bowel movement and cervical mucous. The last one makes me chuckle a little, I must admit.
These relate to another board I'm on. BM and CM. They refer to birth mom and cafe mom, but I always read it as bowel movement and cervical mucous. The last one makes me chuckle a little, I must admit.

Excuse my ignorance - but what is a cafe mum?
An inferior parenting website.

I'm a little ways past needing a parenting website! Youngest is 16 now.

It's interesting though that people from different places in the world assume that everyone knows what is meant when they use terms common to their own country.
I am guilty of the same - I often write things without remembering that other countries/cultures may not know what I'm referring to!
IMHO WQ is a lying racist cunt, but my bff says she is actually mentally ill so imo that explains how crazy l33t she is, k?
IMHO WQ is a lying racist cunt, but my bff says she is actually mentally ill so imo that explains how crazy l33t she is, k?

fail with l33t since that isn't an abbreviation. FAIL FAKE ABBREVIATION FAIL

however, is abreviation an abbreviation for abbreviation?
fail with l33t since that isn't an abbreviation. FAIL FAKE ABBREVIATION FAIL

however, is abreviation an abbreviation for abbreviation?
She couldn't remember if it was 2-b or not 2-b.

Thank you, I'm here all Internet.
fail with l33t since that isn't an abbreviation. FAIL FAKE ABBREVIATION FAIL

however, is abreviation an abbreviation for abbreviation?

OH yes it is an abbreviation for the longest possible abbreviation for abbreviation that you can find; others being, abbreviatio, abreviato, abreviat, etc. Now you can see where this leads and there are far too many vairations to enumerate here. (vairiations beiing a elongation of variations).
Now I know that many people here at Lit.... will dispute my allegations but I warn you that I have a Doctorate in abbreviations, so I'm by no means unqualified. Just think, Phd in abbreviations and that means I've got it Piled Higher and Deeper in abbrevitions. Impressive; right?

I hope that this makes sense to you KyleW and all of you for that matter .....

G'day ... Loring
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There are several people who text me, using the letter 'k' instead of ok.
What? Your finger is too tired to press the 'o'?
It annoys the crap out of me :mad:
I don't know why, but whenever a 'k' arrives on my phone I get pissed off.

What abreviation annoys you?

You should realize WC that the abbreviation 'K' is a VERY SPECIAL abbreviation because it also represents 'C' and the reason is that the word it or they represent(s) is spelled both ways, that is with either a 'c' or a 'k' and the word is not "OK" and if people are intimating that you are one, then curses upon them.

Madam, you have a magnificent 'A' that is and it draws attention away from what is almost surely a magnificent 'K' or 'C' whichever you prefer and let me say that if those are your buttocks and your husband took the photo, then he belongs in the "Hall of Fame" for heroic and epic work.

Ciao, Loring