90% of people can't use punctuation marks, especially in the vicinity of question marks.
Surely, the worst story in the world ever wouldn't be this well written from a stylistic perspective. Fantastic start, but I'm sure someone can do better (more bad ). Maybe, Dr M, this is a second critics' award for you to run. Nominating the worst stories with ever read (readed?) and taking them apart for snobbish, malicious fun.
I liked the story. It fulfilled all the promises made in the introduction. Trite, hackneyed, cliches, etc.
I wish I'd had the foresight to do an intro like that. After a few erotic stories, I wrote "Frieda the Cat." I didn't warn readers that it was COMPLETELY different than what I usually write. I was in a manic mood when I wrote it, and I was trying to be funny.
Many readers totally missed the point.
From that experience, I learned that the reader must be led gently but firmly to where you want him to be. Then he must be turned in the proper direction, and told what he is going to read about. Only then should he be allowed to actually read something you've written.
Several times I've made the mistake of assuming that the average reader has any idea about what the writer is trying to do. Siiiighhhhhh I sometimes wish I wrote in the "I kiked down the dor and cummed in her fase" genre.
This one paragraph was enough to just the price of admission.
("I'm going to take you home now," growled Thrash, admiring her perfect DD 38-24-36 body and 10-7-5 legs and size 5 and 3/4 head as she got in the car. A button popped on her uniform blouse. ")
However, I gave it a three (3) for false advertising. This sucker (so to speak) should have been in the Humor/Satire section.
Hi all. I am a frequent chatter in the literotica chat rooms, specifically the Stories and Authors room. The other night I was booted and banned for "flooding", responding too many times in rapid succession. It had happened to another chatter right before it happened to me, and she said she just sent an email to them explaining what happened and they got her back in. My problem: I can't get in to get the email address of any of the chat monitors, notr can I get in to discuss it with them in real time ina chat room! Could someone, anyone, please log into chat and find a chat monitor's email address for me? Better yet, if you see a chat monitor in any of the rooms (their name is in blue, not black like ordinary chatters) could you ask them how I can get this resolved tonight? I'm begging! Thanks so much!