An Unexpected Turn of Events (closed for Maka)

A slow, shy smile spread across Charlotte's face at Daniel's reassurances that he found her attractive like this. She bit her lip for a moment, their gazes meeting while she absorbed what this meant - he found her attractive, even like this, covered in his cum. She knew it was common for men to like that sort of sight, but she'd always been left with the impression that it was particular to those men who liked humiliating women. But she didn't find it humiliating at all. Instead, the feeling of his cum, drying slowly on her skin, felt beautifully intimate, like she was covered in his essence. And clearly, Daniel saw something he enjoyed in it too, given the way he was looking at her.

Her small smile broke suddenly into a wide grin at the realization that he didn't find her somehow disgusting for enjoying this, and she crawled over him, until her legs were straddling his hips and her head was nestled comfortably against his collarbone. She stretched up a little to plant a warm kiss on his neck, and then simply pressed her body against his, purring at the warmth, comfort and strength that he simply radiated.
Charlotte's sudden grin was the cutest, most charming thing Daniel had ever seen. It seemed to light up the entire room. There was such total trust and adoration in her large blue eyes that it humbled Daniel. He just wanted to throw his arms around this extraordinary, beautiful girl and keep her close forever.

Charlotte climbed up Daniel's body, wrapping her legs around his hips and resting her head trustingly on his collarbone, after planting an impish little kiss on his cheek. She began making contented purring sounds like a kitten.

Daniel closed his eyes, relishing the sweetness of this moment. He stroked Charlotte's silky smooth golden hair and inhaled her scent. She smelled of wildflowers and of him and of sex -her fresh, juicy pussy was wet with her delicious feminine arousal. That, and the feel of her smooth, flawless skin, of her perky breasts pressed into his chest, and his consciousness that she was proudly covered in his cum and exulting in the fact that he had marked her -all of this sped up the return of Daniel's erection.

The huge monster, still glistening from Charlotte's mouth, sprang upwards between them, its swollen head brushing against the lower half of Charlotte's breasts. Meanwhile, Daniel's hand had travelled down from Charlotte's hair, his fingertips brushing sensually along her spine, until it descended on Charlotte's cute little ass. He squeezed it and kneaded it liberally, using the same motion to bring her even closer to him.
Charlotte squeaked at the feeling of Daniel's hand squeezing her bottom, then began to giggle, looking up at him. She bit her lip, blushing in the awareness that what she was about to do was far more forward than she usually was. In fact, it might have been more forward than she'd ever been. Her hand found its way to his growing cock once again and she wrapped her small, cool fingers around the shaft, marveling at the fact that she couldn't even make her fingertips meet on the other side. Then she started stroking gently. "I wasn't expecting you to be so ready to go again already..."

She hadn't expected herself to be ready to go again either. And yet, there she was, her pussy growing hot with desire once again at the thought of his cock filling and stretching her... Her eyes had fluttered shut as she imagined it, and she gave a small moan at the thought.

Suddenly eager, she sat up so that she was kneeling over him, her legs straddling his hips, her pussy pressed hard against the bottom of his shaft. She ground against him, making one hard circle with her hips. She gave another moan again, and struggled to open her eyes while she pushed herself up. She couldn't quite get high enough to angle his cock against her pussy, and she ended up giggling at herself, a sound interspersed with high, lusty moans while she rubbed his head against her pussy, trying to guide it to her entrance.
Her eyes bright, eager and playful, Charlotte was doing her best to mount Daniel's towering erection, coy giggles mixed with involuntary moans and coos of desire as her pussy ground against the shaft. The obscene noises were muffled for a moment as Daniel pulled her to him for another soulful kiss, tasting himself on her lips. Then his grip tightened on her ass and he lifted her straight up, positioning her above his massive cock. He locked gazes with her, all his fierce affection and lust blazing in his eyes. Then he brought her downwards, slowly lowering her on to his proud, throbbing cock.

Charlotte's previous orgasms had flooded her snatch, leaving it incredibly wet and slick and ready for the biggest thing that had ever penetrated it. Even so, it struggled to accomodate the sheer girth of Daniel's cock, squeezing wonderfully tight. Daniel fed the lovely, nymph-like girl the first couple of inches, holding her above him and letting her adjust to the cock stretching her out. He brought her down a little further then pulled her back up again, handling her entire delicate little body effortlessly but with supreme tenderness and care, sheathing himself inch by inch, feeling for her responses.
After their kiss, as Daniel lifted her easily, Charlotte locked gazes with him and felt her mouth go dry. The absolute adoration in his eyes made her feel like the only woman in the world. A single night with him, it seemed, was going to do more to fix her shattered ego than all the time and kind words in the world.

The moment he started to enter her, her eyes closed and she threw her whole head back, reveling in the feeling. He felt big, too big, like any moment she was going to reach a point where it became too much and started to hurt, but that moment never came. It was hard to say whether it was simply that she could take more than she thought, or if it was because of how gently and slowly he lowered her down onto him. He moved her easily up and down, drawing breathy sighs of pleasure with wach moment, and each time bringing her further down onto him.

Charlotte had expected that he would simply fill her entirely before he actually shealthed his whole length inside her. She had simply assumed he wouldn't fit. That was why, when she felt her thighs and ass come to rest on his hips and legs, she let out a short, involuntary "Oh!" of surprise. Her eyes opened slowly, glazed over with lust, and she bit her lip as she moved experimentally on him. "Daniel..." she breathed, whimpering with pleasure every time either of them moved even slightly. Slowly, carefully, she lifted herself off of him as far as she could, and then sunk slowly back down onto him.
Charlotte's mouth was open in disbelief at deeply her lithe young body was penetrated. Her pussy was wrapped around Daniel's cock, molding itself thrillingly to the contours of the huge, rigid rod thrust up inside it. For a moment, she was completely still, except for an excited trembling. Then she began to stir, each tentative little movement bringing husky whimpers of pleasure from her cherry lips.

At last, taking advantage of the suppleness and flexibility of her body, she pushed herself upwards and then down again. Daniel gave a groan of pleasure as she sank down. For a moment, sheer pleasure eclipsed his vision. Dipping his head forward, he covered her breasts in kisses, teasing each stiff, sensitive nipple with greedy flicks of his tongue. His hands were still firm on her rear. Moving more quickly now than he had the first time, he lifted her up along his shaft, glistening with Charlotte's mingled juices and saliva, then brought her down again.

He had been careful not to overwhelm her at first, having already gotten a taste of just how extraordinary sensitive and responsive Charlotte's delicate, lovely little body was. But now he could tell she was ready for the real royal treatment. At first, Daniel had thought he might simply split her in two, so delicate she seemed. But it was clear from her own movements that Charlotte was made of tougher material, and she was proving to be a very eager and naturally gifted lover. And Daniel wanted Charlotte to come til she saw God. The truth was he'd fallen hard for this elfin, waifish young beauty with her ready blushes and quick sunshine smiles, her shy glances and sweet playful kisses. He wanted to bring her the kind of pleasure that would deprive her of the power of speech, that would melt her into a puddle, that would emblazon itself into her memory. After tonight, Daniel wanted Charlotte's knees to weaken and her pussy to moisten at the mere sight of him.

He gradually increased the tempo of his movements until he was slamming Charlotte's entire body up and down his shaft, lifting her with effortless ease, stabbing deep into her core, and taking advantage of the angle to hit every sensitive spot inside her on the way up, while furiously licking and kissing her breasts.
Charlotte had never imagined pleasure like this. Every thrust of his hips, every time he pulled her back down onto his huge, hot cock, she felt like electricity was crackling through her body, fraying her nerves and making every part of her burn for him. She felt like she was immolating from the inside, and every time they paused for a moment, every time she thought she was going to be able to catch her breath, he simply did something new that stole the air from her lungs all over again.

What she would find most shocking about this and most endearing about him was his desire for her pleasure. He was like a man starved, or perhaps obsessed, ravenous for her body. With each touch, he was making her sing for him, a chorus of cries and moans.

It wasn't long before she felt herself rising to her peak once again. Her cries shot up an octave, her body arched needily toward him, and her pussy began to squeeze harder around him with each thrust. He seemed to sense it, because his motions became more urgent, or so she thought. It felt like he wanted her explosive orgasm more than anything, and that feeling, the sense of being desired so totally, was enough to send her spiraling off the edge. She gave a sharp cry, her hips bucking against his cock and in his hands, and she came.
A stream of high, clear cries was issuing forth without volition from Charlotte's throat. Her head was tossed back in ecstasy, her slender back arched, her deep blue eyes almost fearful of the vertiginous heights of pleasure she had ascended to. She was the picture of a girl being fucked into joyous oblivion. Daniel was now ravishing her without mercy, slamming her up and down so that the bed was creaking and shaking as well, letting her feel every inch of the steely rod penetrating and claiming her.

All at once, Charlotte's body stiffened and her pussy clamped even tighter around its invader, milking it, sucking at it, pulsing while her voice rose to a wild, sexy scream of ecstasy. Daniel increased the tempo of his movements even further to the accompaniment of her wild thrashing and writhing, expertly bringing her to an epic full-body orgasm, feeling his own radiating along his erection before finally releasing, spraying hot cum deep inside her like a fire-hose, showering her cunt with it. Wave after wave came rocketing out, filling her up inside with the warm, sticky seed.

For a moment, Daniel simply held her there, his body warmed by a deep golden glow of contentment. He could hardly believe it. He was a lover with extraordinary stamina, but he'd just spent the previous night fucking an insatiable, athletic brunette. It was though Morgan and Charlotte had both simply, in their very different ways, brought out titanic forces of lust in him.

He gently lowered the now limp, exhausted and thoroughly satisfied Charlotte, bringing her to rest on the bed. He stretched out beside her, extending an arm to cuddle the waifish blonde.
Charlotte shuddered with aftershocks of delicious pleasure for quite a while after Daniel had exploded inside her and she'd come down from that initial high. Her mind hadn't quitw restarted itself, so she moved on sinple instinct. His warmth drew her close to him as she lay down on the bed beside him, and his scent kept her there. Somehow, she felt like she recognized his smell as the one belonging to the man whose cum had just marked her. There was something so visceral, so primal about the feeling of his cum inside her that it felt like it had affected her on that kind of instinctual level.

Of course, a moment later, her thoughts finally began to clear, and Charlotte returned to herself, a shy smile gracing her lips while a faint blush grew on her cheeks at the slow realization of just how wanton and lustful she had been during their frantic, exquisite sex. She pressed a kiss to his cheek, her thighs pressing together as she felt a trail of cum leak out of her still-throbbing pussy. "Thank you," she breathed, and she meant it. She had never known lovemaking like that. She had never known such perfect ecstasy. He had given her a great gift.
"Mmmm... " said Daniel, relishing the warmth and contentment of this moment.

Charlotte had snuggled happily up against him, pressing her cheek against his chest, like an animal bedding down beside her mate. Daniel didn't think he was flattering himself with his sense of how unusual it was for shy, vulnerable Charlotte to be this instantly comfortable, relaxed and trusting around somebody, let alone to have gone to bed with them so soon after meeting them. Curled up next to him, she was exposing herself to him so utterly and completely, and it filled Daniel with pride and deep affection. He could feel her heart beating beside him -slowly returning to regular little beats after the pounding race of their recent activity.

It was strange. This morning, his mind had been full of nothing but Morgan and he was aware of nothing but his own keen desire to fuck her once again, again and again. He'd assumed that he'd simply be wandering through the weekend in a haze, just waiting for a respectable enough time to call her up, to see her and bed her once again. But then he'd met Charlotte and somehow all of this happened.

Both had been extraordinary, in such different ways. Morgan was a fierce, fiery lover, demanding a man worthy of her and unafraid to buck, bite and claw like a tigress in the throes of passion. Because she was beautiful, confident and strong she demanded a man even stronger, one to whom she proudly submitted and gave up control. Ethereal Charlotte, by contrast, needed a patient and tender lover, one who had the touch to make her forget herself, to drive her slender body into fits of wild ecstasy, making her come until she forget who and where she was in the white light of total pleasure.

Daniel felt an unexpected stab of regret at the thought of Morgan. He could not imagine ever wanting to leave Charlotte now that he'd found her, to have heartlessly used her as he'd imagined men in her life might have done before. Sex with her was extraordinary -it was golden, heavenly bliss arousing and satisfying that supple, petite body and he couldn't wait to initiate her further in the arts of love. But it was still hard to completely drive out rogue thoughts of Morgan's beautiful face, her long dark hair, gigantic breasts, the sultry sound of her voice, the inventiveness and eroticism of her mind... and the question he'd never asked her, that moment they'd shared.

The truth was that, although he hadn't said it out loud, as though wishing not to jinx it, part of Daniel had seen his night with Morgan as the start of something beyond a fuck buddy arrangement -had pictured them sinking wthout regrets deeper and deeper into something like a normal relationship. And he'd wanted that. Now it seemed it hadn't been the beginning of anything at all -more like a firework-filled coda to Daniel's life as a single man.

Charlotte let out a little sigh, stretching up to shyly kiss Daniel on the cheek and whisper "Thank you." Daniel felt his heart melt. He wrapped his arm close around Charlotte's shoulders and brought her in to smell her gently fragrant, silky smooth golden hair.

"Thank you," he whispered.

He'd call Morgan tomorrow, explain how things had changed, and then delete her number from his phone. He'd never cheat on Charlotte, of course, but it would be best to avoid seeing her again, with all of those unresolved -now permanently unresolved, feelings. It would be for the best.
Charlotte started to slip contentedly into sleep in Daniel's arms, her mind wondering why she wasn't afraid. She couldn't have known, but her own thoughts echoed Daniel's for a moment, while they lay there in golden, exhausted silence. She had never in her life invited a man to bed this quickly. She recognized that it had been a dangerous thing to do. Daniel could easily leave her now. Technically, it wouldn't have even been a wrong thing for him to do. She hadn't expressed any expectation of something more than a one-night-stand. If he didn't want anything more, she wouldn't have blamed him. It would break her heart, without question - early as it was, scary as it was, she knew she was falling for him, hard and fast. But if he left, if he told her he hadn't wanted anything more than one night, she wouldn't be able to blame him.

And yet, she didn't fear for even a moment that he was going to leave her. There was something in the way he held her and whispered to her that said he wasn't going to leave. He wanted her in the same way she wanted him; they wanted something more than play. Both of them wanted a real relationship out of this.

It was at that thought that Charlotte gave a short, pleased giggle, breaking the comfortable silence enveloping them. She felt Daniel shift to look at her, clearly curious, and she blushed. "Sorry. I'm just, umm, really happy."


Charlotte came very slowly out of sleep the next morning, purring slightly at how very, very comfortable she was. She felt absolutely enveloped in Daniel - her chest pressed against his, her face nestled against his neck, his large hands spanning her tiny torso. She felt perfectly enveloped in warmth and comfort. She didn't want to move, at first, but as she came slowly out of sleep, she began to want to get up. She couldn't quite have said why, because she couldn't imagine anything more pleasant than snuggling with him but... And that's when she realized. She felt a sudden, undeniable desire to thank him somehow for last night. She wanted to spoil him the way he has spoiled her, and for some reason, that meant making him breakfast while he slept. She know consciously that it was silly, but her heart wanted so badly to do something - anything - for him that it simply latched onto the idea of breakfast and became obsessed with it. And so, grinning from ear to ear, Charlotte wiggled out of bed, trying her best to keep him from waking.

Once she was standing, she instantly missed the feel of being enveloped in his scent so, on that whim, she scooped up his shirt discarded on the floor and pulled it on over her head. Her senses were flooded with him once again, and she giggled out of pure pleasure. The sound made Daniel stir, so she leaned over the bed to press a warm kiss to his lips. "I'm going to make breakfast," she whispered in explanation, still grinning giddily.


Charlotte was a great cook, even by her own humble opinion. Any time she entered the kitchen, it ended up smelling of cooking onions and garlic with some mouthwatering combination of spices. This morning, she set about creating omelettes. Daniel, she thought, must still have been in bed, because even after the smell started filling the apartment, he hadn't come out yet. Her roommate, however, was apparently drawn out of her room by the mouthwatering scent, which wasn't particularly surprising. She loved Charlotte's cooking.

Morgan Green came padding out of her room and into the kitchen, yawning and stretching as she went. In a habit that should surprise absolutely no one, Morgan slept regularly in the nude, but Charlotte generally didn't allow her to wander the greater apartment completely naked, so most mornings, Morgan came out wearing underwear and nothing else. This morning was no exception. Her chest was enclosed in a sexy, blue lace bra that served only to make her caramel skin look more edible than usual, and she bore a pair of matching panties on her bottom, which did practically nothing to actually hide any of her body.

"Mmm, Char, that smells good, baby." She stopped when she stepped into the kitchen, a wide, almost proud grin spreading over her full lips at the sight of Charlotte floating in a a t-shirt that quite clearly belonged to a man.

Charlotte looked up from the food for a moment to blush and smile sheepishly at the look on Morgan's face.

Morgan, for her part, simply crossed the room and came to stand immediately behind Charlotte, her hands coming to rest on the smaller girl's hips, her hips pressing gently against Charlotte's pert ass, her breasts pushing against Charlotte's upper back. She dipped her head down and trailed her nose along Charlotte's neck. It was an undeniably sensual affection, but it was something Charlotte had simply grown used to. She had simply come to understand that Morgan was sensual in everything she did, including showing affection for her best friend. It was something she'd never really questioned. It had never bothered her - in fact, some subconscious part of her enjoyed it. She enjoyed the attention, and the knowledge that someone wanted to be close to her, even if it was simply because (she thought) that Morgan wanted to be close to everyone.

"Mmmmm," Morgan purred into Charlotte's ear, her lips hovering shockingly close to her neck. "He smells good." She hadn't quite put two and two together yet. She knew she recognized the smell, but hadn't yet realized that it was something more than two men who wore the same cologne.

And that was the moment in which Daniel stepped into the kitchen. That was the scene laid before him. The two women who had drawn out in him the most carnal, primal of desires standings before him, their bodies pressed together and both dressed in rather intimate clothing. Charlotte, wearing nothing but his shirt and blushing at Morgan's comments, while Morgan stood in nothing but her lacy underwear with her hands, slightly possessively, on Charlotte's hips, her lips nearly brushing her neck, a wicked smirk on her face suggesting that she was making Charlotte blush on purpose.

Both women looked up at the sound of Daniel entering. Charlotte's face lit up into a smile. Morgan's hands tightened almost imperceptibly on Charlotte's hips while a look of genuine shock crossed her features.

"Daniel," Charlotte chirped. "This is my roommate, Morgan. Morgan, this is Daniel."
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Daniel woke up from pleasant, Charlotte-filled dreams to find his nostrils twitching with the delicious smells wafting from the kitchen. He smiled as he now recalled Charlotte whispering her intention of cooking breakfast to him, following up her words with a gentle kiss. Judging by how good it smelled, Charlotte brought the same passion and talent to cooking that she did to art... and to bed.

Stirring, and casting the bedsheets, Daniel rummaged around for his clothes. He realised with a laugh that the little minx had stolen his T-shirt, so he simply put on his jeans and walked out bare-chested into the kitchen, his chiselled abs and hard flat washboard stomach on display. He was thinking over plans for their first Sunday together -perhaps they could go out to the park? Or to a film. A wicked grin flashed across his face. If Charlotte's roommate was still not in evidence, perhaps they could just...

The thought was never completed. Opening the bedroom door and looking out into the kitchen, Daniel was stopped dead in his tracks by a sight he could not possibly have expected.

Charlotte was standing barefoot by the cooker, holding a frying pan and dressed only in his T-shirt. Behind her, equally scantily-clad, was the girl who just last night he had made up his mind not to see again. Morgan Green herself, in the supple, pliant, caramel-coloured flesh. She was dressed in a lacy blue bra that only served to make her breasts seem all the more eye-poppingly big, and a scandalously brief pair of matching panties. She was pressing herself affectionately against Charlotte from behind, her hands on the smaller girl's hips, her breasts brushing Charlotte's back and her head resting intimately on Charlotte's slender shoulders. It looked for all the world as though she were about to kiss Charlotte's neck, and the lazy feline smile on her full lips did nothing at all to dispel that impression -no more than the slightly possessive way she was holding Charlotte. Charlotte was blushing furiously at something Morgan had just said to her but she did not look at all uncomfortable with the close presence of the other young beauty -in fact, there was a happy little smile on her face and her blue eyes were dancing.

It was not just his shocked recognition of Morgan that gave Daniel pause. It was also the heady erotic quality of the scene before him. The two girls who had been constantly alternating in his thoughts for the past two days, the young beauties who'd awoken his wildest and most primal desires, were standing half-naked there before him, their bodies on display, showing a mouth-watering intimacy with each other.

Daniel's first idea, that this might just possibly be the conclusion of some mysterious erotic game planned by Morgan, was dispelled by the obvious shock on her face at seeing him. It took a lot for Morgan Green to look that overwhelmed and surprised (although her face when she had first seen the gigantic size of his cock, and later on when he came inside her, both came to mind as comparisons). This wasn't Morgan's doing. And it surely wasn't Charlotte's.

Daniel came to his senses as Charlotte, beaming at him, launched cheerfully into redundant introductions:

"Daniel. This is my roommate, Morgan. Morgan, this is Daniel."

"Um," said Daniel, at an uncharacteristic loss. "Actually we've already met."
Charlotte hadn't quite picked up on the sudden tension of confusion and surprise that had permeated the room since Daniel walked in, but she started to notice after Daniel mentioned that he'd already met Morgan. She felt it, primarily in the form of Morgan's hands growing tight on her hips. She wondered if something was wrong.

Her head tilted, her mind so far gone from the concept of them having slept together that it would never have even occurred to her. "Oh? Isn't that a coincidence. How do you two know each other?" She was smiling, but her smile was failing slowly as she realized that Daniel, for his part, looked at least apprehensive about what was happening, and Morgan still hadn't released her suddenly steely grip of Charlotte's hips. Yes, something was definitely wrong.

Morgan, meanwhile, felt her heart rate jump. She knew, naturally, what had happened with Charlotte's last idiot boyfriend. The asshole had broken up with little, adorable Charlotte in an attempt to get with Morgan. Morgan's response had been to verbally castrate him - she adored Charlotte and anyone who broke her heart like that deserved what was coming to them. She knew, knew without a shadow of a doubt that Charlotte was going to be hurt when she found out how she and Daniel knew each other. The poor girl had only just started recovering from the terrible blow to her ego given to her by her last boyfriend, and this was going to shatter it all again. And this time, Morgan wasn't going to be able to make her feel better with her protective anger. This wasn't Daniel's fault. How could he possibly have known? She couldn't blame him. But that didn't change the fact that Charlotte was going to be, unquestionably, hurt by the news that was coming.

Morgan sighed. She was going to have to be gentle about this. "Char, baby," she whispered, her voice low and soft. "Daniel and I met a few nights ago at a bar. And I went home with him."

She felt Charlotte go rigid for a moment as she realized was Morgan was saying, and Morgan grimaced. But a moment later, in true Charlotte from, the smaller girl was smiling again, slightly forced.

"Oh! Well, that's... not what I expected to hear."

Morgan sighed, shooting Daniel an apologetic look. This was not something she could fix. It was going to have to be him who reassured her that this news wasn't going to change anything. Had he been anyone else, she would have, herself, been demanding his assurances that he wasn't going to do anything stupid like try to abandon Charlotte for her, but she could already see the way he was looking at Charlotte. He had no intention of breaking her heart. The realization sent an unexpected pang of jealousy through her. Really, Morgan? she admonished herself. Now you're going to fall for your best friend's man?

She gave her head a shake, trying to ignore the tight little ball of jealous that was forming under her breastbone, and kissed Charlotte's cheek. Then she took a step back, finally releasing Charlotte, and took a deep breath. "You two should probably talk." And with that, she retreated into her room, trying desperately to pretend she wasn't mourning the loss of what she had secretly hoped would become a real relationship with Daniel.
Daniel felt stricken by the look of hurt and confusion that flashed across Charlotte's delicate face, and even more so by the brave little smile that replaced it. It was useless to tell himself that he was not at fault, that he hadn't even known of Charlotte's existence on the night he'd spent with Morgan -that made no difference right now to Charlotte's crushed feelings.

He did not even make eye-contact with Morgan as she tactfully absented herself. He wanted to shoot her a grateful glance for being so immediately honest and upfront with Charlotte, as he himself had planned on being -knowing that lying about something like that would have been a million times worse. But he did not even want to exchange glances with her, feeling almost as though that would suggest some kind of secret intimacy between them, something Charlotte wasn't included in.

Or was that he was worried that Morgan -or Charlotte, would detect the undeniable passion he still felt for her, the rampant desire, for all that he tried to repress it? This was a potential disaster on more than one level. He'd just specifically decided to avoid ever seeing Morgan again, for this very reason -his powerful, unresolved feelings. Now it seemed he'd never be able to avoid her.

But that was a concern for the future, and he had more immediate problems. He made his way across the living room to the kitchen where Charlotte stood, still forlornly holding the frying pan.

"I'm sorry," he said, coming close and reaching out a hand to her cheek but keeping his distance, letting her decide if she wanted him to touch her just then. "I had no idea that Morgan was your flatmate."

He paused.

"I know we've just met but... I really, really want this, want us, to happen. This... weird thing isn't going to change anything about the way I feel -and I hope the same's true for you."
"I'm sorry."

Charlotte saw, out of her corner of her eye while she stared down at the now-burning omlettes, that Daniel was reaching for her. She didn't move while she listened to the rest of what he said, his explanation, his quiet request that they not let this change things.

She was surprised to find that she believed him. That perfect, complete trust in him that she'd felt last night hadn't been broken by this, in large part because she was entirely aware that none of the three of them had done anything wrong. And he still wanted her. After having had Morgan, the woman Charlotte had always thought would be the most desirable, he still wanted cute, small, gentle little Charlotte. It was surprising to her, to say the least. Charlotte had never imagined someone wanting her as much as they might want Morgan. Even Charlotte herself had, were she being honest, desired her best friend in a more-than-platonic manner, once or twice, usually having been plied with alcohol or loneliness first. And if Morgan was so ideal that a woman who otherwise considered herself more or less straight had wanted her, Charlotte couldn't have imagined matching that desire in anyone. And yet here he was, trying to make sure this hadn't broken the beginning of whatever it was they had. Not chasing Morgan, not giving up on what was turning out to be a far more complicated relationship than she was sure he had hoped for. He was still here, with her.

Another small smile spread across Charlotte's lips, then, this one entirely genuine, and she leaned easily into Daniel's hand, her gaze meeting his for the first time since Morgan had left. She held his gaze for a moment, her eyes silently thanking him for staying. Then she looked down at the eggs in the pan, a short, giddy little giggle escaping her throat. "I'm sorry, I guess I messed up our breakfast... Maybe we should go out instead?"

It wasn't hard to see that her question was as much as suggestion that they leave the apartment (and Morgan) than anything else. She could easily have made more food, but she had recognized that there had been something between Morgan and Daniel, at least on Morgan's side - something she had felt in the way Morgan's gentle touches had changed after Daniel had entered the room. Something that both of them were consciously putting aside for the sake of this burgeoning relationship, which Charlotte was immensely grateful for. She knew Morgan loved her, enough that she would give up whatever she had with Daniel to give Charlotte this chance at happiness instead. The gratitude she felt towards her friend was extraordinary. It was the least she could do to leave the apartment and avoid making her watch this relationship she couldn't have.
Charlotte stood stock still for a moment, then leant gratefully into Daniel's extended hand, rubbing her soft, smooth cheek affectionately against his palm. Daniel felt muscles relax that he hadn't even realised he'd tensed. The future certainly held challenges, and life with Charlotte, as long as she still lived with Morgan, was going to hold some emotional pitfalls. But he hadn't ruined everything. His budding relationship with sweet Charlotte was still intact.

She gave a musical little giggle, regarding the burned eggs in the pan ruefully.

"I'm sorry, I guess I messed up our breakfast... Maybe we should go out instead?"

Daniel grinned.

"I know just the place," he said, thinking of the place Charlotte had taken him from the bookstore. "It's a bakery, not far from here... "

They were soon going to make themselves that bakery's number one customers, if they continued to spend the same amounts of time in it that they had yesterday. And perhaps that would be just as well -making sure Daniel never spent too much time with Morgan. And Daniel cursed himself at the little stab of regret he felt at that idea, at the part of him that would love to spend more time with Morgan... and Charlotte.
Charlotte and Daniel spent most of their time for the next week or so as far from Charlotte's apartment as possible. They both wanted to avoid hurting Morgan, and it was easier to escape into Daniel's apartment for sex without having to worry about being quiet.

Only then, one night, they thought they had Charlotte's apartment alone. They weren't doing anything special - just a night of snuggling on the couch, watching a film together, when Morgan walked in the door. And they found, much to their great pleasure, that it wasn't as immediately awkward as they though. Morgan, for her part, found it easy to drown out her own jealousy with pleasure at seeing Charlotte so happy, and Charlotte had missed her friend very much, having spent far less time with her recently than usual (though for entirely understandable reasons).

And so from there, despite the heavy awareness that weighed on each mind that this was very likely a bad idea, they started to spend more time together, all three of them.

Charlotte couldn't deny that she liked spending time with both Daniel and Morgan. They were quickly becoming her favourite people in the world, and to spend time with both was a particular pleasure. On the other hand, however, it did not escape her the way they looked at each other; the way Daniel's eyes would slide hungrily up Morgan's body whenever she stood or walked, or did much of anything that showed off her sumptuous body in any way, and the way Morgan would lean a little too close and lick her lips subconsciously when speaking to Daniel. Each time, Charlotte felt a stab of both jealousy and guilt. They wanted each other. There was no denying it. And she was the one keeping them apart.

Morgan, meanwhile, knew she was toeing a very, very dangerous line. Something about Daniel simply drew her to him, an animal magnetism she couldn't resist or explain. Too often she found herself reaching out to touch him more intimately than she should be. Too often she felt the sharp, suddenly temptation to kiss him whenever he got too close. She found herself fearing, more and more, that one day her wall would crack, and she would give in. She would open the flood gates of lust that were welling up inside and then she wouldn't be able to stop herself, and she would utterly ruin the closest friendship she'd ever had. It wasn't worth it. That was the only thought that kept her under control. It certainly didn't help that, the more time she spent with him, the more she liked him - not just lusted after him, but truly, honestly liked him. Just another reminder of what she could have had if fate hadn't decided to fuck with her so entirely.

Worse still, Morgan found suddenly over the 3 week period since Daniel and Charlotte had first gotten together, that she couldn't get laid. Perhaps, though, 'couldn't' was the wrong word. More accurate would be 'wouldn't,' since she found herself subconsciously comparing every man she met to Daniel. They would inevitably fall short, and she would inevitably go home sexually frustrated. No matter how much she masturbated, it wasn't enough. It wasn't the same as real sex, and it wasn't doing anything to sate her growing sexual frustration. Each night, she'd go out, horny and ready to jump on any man who crossed her path (or so she thought), only to find something glaringly wrong with every single one of them. It was getting so bad that her affections with Charlotte were getting progressively more sexual, to the point of complete impropriety. Her hands had started 'accidentally' brushing Charlotte's breasts and ass, she'd started touching Charlotte's legs further and further up her thighs, and whenever she whispered something into Charlotte's ear, her lips would brush temptingly against the smaller girl's ear lobe or the smooth, supple skin of her neck. Morgan needed intimate contact, desperately, and she found Charlotte was becoming more and more of an attractive option in that regard... and from the look in Daniel's eyes whenever he saw it, he certainly didn't mind.
The past three weeks had been among the best of Daniel's life, despite the way that they were shot through with complex feelings of lust, guilt, and frustration.

It certainly wasn't that Charlotte wasn't girl enough for him -on the contrary. Although she still blushed a vivid crimson at the slightest provocation -and sometimes no provocation at all, as though some dirty, lusty thought had simply occurred to her out of nowhere, and still held herself with the same shy innocence, in bed she turned into an eager, cock-craving little minx, pouncing playfully on Daniel the moment the bedroom door closed, or getting on all fours on the bed and wiggling her ass friskily in a clear and lewd invitation, her eyes shining even while her face flushed at her own forwardness. Every night, Charlotte's confidence and imagination seemed to grow under Daniel's guidance. By mutual, unspoken agreement they used his flat for these marathon fuck sessions, and so Charlotte felt free to moan, scream, and wail as loud as she liked, and took full advantage. Daniel could never have predicted that her small, slender body could have contained as much ecstatic sound as it did.

They became fixtures in the bakery, in Scribe's, in the local arthouse movie theatre and the downtown galleries. Charlotte's sunny personality and ethereal beauty won her friends and admirers where ever they went, and Daniel felt even his own usual distant, cool courtesy around strangers starting to thaw into something warmer, as though acknowledging that Charlotte's personality was universally irresistible. Charlotte found herself receiving many semi-serious requests from men that, if things ever didn't work out with "the tall, dark, intense dude", she give the speaker a call. Daniel laughed these off, finding them as funny and unthreatening as Charlotte herself did. He sometimes got similar propositions from women, but the truth was that he barely noticed any woman besides Charlotte, and she knew it.

With one exception, and it was the one thing they never joked about. Morgan. Daniel had been delighted on the first evening that Morgan joined them in the apartment she shared with Charlotte. She'd been funny, quick, intelligent -all of the things she'd been when they'd first met, and superlatively good company. He could sense that Charlotte was relaxed, not worried or jealous, and that the evening was simply three people enjoying each other's company.

And that was how he'd tried to keep things in his head, as by mutual desire Morgan began to hang out with them more and more. But it was so difficult to keep himself from noticing the bounce and jiggle of Morgan's breasts when she stretched in her delicious, catlike way or from admiring the tempting heart-shaped curve of her ass as she bent over to retrieve something. It was hardly Morgan's fault. With her smoky, husky voice, she could have read a tax return form and made it sound wildly indecent, while her smouldering, sensuous bedroom eyes shone with an unbidden invitation. Everything about her body, her movements, her face and her voice brought sex to mind -and Daniel found his body aching to have her once again, found his eyes glued to her.

And then his gaze would travel to Charlotte, watching him, and he would see, just for a moment, the troubled expression on her face before she smoothed it over with a warm smile at him, doing her best to register unconcern.

Daniel had not pried, but he had gathered enough from offhand comments to learn something of the sorry tale of Charlotte's idiot last boyfriend. With that knowledge, it was all the more striking that Charlotte always did her best not to even show that the boiling chemistry between Daniel and Morgan bothered her. She was so brave and sweet that it broke Daniel's heart -and made him resolve, all the more sincerely and all the more futilely, that he would simply stop feeling the way he did, stop looking at Morgan and stop thinking about her and the things they had done on their one night together.

Sometimes he wondered if it wouldn't be better to return to their previous avoidance of Morgan, but he couldn't bring himself to try and make this happen. It wasn't just Morgan's physical beauty that made her such a pleasure to be around -it was her charm, her wit, her hidden reserves of warmth, her wildness. He loved spending time with her and he could see that Charlotte did too. Hours and hours could go by unnoticed while they talked late into the night -followed by an awkward and often abrupt exit as Charlotte and Daniel suddenly realized the time and had to leave for his flat. Morgan always seemed to understand why they needed to go and, although she delighted in teasing Charlotte about everything, she never joked or even remarked on the obvious reason for Charlotte's departure of her own flat.

In fact, Morgan was clearly disciplining herself in the same way that Daniel was. Although she was naturally inclined to reach out and touch the person she was talking to, on the shoulder or the forearm, she was clearly forcing herself to avoid physical contact with Daniel -although every now and then she forget herself enough to lean in close enough for Daniel to inhale her subtle perfume.

Instead, she seemed to channel all that hunger for physical contact to Charlotte -draping an arm affectionately over the young blonde to whisper in her ear, or letting her hands travel along Charlotte's body in a way that went beyond girlish slumber-party intimacy, sometimes allowing them to brush against Charlotte's breasts and bottom. Charlotte always blushed and gave a stifled yelp at these contacts, but she did not object.

Sometimes, when Morgan was touching Charlotte in this way, her gaze would meet Daniel's and there would be a moment of startling apparent complicity between them. She clearly recognised the lust in Daniel's gaze at watching the physical intimacy between the two gorgeous beauties and her stance would subtly shift, her tongue flicking across her lips, her hands on Charlotte's body seeming simultaneously to enjoy her and to offer her up to Daniel, the high priestess and the virgin acolyte.

That Saturday, it was evening and for once, they weren't headed back to Daniel's apartment after their day out. Daniel felt bad that their needs and the circumstances were constantly putting Charlotte out -although he always drove her home the next morning, it was an inconvenience to her. And then a chance comment by Charlotte revealed that Morgan would be out tonight -hitting the clubs. Charlotte had no doubt that her roommate would be finding someone and going back to his, so the apartment was vacant for the night.

Hearing this news, Daniel found himself repressing an idiotic, powerful stab of jealousy. He had no right in the world to feel the way he did, but the thought of some guy putting his hands all over Morgan's luscious body, of some guy getting to enjoy her screams and her mouth and her wildly erotic mind -it filled him with momentary rage. He put the thought from his mind and suggested that, that being the case, they take advantage. Half an hour later, Charlotte and Daniel were entering the apartment shared by the two girls.
It always seemed strange to Charlotte that Daniel felt so badly about keeping her from her own apartment. It was an inconvenience, yes, but it was worth spending time with him, and his apartment was like a Wonderland in any case - the first night she'd gone there, she'd become immediately and entirely distracted by the presence of the beautiful paintings that decorated each room, and then again at the bookshelf full of first edition Marquez.

Still, when he suggested that they take advantage of Charlotte's empty apartment, she couldn't refuse. She did feel rather like she'd been practically living at Daniel's place over the last several weeks, after all.

Charlotte couldn't keep herself from grinning from the moment they came through the door. As soon as the apartment door was closed, she skipped across the apartment with Daniel hot on her heels, into her room, and stepped up onto her bed, turning around to face him with only the slightest wobbles of inbalance. She grinned. Even standing up on her bed like this, it only put her at an inch taller than Daniel at most, but, more importantly, meant that she didn't have to wait for him to bend down to her to kiss him. She simply threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips easily against his. Her kisses always started closed-lipped and chaste - Daniel was always the one who teased her mouth open and took control of the deepening of it. It thrilled her the way he found guiding her like that so easy. The things he had showed and taught her the past few weeks... A blush sprang up on her face at the thought, and she squirmed a little as her body was shot through with a sudden burst of arousal.
As he kissed her, Daniel relished the way their kiss slowly deepened and intensified, the way Charlotte's warm mouth opened up to him and how she started to make little, contented noises from deep within her throat, her arms tightening around his neck. Suddenly, she wriggled a little as though a bolt of electricity had shot through her. Daniel knew by now what that meant, hardly needing the confirmation of the blush staining her face. Charlotte had had a naughty thought.

Slowly breaking the hot kiss, Daniel felt a few naughty thoughts of his own coming to mind. His hands descended on to Charlotte's hips.

"Let's get you out of those clothes, baby," he whispered huskily.
Charlotte couldn't help the warm, pleasured little smile that appeared on her face as Daniel whispered about getting her out of her clothes. She still found it wonderful and miraculous that he still desired her so - his lust for her had shown no signs of abating, and actually seemed to grow stronger each time they were together.

She pulled away from him for a moment, only to pull her shirt off over her head and then unclasp and drop her bra. Once that was finished, she reached for him, feeling as hesitant as she had that first night, and tugged on his shirt, signaling that she wanted him to take it off. She had never really been able to take control the way he did, something he thankfully didn't seem to mind. In most everything she did, when she wasn't simply responding to a request of his, verbal or otherwise, she was always slow, always waiting for his silent permission to continue. He gave it, shifting to lift his arms up over his head to allow her to pull it off. His sculpted body took her breath away every time she saw it and, with a sheepish grin, she sat back to ogle him for a moment before returning to kissing him.
As always, Charlotte tugged on his shirt with a cute, pleading little whimper, not quite daring to remove it without a signal of permission. Daniel smiled at her, and lifted up his arms. Undoing the buttons of his shirt was the work of just a few moments for Charlotte's deft little fingers and then she eagerly lifted the shirt off him, feasting her eyes on the sculpted contours of his chest below. Her mouth was half-open and her eyes wide in admiration.

Daniel was admiring her in turn. As always her pale, flawless translucent ivory skin seemed to almost glow with its self-contained light, begging to be stroked and caressed and kissed, perfectly complemented by the silky white gold hair falling gently on her slim shoulders. Her face was that of a lovely young sprite or woodland nymph from a fairy story, with her big, luminous and innocent pale blue eyes, the fine spray of freckles across the bridge of her little nose, her fine and delicate bone structure, her pouting, half-parted lips and the rosy hue of arousal starting to spread across her cheeks.

His hand went to the back of her head and he drew Charlotte to him in a hard, sweet kiss, breaking it only when she was panting for breath. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders and holding her tightly in place, he kissed his way down the soft skin of her neck and then down on to her perky, creamy smooth breasts, running his tongue along the shallow valley between them and then flicking out to left and right, swirling around the sensitive pink nipple on either side before returning to cover them completely with his mouth, sealing them over and first blowing a cool draft of air before sucking powerfully. Charlotte's back arched involuntarily upwards and Daniel took advantage of her motion to let his hands descend, hook his fingers around the tops of her tights, and pull downwards, peeling them off her.

Charlotte Spencer was now standing on the bed wearing nothing but her panties, her arms wrapped around him, squirming impatiently, eager to be taken. Daniel gave a growl of arousal at the thought alone, returning his attentions to her breasts with redoubled hunger.
Charlotte squirmed and whimpered under the incredible attentions of Daniel's mouth. He already seemed to know her body better than even she did herself, finding and expertly tending to each sensual spot on her body that drew soft moans from her and sent shots of arousal through her body. She was arched eagerly into him, his mouth practically attacking her breasts, making her pant. She drew her arms out from around his neck and pushed her panties down, though it took her longer than it should have to do so - between her unwillingness to break the contact between his mouth and her skin, and the distraction he was causing in her with each perfect swipe of his tongue, it was difficult even to perform such a simple task.

Once she was finished, however, she was aching for contact against her wet folds, her whole body throbbing with desire. She wrapped her fingers gently around one of his wrists and guided his hand down between her legs, moaning with anticipation. Once his hand made contact with her burning skin, she threw her head back and gave a long cry of pleasure, gasping as his fingers started to work her pussy as expertly as his mouth was doing to her breasts.


Morgan felt like she shouldn't have been all that surprised to find that her night out hadn't really turned out the way she had wanted. It hadn't the last several times she'd tried, and the definition of insanity was to attempt the same thing over and over and expect different results, was it not?

It had gone much like all the other nights had - she'd dressed up to the nines, gone out to one of her regular haunts, and had dozens of men practically throw themselves at her, only to find that her standards had apparently been skewed so badly by Daniel that she found none of them even worth talking to. She was doing to have to do something to fix this, and soon, before she exploded from her own sexual tension. The only problem was, she had no idea how she could do anything about it.

She was lost in her own thoughts when she came in the front door of her apartment and threw her keys down on the counter. She peeled her shoes off, too, and left them on the floor. She normally wasn't the sort to leave her stuff out like that, but she wasn't in any mood to deal with it. She'd handle it in the morning.

Regardless, it was that distraction that prevented her from really hearing the soft noises that were growing in Charlotte's room. It wasn't until Morgan walked into her own bedroom, with it's shared wall with Charlotte's, that she stopped upon hearing her roommates breathy cry of pleasure. There was no question whatsoever about what she was hearing, especially when the cry was followed quickly by another, of even higher pitch.

At first, Morgan was annoyed. Now, after all the shit she'd had to deal with tonight, and with the foul mood she was in, she was going to have to listen to her roommate fucking the reason she couldn't even look at other men? Perfect. Just fucking perfect. How inconsiderate could they be?

She yanked her dress off violently enough that she nearly ripped it, but once she was standing naked in her room, she realized belatedly that she'd told Charlotte she probably wouldn't be home until morning. They were only here because they thought Morgan wouldn't be. And with that thought, all of the anger drained out of her, and she felt a little guilty about the anger she'd felt toward them, even if it had only been for a moment. She hated being mad at Charlotte, and she found she disliked feeling that kind of anger at Daniel, too.

Her guilt, however, was interrupted by a series of three, short, needy moans from Charlotte that vibrated through the wall. Morgan hadn't realized how thin the walls really were. She could hear everything. And oh, the sounds Charlotte was making... Morgan bit her lip to contain her own soft moan in response, her pussy quickly gathering its own juices as her mind went wild, imagining all the various things that could make Charlotte sound like that and all of the wonderfully sexy images of Daniel and Charlotte - quite possibly the two most gorgeous people Morgan knew - in all manner of indecent positions...
Daniel always loved every single moment he was with Charlotte but he always relished this particular moment -the exact moment when the flood of her arousal first became overwhelming, when her supple, lithe little body became a quivering, achingly responsive instrument under his hands and mouth, when her voice broke into mewls, moans and whimpers that kept rising in pitch until they were insensible little shrieks and screams.

He continued to lick her stiffly erect nipples, lavishing attention on them while his hand found her warm, wanting pussy and he began manipulating it, pressing down on her slick clit with a hard inexorable press of his thumb while crooking his pointing finger inside the slick passage of her sex. Charlotte let out a high wail of pleasure in response, throwing her head back as the obscene sounds seemed to force their way out of her throat.

Within moments, Daniel had undone his belt and let his pants fall to the floor. A wanton little moan of loss had escaped Charlotte's lips as his hand slipped away from her aching pussy, but it was stifled by the sight she now enjoyed. The massive, thick tower of his cock smacked against his hard, flat stomach -a looming monolith soon to invade Charlotte's taut little body, bringing her marvellous pleasure once again. Daniel drew back, his hands now kneading and caressing Charlotte's breasts, just to enjoy once again the slender, fragile beauty of Charlotte's delicate feminine form. Then he lifted her up, his hands firm but gentle on her slender hips and carried her from the bed to the wall between her room and Morgan's.

Daniel let Charlotte straddle him, wrapping her legs around his muscular chest while resting her upper back against the wall. In the position they were in, her pussy was just above the swollen head of his massive cock -he could feel its wet head and just needed to step forward to enter.

He and Charlotte were face to face now and he looked her in the eyes, tenderly brushing back a lock of silky blonde hair. Their position put Charlotte completely in his power -caught between the unyielding wall and his own equally hard, unyielding body, suspended in the air on his roughened hands, that still held her so tenderly. She was helpless, vulnerable -and there was nothing but pure trust and admiration in her blue eyes. Daniel closed his eyes in pure bliss for a moment. Then he thrust forward.
Charlotte couldn't help the blush that spread across her cheeks when Daniel pushed her up against the wall. She wiggled a little, her pussy craving friction and more contact with the cock that she knew was bobbing, hard and hot, just below her opening. Of course, her wiggling translated into almost no movement at all, pined as she was between Daniel's body and the wall, his warm hands holding her hips firmly but gently still.

She gave a short whimper of desire, a sound that was unquestionably a simply more primal, wordless way for Charlotte to beg him for his cock. He held her gaze for a moment while he brushed a strand of hair out of her face - a loving gesture, a firm reminder that he cared deeply for her and that this was something more than just sexual release. There was a trust and intimacy between them that made all of this so much better, so much more meaningful, and drove the pleasure to ever greater heights.

Then he thrust into her. Her hips pressed hard into the wall as it slid inside, filling her and stretching her to the brink, and she buried her face into his neck, gasping and moaning while she peppered his skin with kisses. Her hands, pressed against his back, started grasping uselessly at his skin, as if she were afraid the pleasure was going to make her fly away.

Each thrust against her drew an airy cry from her lips, breathless and completely lost in her ecstasy. A month ago, she wouldn't have imagined this kind of pleasure was even possible. Now, though, she was experiencing it every night, under Daniel's gentle, masterful guidance. Her body sang for him in a way no one had ever managed before, and she willingly sang for him in response, the only way she knew how to express the exquisite pleasure she felt.


Morgan had gone absolutely silent while she listened to the noises that were coming, progressively louder, out of Charlotte's room. There was a small bump against the wall, and then what was quite possibly the hottest sound Morgan had ever heard; it was a light, quiet cry from Charlotte, but it was so thick was desire and pure, animal need that Morgan actually gasped in response, her fingers sliding quickly down her body to tweak her clit. She wanted to hear that again. She would be happy to tease Charlotte to the brink of her own sanity if she could hear that lovely, sexy sound again... But it seemed Daniel was a kinder lover than Morgan was. Or perhaps it was simply that he couldn't say no to Charlotte. Morgan wasn't certain that she would be able to either, not when she would be forced to contend with those pretty blue eyes silently begging her for more... Either way, she heard the short almost-scream of satisfaction that Charlotte gave that signaled Daniel filling her with his cock.

A image flashed through Morgan's mind - soft, warm, creamy pale skin parting to reveal deliciously wet, pink folds and an engorged, winking clit. Charlotte's pussy. The skin of her pussy lips slightly pink from arousal. And Daniel's thick, massive, throbbing cock, purple and ridged, pushing into Charlotte's body, stretching out that perfect little pussy to the point of impossibility, until, against all odds, it has disappeared entirely inside, with the toned skin of Daniel's hips grinding gently against Charlotte's now entirely exposed clit...

Morgan, with two of her fingers already pushed up her sopping wet pussy, let herself fall backwards onto her bed, biting her lip to muffle a moan. She could hear the soft thump of Charlotte's body being pushed back against the wall as Daniel buried himself inside of her again and again, and Charlotte's cries of pleasure each time he fill her.

She wanted to go over there. She didn't even want to be in Charlotte's place - no, the image of Charlotte's face, contorted with bliss, her body bouncing slightly each time Daniel's hips hit hers - was far, far too hot. No, Morgan wanted to go over and join them. She wanted Daniel to take Charlotte from behind while Charlotte used those full, sensitive pink lips on Morgan's aching pussy. She wanted to work Daniel's cock with Charlotte, teaching the more innocent girl exactly how to pleasure a man with her mouth.

She had known, of course, that she was jealous of Charlotte, of the fact that she got to have Daniel's incredible body, that cock that had apparently ruined Morgan for all other cocks, and the personality she was coming to enjoy so very much. What she hadn't realized until this moment was that she was jealous of Daniel, too - of his ability to draw those incredibly sexy sounds from innocent little Charlotte, to bring wild pleasure to a young woman Morgan suspected would maintain the tempting innocence of a virgin her entire life.

Morgan considered herself bisexual, without a doubt, even if she did somewhat prefer men. It was a rare woman who could make Morgan desire her the same way she desired a man, but Charlotte was one of those women. There was a reason why, when Morgan's inhibitions were gone, Charlotte was the only woman Morgan ever fantasized about. She was adorable, beautiful, brilliant... If Morgan had thought for a second that Charlotte had inclinations towards women, she would have been all over her without a moment to lose. Morgan had always simply assumed that Charlotte wouldn't be interested... but then Morgan would also never have imagined Charlotte making the wanton, obscene noises she was hearing right now. And Morgan had been getting more and more inappropriate with the way she touched Charlotte recently, and it hadn't caused offense. In fact, now that she was honestly thinking about it... Charlotte had actually seemed to like it.

Morgan plunged a third finger into her pussy, pumping hard now, burying her face into her pillow to muffle the moans she was making. Her fantasies of walking into Charlotte's room and joining them had been hot, but at the realization that there was even the slightest chance Charlotte might not actually object, her arousal shot through her like a thunderbolt. She was going to cum, and soon. And if the sounds Charlotte was making were any indication, so was Charlotte.