... and so it goes ...

Interesting. I always love a good history lesson. So BusyBody is that crazy guy that is currently or would appear to be BBthrives and there is, the infamous Hash or Hashtag as everyone refers too, and others have noticed him as a alt in my short time here or at least referred too him as such. I remember AJ I just didn't know that was his name. He was here at the beginning of my time, 4est or whatever was his screen name. Or did I get any of that wrong?

Lit is a complicated book rich in history and the characters can be confusing to somebody such as myself trying to pick it all up at this point.

Its all starting to come together
Interesting. I always love a good history lesson. So BusyBody is that crazy guy that is currently or would appear to be BBthrives and there is, the infamous Hash or Hashtag as everyone refers too, and others have noticed him as a alt in my short time here or at least referred too him as such. I remember AJ I just didn't know that was his name. He was here at the beginning of my time, 4est or whatever was his screen name. Or did I get any of that wrong?

Lit is a complicated book rich in history and the characters can be confusing to somebody such as myself trying to pick it all up at this point.

Its all starting to come together

Wait till you start trying to figure out the alts of the left wing characters ... they've each got more personas than a meat lovers pizza
I think it'll be ok, I was always just confused when these names came up in conversation.. Eyer is another one that i hear referred to often. Its hard to follow along at times.
They didn't get banned for being "irritating." They were banned for breaking the rules repeatedly.

What part of that don't you understand?

People are fucking retarded when it comes to simple facts. Break the rules, get banned. Look at the OWNER'S SIDEWAYS IN THEIR HOUSE, get banned. Quit your bitching or leave. See? Simple.
I think it'll be ok, I was always just confused when these names came up in conversation.. Eyer is another one that i hear referred to often. Its hard to follow along at times.

RobDownSouth/North/East/West/Northeast/Southwest/Eastbynortheast/Prevailingwesterlies... and so it goes....

Most of them have so many alts, banning one of them is like shooting someone in China
Most of them have so many alts, banning one of them is like shooting someone in China

Wow. Superb racist analogy there, guy.

I guess the right wing equivalent would be like running someone over with a car in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Because population analogies are racist? Where, exactly does that rate on your chart for the intersectionality of oppression?

You do realize that Harvard is currently arguing that it is lawfull to actively discriminate against Asians because so many of them do so well?

Remember the good ole days when you could pee in ice cube trays, ya know, before refrigerators with ice makers.
Ice cube trays still exist and we all pee daily.

To put it even simpler:

A "hacker" is one who hacks into something to see and understand how something works in the spirit of learning and making things work better, without even an ounce of malicious intent whatsoever.

A "cracker" is one who hacks into something with nothing but malicious intent.

A hacker can easily see what computer you are on, your location, and more. What he does with this info can be good or bad. Many of us here give away many secrets just by commenting. All someone needs to do is take the time to gather the information. For instance we lived near the Suwannee River in Florida. Now we live in central Illinois.
Being exhibitionists and loving sex games we really have little to hide. It is nice to not let rapists and serial killers know too much just in case.
We no longer have a ditch filled with gators around our castle.

A cracker is slang for the original Florida cattle rancher. He used a whip to crack and herd the cows.
do we have a banned thread already?

a list every time someone is banned?
Because population analogies are racist? Where, exactly does that rate on your chart for the intersectionality of oppression?

You do realize that Harvard is currently arguing that it is lawfull to actively discriminate against Asians because so many of them do so well?

It's because the assistant manager was making the analogy that there are billions of Chinese so killing one isn't really a big deal. Pretty simple, really.
Actually I did not enjoy it. I had different opinion privately with people I liked over this matter on more than one occasion and publicly on others. I remember it me rather unpopular at one stage because I respectfully pointed out it was not nice whether or not we liked a person to some one I liked ( later became fb friends with for a while) . The only posts of such nature I ever found amusing were those directed AT me. Because I knew the lack of validity of them. And I think at least one poster might vouch for my lack of any resentment over such.

As for deleting stuff, it’s for a reason other than ‘ regretting being too open’. I am not ashamed to be me. I am actually increasingly proud of it. I have been braver than many and I feel I have acted with integrity, something even those who take a stance different to mine might be forced to admit if they tried to empathise. I have surely behaved poorly at times; I am no angel nor ever pretended to be. And certainly I have been in a very difficult situation and making poor choices in recent months in my behaviour and certainly behaved... in increasingly taut ways. But, You know, I am looking around and ...I don’t have envy :). I still like my drum’s beat the best for me.

Any way; I to not plan to return to be a litster; :). I had a message from two people I have popped on to return.

Why is the Gb this state? I would say because we failed to self police. Witty snark? Fine; but hurtful snipes? People who find that amusing I think are part of the problem.

Have a great week every one :). :rose:

No comment. Except have a great week yourself.
No comment. Except have a great week yourself.

Thank you for quoting that, I had not read it before. That really straddles the not so blurry line of humble bragging to full-blown narcissism.
Thank you for quoting that, I had not read it before. That really straddles the not so blurry line of humble bragging to full-blown narcissism.

It is nothing of the sort. It's absolutely true. I've had a conversations with her just like the ones she spoke of. She's very kind and thoughtful, and frowned upon negativity shown to even the most egregious trolls. She rarely bothered to defend herself when trolls spoke ill of her. Furthermore, she asked that others not defend her as well.