An Unexpected Turn of Events (closed for Maka)


Literotica Guru
Oct 6, 2013
The bar was thick with smoke and laughter. People were dancing, drunk, and generally enjoying each other's company. It was why Morgan liked this bar so much. The atmosphere was always so positive, the patrons always so friendly. And she never had to go home alone if she didn't want to.

If one could describe Morgan Green in a single word, it would probably be "hot." She was taller than average, with caramel coloured skin and eyes, long dark hair, and a mischievous look in her eyes. She had a body that belonged in porn - an impossibly large chest that was, not matter how many people refused to believe her, completely natural, a narrow waist, wide, flared hips and a big, rounded, pillowy ass. To put it another way, she looked like she'd just stepped off of the pages of a comic book. Some guys thought her appearance a bit gratuitous, but she found they were just the guys she'd rejected, trying to soothe their broken egos.

She'd never been the sort to behave as if she didn't know what she'd been gifted with by a combination of genetics and a love of sports. She knew she had a body most women would kill for, and she flaunted the hell out of it whenever she got the chance. This particular night, she was wearing her favourite little black dress - a skin-tight strapless number that was scandalously short paired with a set of killer heels that made her long, shapely legs look even longer than usual. She didn't look much like the sort of girl you'd take home to meet your mother, but that wasn't what she wanted tonight, anyway. She wanted to let off steam, a quick fuck, a one-night stand. If he was good enough in bed, maybe he'd become a regular booty call. Maybe.

She was seated at the bar, her legs crossed, sipping from her drink while she listened to the table of guys behind her talk, in what they clearly thought were quiet voices, about who was going to approach and hit on her. She'd have been frankly surprised if any of them even made it to the bar without falling over.

Eventually, though, one of them did manage to stumble his way over. He leaned on the bar next to her, smiling. His breath reeked of cheap alcohol, and his sleepy-looking eyes weren't even blinking in unison.

"Hey babeeee, wanna g...wanna ged oudda here?"

Morgan looked sardonically at him. He wasn't even trying. And why would she want to leave already? It was only 11. "Sorry, sweetheart. I only go home with guys who don't look like they're liable to puke in my mouth." It would probably be fair to say that she could be a little bit blunt sometimes.

The man's expression turned immediately into a scowl. "Bitch. You dun deserve a guy like me anaways... Yer a sluuuuut."

Morgan just smiled. "And what does it say about you that not even a slut with sleep with you, hm?"

That drew a short laugh from a man sitting further down the bar. The drunk wheeled around to glare at him but nearly fell over in the process. In the end, he gave up, stumbling back to his table to announce to his friends that Morgan was a lesbian, and that's why he was rejected (despite the fact that she was certain all of them had actually heard the entire exchange). She wasn't particularly interested in them, though. Instead, she had her gaze trained on the man further down the bar. He looked more like what she wanted tonight.

Standing, she scooped up her purse in one hand and her drink in the other, and walked down the bar toward him. She took a seat on the stool next to his, making sure that, as she crossed her legs, her calf brushed playfully against his. "Liked that, did you?"
Daniel Aiken was a tall, broadshouldered and dark-haired young man with the lean yet powerfully muscled body of an athlete or a warrior. There was an intensity, a challenging honesty and directness to his hard blue gaze that men found intimidating and women found exciting. There was something wild and exotic about his eyes and the high, hard angles of his features and yet something oddly reassuring and honourable to them as well. He was a strange, stirring, piquant combination of gypsy and knight, tempter and protector.

Daniel's striking looks had not been lost on several different women throughout the evening, but he had fended off their advances with polite indifference. None of them had interested him.

But she...

In common with all the other men in the room, Daniel had been aware of Morgan since she first entered, although for all the world it appeared as though he was solely focused on the glass of Scotch in front of him. It was not, or not just, her eye-popping hour-glass figure and stunning good looks that aroused his attention. It was the way she carried herself -confident, graceful, at once inviting and challenging, like a beautiful young queen in full state or a goddess of erotic love. It was the mischief in her rich brown eyes and the way she tilted her head to the side, silently promising a night of the wildest erotic delights imaginable to the man she deemed worthy.

Daniel gave a short laugh as she neatly rebuffed the drunken idiot who'd dared to approach her. The guy saw him smile, scowled and seemed to consider making something of it, but then sized up Daniel's muscles and general aura of fearless intensity, and thought better of it.

Moments later, the girl had moved down the bar to join him.

"Liked that, did you?"

Her leg brushed against his. The contact felt delicious. Daniel turned to look her full-on, feeling an almost electric shock as their gazes met.

"I liked it so much, I'd like to buy you a drink. What can I get you?"

She was even more spectacularly beautiful in close quarters. Her face was breathtakingly lovely while her body was sumptuous, something that could have been sculpted for the sole purpose of delivering erotic bliss. Even the way she spoke, with a sensual pout to her full lips, seemed to send tingling obscene promises up and down Daniel's spine. He could not recall ever wanting anyone so much.

"By the way, I'm Daniel Aiken."
Morgan licked her lips instinctively when he turned to look at her. She could have easily picked him out as the more desirable man in the room before she came over, but those eyes, that face... This was a whole new game now. She couldn't quite recall seeing a man that was so perfectly tempting. If she'd been a sculptor, creating the face in front of her, she would not have changed a thing. In fact, she might well have simply put down her chisel forever, because she was quite certain she would never have been able to create something so ideal ever again.

But even then, that perfect sculpture would not have held a candle to Daniel. There was something in his expression, something in his eyes that made her want him, possibly more than she'd wanted anything in her life yet so far - an impressive feat, for a woman so often inclined towards extreme passions.

She did manage to shift her gaze away from him for a split second, down to his drink. She couldn't quite tell what it was, but it was a warm, honey-gold colour that looked rich and inviting. She couldn't imagine a drink more appropriate to the man in front of her. Her gaze returned to his and she saw the bartender approaching in her peripheral vision. "I'll have whatever he's having."

The bartender disappeared again without a word - it wasn't hard to tell he would have been interrupting something - and Morgan bit her lip, leaning toward Daniel just a little. Her body turned on the stool, until her calf brushed against his again, but this time, she left it there, rubbing it back and forth ever so slightly. "Daniel," she repeated slowly, smiling. Oh yes, she could certainly imagine herself screaming that later. "I'm Morgan."
There was something crackling, palpable in the air between them. Daniel had never felt so alive, so aware of his environment and his own reactions before. Morgan was teasingly, gently rubbing her leg against his, her smooth, silky bare skin against the fabric of his chinos. It was though she couldn't help herself, as she bit down on her sensually full lower lip, and Daniel felt the same way. The oldest and most primal instincts in his body were screaming at him to fuck this wondrous young female there and then, to make her his in full view of everyone at the bar.

Keeping a grip on his desire felt like trying to hold back an avalanche, but Daniel was nothing if not iron-willed. Deliberately, he took hold of his glass and sipped. The golden-brown whisky was one of the oldest and richest the bar had to offer, but it might as well have been springwater for all that Daniel tasted just then.

They were going to fuck, and soon. The animal magnetism between them could have no other outlet. And it was going to be glorious. But a few civilised amenities had to first be acknowledged.

"And what do you like to do, Morgan?" Daniel asked softly, forcing her to lean in close to him. His wry tone failed to quite conceal the raw lust underneath.
Part of Morgan was tempted to simply stand up and drag him out of the bar, immediately. Maybe she'd have her way with him in her car. She couldn't really imagine being able to wait any longer. Once they gave in even a little bit, once they admitted to themselves that they were going to fuck each other into oblivion, she got the sense that it would be like opening the flood-gates.

Still, she liked this game. And it was a game. They both knew it, and Daniel was playing better than anyone she could remember. The slow tease, the dance of seduction... it was nearly as fun as the inevitable, later release of the passions they were building. When he asked his question, he spoke quietly, forcing her to lean in closer to him. It was a calculated move, one she could respect. The fact that he was so well-versed made her giddy. After all, if he had this kind of talent for seduction, the thought of what he was likely capable of in bed made her shiver.

"And what do you like to do, Morgan?"

She smiled slightly at the question. They both knew the answer to that, she was certain. But she was nothing if not blunt. "You," she answered lightly, her eyes dancing. "Or was that not quite the answer you were looking for?" Her tone had turned slightly teasing. So far, he had proven to be practically perfect in every other way. She would not have been surprised in the slightest to find that he shared her sense of humour.

The bartender returned with her drink, and she took a moment to look down at it, reeling in her wild thoughts. She took a sip. It was strong but smooth. Whiskey, she realized, and a very, very good one. He had incredible taste. She shifted her body slightly, moving a few inches closer. Her thigh was now just barely touching his.

She took another sip, visibly enjoying the warmth of it down her throat. "What about you, Daniel?"
Morgan was sitting so close to Daniel now that he inhaled her tantalising scent with every breath he took, and it felt like it was pumping the blood through his veins. She was wearing a delicate, perfectly well-chosen perfume but beneath it was just a hint of something feminine and warm and spicy, a hint of lush arousal.

He smiled at her teasing little quip, enjoying her humour, her mischief. He could already tell the kind of wild imagination and energy she'd bring to bed, and it was making his throat turn dry. He watched her drink the straight whisky, her throat pulsing delicately, his thoughts inevitably turning to how it might look with those full lips wrapped around his cock.

As she moved even closer, bringing their bodies into close contact, Daniel considered her question.

"Why stop at just telling you? I can show you the things I like doing."

His hand ran down her slender back, stopping teasingly just above her rounded ass. Daniel let it linger there, his fingers splayed.

"I think we'd both enjoy that more," he whispered, his voice at a husky, deep timbre.
Morgan let out a long, slow breath as Daniel ran his hand slowly down her spine. It felt like his touch set off sparks against her skin, making her tremble ever so slightly. She found herself feeling very disappointed in her choice of clothes this evening - she had a sexy red dress that would have proven just as tempting, but had an open back. She very much wanted to feel that warm hand against her bare, smooth skin.

She took her time in responding to his implied invitation, finishing her drink before she answered. She leaned in a little bit closer to him, close enough now that she could feel his breath against her skin. Her hand came down off the bar to his thigh, and she squeezed gently. "Are you asking me to come home with you?" she asked, her voice the perfect picture of false innocence. Her gaze dropped to his lips. They were very close, now, and she wanted very much to kiss them, but she suspected that if she did, they weren't even going to make it out of the bar. "Are you sure we're even going to make it that far?" she asked, her tone dropping to a sultry purr.
Morgan's husky voice was like slow-dripping honey. Every word it pronounced was a delight. Daniel couldn't wait to hear it moan and scream in pleasure. Her cherry-ripe lips were close enough to kiss now, but he held himself back. She gripped his thigh and Daniel closed his eyes, relishing the contact.

"Oh yes," he said in answer to her question. "I'm asking you home."

He took out his wallet and paid for their drinks, leaving a generous tip, as though marking the occasion.

"If you don't think you can make it," he added, with a mischievous grin, "I can always carry you."
Morgan laughed in response to Daniel's little quip. It was a quiet laugh, dripping with lust and desire. The promise of what was about to come was already starting to overwhelm her; she could feel how wet her thong was starting to become, and that was simply out of sheer anticipation.

They stood, and Morgan's hand left Daniel's thigh, though only so she could slide her arm around his waist, her own hand just grazing the top of his ass as she moved it to settle comfortably over his hip. She faintly recognized that he'd paid, but she was too distracted by how warm his body felt pressed against her side, and the rich, smooth scent of his cologne over something wilder and far more tempting - the smell of him alone.

They did manage to make it out of the bar, but that was all. Once they reached his car, Morgan lifted a hand to his cheek, making him turn his head to look at her, and immediately pressed her mouth against his, sliding her arms around his neck to pull her body flush against his. He felt incredible. He tasted amazing. She wanted more.
Morgan's lips pressed against his unleashed the storm of desire Daniel had been holding back. She had pounced on him the moment they reached his car, taking what she wanted with unabashed erotic fervour, and Daniel returned her kiss with even greater passion. He drank her kiss in, relishing every tiny, extraordinary sensation of this moment -the extraordiny softness and plushness of her lips, the tiny thrilling sting of the whisky still on them; the warmth of her mouth; her massive firm breasts pressed against his unyielding chest.

He placed his hands on her hips, his fingers curling against her perfect ass. He was supporting her, holding her in place, as he kissed her back, kissed her long and hard, unleashing raging wildfire throughout both their bodies, kissed her until he thought her knees might buckle, until she needed the support of his hands just to stay on her feet.

At last he broke the kiss, and they both panted for breath. Daniel brought Morgan's dark head to rest on his chest, encircling her with his arms for a moment. His cock was massively erect -a thick, long slab pressed between them.
Morgan was a woman you might call experienced in the realm of sex. She had had her fair share, of both good and bad, but it meant that the things that had once given her real thrill did less for her now than it had. The last time she'd been made lightheaded by nothing but a kiss had been high-school.

That was what she was thinking about as she rested her head against his firm chest, her eyes closed, panting while she thought about how Daniel had ended up having to hold her up during their kiss. It spoke volumes for what other things he was going to be able to make her feel, and only managed to excite her further.

She could feel his erection pressed up against her hip and smiled wickedly, though he couldn't see it. She ground her hips against it experimentally, and was rewarded with a low rumbling sound that she could feel in his chest. Her whole body seemed to throb with arousal in response. She wanted to hear that again. She wanted to hear little else ever again.

A wicked little plan formed in her mind, then, and she stepped backwards out of his arms, taking his hands to lead him around to the driver's side door. Then she reached out and trailed one gentle, teasing finger up the length of that steely shaft, fully visible now, straining against his pants. "I thought you might want me to do something about that," she purred, and opened the door.

Once he was seated, she moved around to the passenger's side and slipped into the car next to him. Without so much as another word, she reached over and deftly undid his belt buckle, her fingers betraying a tempting dexterity she was sure he noticed. She had the button and fly undone a moment later, and reached into his pants to pull out his throbbing cock. She gasped softly when she saw it, even though she had certainly felt its size outside the car. It was far larger than any she'd had yet, crisscrossed with thick veins and ridges that drew a soft moan the moment she saw them. And the smell - musky and salty, clearly a smell of sex. She wanted nothing more than a taste, and that was exactly what she took.

She leaned over, her breasts nearly falling out of her dress, and took his head slowly into her mouth, sucking gently on it while her tongue searched it for the particular spot that made his muscles tighten or which made him made another one of those lovely, sexy groans she wanted so badly to hear again. She knew she was teasing him - her lips hadn't gone past his head yet - but she wanted to learn every inch of him. And so, painfully, achingly slowly, she began to take the rest of him into her mouth.
The feel of Morgan's soft, firm lips around the head of his cock was like nothing Daniel had ever felt before. It wasn't just her obvious talent and experience. It was the sheer hunger with which she applied herself, wrapping her lips around the head and swiping her tongue along it -exploring, searching. With maddening slowness, she lowered her head down his shaft, inch by inch.

Daniel felt his whole body shudder with anticipation, and let out a growl of pleasure. His fingers curled and pressed against his palms -he wanted to grab her head and forced it downwards, but he forced himself to stillness. Morgan was sucking his cock in the front of his car, neither of them caring in the slightest about the possibility of any onlookers seeing.

"You. Are. Incredible," Daniel said, forcing each word through gritted teeth to prevent it becoming simply another animal growl.
Morgan smiled as best she could with her lips stretched around his cock like that, and hummed a pleasured response, knowing he could feel the vibrations. She could feel the tension in him, the desire for more... Perhaps this was enough teasing, then.

There was little warning, beyond a slightly deeper intake of breath, before she simply dropped her head the rest of the way down, pushing her lips against his hips and the head of his cock down her throat. She suppressed only the slightest of gags, and then started to work her throat expertly around his head, moaning at the taste of his precum.
Daniel let out an involuntary gasp of pleasure as Morgan expertly slid his cock down her throat. He'd never before met a girl capable of taking his entire mighty length like this. It was though she was as ravenous for his cock, as though she wouldn't and couldn't be satiated until she felt his hot cum spurting down her eager throat.

As though to verify this, a muffled moan vibrated Morgan's cheeks thrillingly as she got a taste of his precum. Daniel looked down at the darkhaired beauty servicing him so wantonly, with such wild erotic abandon. Her huge breasts, pushed out of the confines of that skimpy, tight black dress, were pressed against his knees. Her delicious, pert ass was raised provocatively up in the air. She was the picture of a girl devoting herself to delivering obscene amounts of pleasure.

The thought of the things he would later be doing to that sinfully inviting body made Daniel's cock twitch. He couldn't wait til his cock was as deep in Morgan's pussy as it was currently down her throat, until he had her bent over a couch screaming his name.

His hand drifted down to her long, silky smooth dark hair and he ran his fingers through it. He wondered if Morgan liked it being pulled as she was taken from behind.

"Your every... ooh... your every pleasure. Big or small. Sordid or shameful," he said huskily. "Oh. Oh God. I'm gonna find them all out, Morgan. Oh. Don't stop. Yes. Yes. And I'm gonna fuck you like you've never been fucked before."
Morgan actually whimpered around his cock, a sound of pure, absolute desire, in response to his words. That promise of pleasure was nearly too much. Immediately, images of what he would do to her later tonight started flooding her mind. Flashes of herself riding him, of him taking her from behind, of every position she could possibly desire.

A visible shudder ran through her body in response. Her mouth was still expertly working his cock, still sucking him hungrily like she wanted to devour him whole - and indeed, it felt exactly like that was what she wanted. Only now, her whole body was throbbing with heat and arousal, and she absolutely could not stand the idea of waiting any longer to give in to her own body's demand for pleasure. She reached up to Daniel's hand in her hair and caught his wrist. She pulled insistently, sliding his palm down her body to her ass, just above the hem of her skirt. It was an admittedly awkward position, so pushing his hand down further would have been difficult, to say the least.

She pushed her ass up against his hand, moaning wantonly, hoping he could understand what she wanted. She could tell him, she supposed, but she was loathe to take her mouth off of his cock. Still, if she had to, she would. Her dripping pussy needed, desperately, to be touched.
Daniel needed no additional encouragement. The shivers running through Morgan's body, the moans that escaped those extraordinary full lips wrapped around his cock... by themselves, they could have made her desire clear enough without the delicate fingers guiding his hand downwards. Morgan's appetite was fanned rather than quenched by the incredibly thick and juicy cock she had stuffed into her mouth. Now it seemed her whole nubile young body was aching and quivering for tender caresses and licks and kisses and rampant penetration.

And Daniel couldn't wait to bring it to her. He couldn't wait to explore her huge, perfect breasts with his hands and mouth, to knead or slap the rounded curves of her lusciously tempting ass, to suck up the clinging juice from her clitoris and drive her wild with ecstasy. Morgan was a sex goddess but Daniel intended to use her body in ways that even she had never experienced before, giving her a night of hedonistic abandon before bringing her to a state of raw, panting and weak-kneed exhaustion. Sensuous wild child Morgan brought out the devil in Daniel himself, that furious appetite and erotic energy that he generally tried to keep partially restrained around his lovers, knowing that it could be as intimidating to them as it was exciting to know the untameable, hungry beast lurking below his calm exterior, knowing that simply leaning over or pouting their lips could bring it roaring into life.

But Morgan did not fear his animal side. It just brought out her own all the more. She was like a wild animal in heat, mewling and whimpering in desire, her sex overflowing with dripping warm juices, wriggling and writhing in a desperate, pleading attempt to find the fulfilment she craved from him. Her elegance, her effortless beauty and confident charisma made the erotic power of her transformation all the more extraordinary.

Daniel pushed his hand below her skirt, smiling to find her panties already sopping wet. Her body was so incredibly sensitive and responsive -he had little doubt that when she came, it was a full-body, full-voice affair, and he looked forward to confirming. He threw his head back and moaned as once again Morgan's tongue rasped against a sensitive gland in his cock, then he plunged his hand forward.

His thumb hooked her clitoris, massaging it, tweaking it, pressing down on it and rolling around it, while his pointing finger thrust forward into her tight slick pussy. He felt her clench around it, crooked his finger while timing his manipulation of her clitoris, working it into the same rhythm as the operations of her tongue and mouth on his cock, swelling in her mouth, until they were arriving at the same unbelievable pitch of pleasure together, as one being.
Morgan's eyes nearly rolled up into her head at the sensation of finally having something in her pussy. She had never needed anything quite so badly and while it was not precisely what she desired most (indeed, what she wanted was already busy in her mouth, making for quite the conundrum), she recognized the touch of an expert immediately. His thumb pressed against her clit immediately with exactly the perfect amount of pressure, sending shocks of intensity through her body. His finger matched pace with her mouth, making her smile as she started moving her head on his cock just a little bit faster, encouraging him to speed up in the process.

Her hips started moving in sensuous circles, grinding back against his finger while her back arched into a contortionist's shape to grant him better access to her dripping folds, belying a tempting flexibility that suggested she was capable of more positions in bed than most women had even imagined.

Her breathes started coming in gasps, and each exhale came with a moan or sigh. She was nearing her peak, and from the way he was moving and growling, she suspected he was too. Perfect. The thought of cumming with him was, alone, enough to push her to her edge and her body jerked. She cried out around his cock and redoubled her efforts with her mouth, licking and sucking with wild abandon, wanting - no, needing to taste his cum in her mouth and to bring him the pleasure she felt.
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Daniel felt Morgan's orgasm approaching as she impaled herself on his upright finger, the wet velvet walls of her pussy clenching tightly around her and low huffs and moans coming from her cock-filled mouth. The activities of her mouth and tongue had reached a level of feverish frenzy. She was sucking him as though she craved his cum more than air itself.

It would have been impossible to resist. Daniel held back until he sensed the shock of Morgan's orgasm hit in full force. He pressed down on the hard, slick little nub of her clit with his thumb, intensifying and prolonging Morgan's earthshaking orgasm while he finally unleashed, shooting jet after jet of hot, sticky white seed straight down Morgan's throat, so much that some of it was dribbling out of her mouth.

White-hot pleasure eclipsed Daniel's vision for a moment. Morgan was not just unbelievably hot, funny, confident, stylish, and sexy. She was the best cocksucker he'd ever had -and he didn't doubt she'd be the best fuck too.
Morgan could feel it the moment before Daniel's cock start spurting into her mouth - that moment of swelling and pumping that she could feel against her lips before the cum actually shot down her throat. She relaxed herself and let to pour into her.

She couldn't remember a time she'd ever felt a man produce that much cum. It was copious and though she was certainly well practiced at swallowing, even she couldn't manage to collect it all, with some of it spilling out between her lips.

Her own orgasm shook her while she sucked, which certainly didn't help her attempts to swallow his load, but she'd experienced few hotter things than his fingers extending her orgasm to mind-blowing heights while she drank him down.

It seemed to last a shockingly long time for both of them, each seeking to extend the other's pleasure as much as possible. Once they finally came down, however, Morgan sat up slowly, adjusting her dress so her breasts could be properly contained within it again, and smiled at him. She licked her lips, collecting the last bits of his cum that she hadn't swallowed yet.

Then she wrapped her fingers around his wrist, drawing his hand out from under her dress, and brought his sticky, wet fingers up o her mouth. She made sure she was holding his gaze, a wicked smile playing across her lovely features, and slowly, sensuously, started licking her own juices off his hand. She licked each as clean as she could with her extended tongue, then sucked each finger into her mouth, cleaning it off fully and completely. Then, once finished, she leaned towards him and captured his lips in a tongue-filled kiss that tasted quite distinctly of both of them.
Morgan gave each of Daniel's fingers the same luxurious treatment she had already afforded his cock, slowly and sensuously licking her juices off them before popping each one into her mouth one by one and sucking on them. She evidently found her own juices to be just as delicious as his cum, judging by the delighted glow in her warm brown eyes. Then she leant in and kissed him passionately.

Daniel kissed her back his eyes closed. He relished the taste of her mouth -salt and honey, whiskey and smoke and sex -a cocktail of everything that Morgan embodied. He kissed her forcefully, draping an arm around her slender shoulders and pulling her to him, loving the feel of her huge, supple breasts crushed against him, loving the ardour of her kiss.

After a long time, he broke the kiss and once again brought her sleek, dark head to rest on his chest. He breathed in the fragrance of her hair as he started the car. There was already an unspoken intimacy, almost a warm conspiratoriality, between them. They were like two strong, fierce animals, destined to be mates, who'd finally found each other and now had an unspoken unison.

"I believe I made you a promise earlier," Daniel said. "Time I took you home and made good on it."

He paused, a teasing smile flashing across his face.

"Maybe you should get some sleep on the drive back to mine. I promise you, you won't be getting any for the rest of the night once we get there."
Morgan sat back in the passenger's seat to give Daniel the ability to drive without her in the way (despite how very much she wanted to continue to be "in the way"). She laughed at his little quip about getting some sleep, a dark, rich sound that promised her hunger for him wasn't anywhere near sated.

They pulled out of the parking lot and drove through the city towards Daniel's place, Morgan took the time to look at him. Really look at him.

Stormy blue eyes that were still alight with lust, and kept looking back at her whenever there was a free moment. If he'd been able to stare at her the whole way home, she was quite certain he would have. Of course, if he'd been able to give her his full attention like that, she was also certain he would have done more than just stare.

A hard, muscular body hidden under a timelessly fashionable outfit. She realized rather suddenly that she had, at some point over the evening, made the unconscious assumption that he was wealthy, despite the fact that she hadn't truly seen anything to suggest it was so. Clearly he wasn't exactly poor - his car was certainly nice (though she wasn't a car person, herself, so she really didn't know enough to comment either way), and his clothes were of reasonably high quality. But then, that didn't say much beyond the fact that he had at least a little expendable income. So why had she assumed he was moneyed? It was in the way he carried himself, she realized. The way he stood, the way he moved, spoke of a man accustomed to power. It had simply been an assumption, then, that that power was the power of wealth, as it so often was. She didn't know whether that was actually true. It didn't matter. At this point, he could have been taking her home to a dump and she wouldn't have cared much, though she suspected that wouldn't be the case either.

Morgan was coming quickly to the conclusion that she knew absolutely nothing about this man. It wasn't terribly unusual, but she at least had a little more conversation with her potential partners before they left together. In her desperation to get somewhere private with him, so they could take the edge of off the sparkling chemistry between them, she'd barely gotten anything out of him, besides his name.

She reached toward him again, her hand falling easily onto his upper thigh, her fingertips tracing light, swirling shapes over the sensitive skin there. "So, what do you do for a living?" she asked softly, her gaze dropping momentarily to his lips. They came to a stop light, and the moment the car rocked slightly with the finally stopping motion, she caught his face and pulled him toward her for another short but heated kiss.

Even Morgan's briefest kisses had a sultry intensity. She was a wild cat, a minx with the gorgeous face of an angel and the toned body of a succubus. Daniel was fighting his urge to simply park the car and go at it with her again there and then. She drew away from him as the light turned green, her lips swollen and glistening from the kisses he'd given them. She was beathing deeply, her large breasts rising up and down rhymically, hypnotically.

"I can't give up my air of mystery that easily," he said, a glint of humour in his eyes as he looked at her sidelong, admiring the rise and fall of her cleavage.

Daniel Aiken in truth had followed a far from conventional career path. He'd been a rebel as a teenager, breaking away from his strict military family's house of rules. He'd been a drifter for a few years, riding the rails of North America, living with punks and anarchists and dropouts. And then his wanderings had crossed the Atlantic, to Europe and the Middle East, and there he'd half accidentally come, step by step, into the world of international business. His self-sufficient lone wolf toughness, his fluency in half a dozen languages, his web of contacts in high and low places from Paris to Beirut, his intelligence and street-smarts and above all his quiet, implacable confidence that his commands would be obeyed -it had taken him further and more quickly than the immaculate CVs of the Harvard-groomed rich kids who were his competition. He was a highly paid by a number of different firms doing business across the world.

"I consult for firms," he said. He looked at Morgan, more stunning than ever in profile.

"Your turn," he said with a half-smile. He'd been trying to place Morgan's profession since they'd met -or at the least, the small part of him not totally overwhelmed with lust had.
Morgan turned to look at Daniel again when he answered, one of her arched brows lifting slowly alongside a knowing smirk. "You consult for firms," she repeated slowly, as if pondering each individual word. "I'm impressed. I don't actually think it's possible to be more vague than that while still being honest." She chuckled, shaking her head. "You could have simply said "things" and I wouldn't have gotten any less information," she teased, her fingers still trailing over his thigh.

There was a pause while she considered her answer to his question. "Well fine then," she sighed, sounding faux-exasperated. "If that's how we're going to play it."

Morgan couldn't have known how amusingly similar she and Daniel truly were in that regard. She, like he, lacked a traditional education. That wasn't to say she wasn't well-read; there was a veritable library covering nearly every topic under the sun in her apartment, though, granted, much of it hadn't been collected directly by her. Morgan's job was essentially to manipulate people, if one was to be blunt about it. She worked in the financial sector, but she rarely dealt with the numbers herself - she had a mathematically brilliant partner who took care of that. No, Morgan's job was to collect information, to wine and dine important people, to discover their secrets and their plans. Some might have said that she toed the line of insider trading, but she never crossed it - she didn't need to. She didn't need that particular CEO to tell her that they were in the middle of making a huge new acquisition; the fact remained that he was still celebrating at that dinner party last night, even if he didn't tell anyone why. Morgan was just one of the few people in the room capable of reading him well enough to know that his good humor went beyond his usual.

That, and she sold their services to the fabulously wealthy, the sort of people who came into money but didn't have the time or knowledge to deal with it properly themselves. It should come as no surprise that Morgan made a good saleswoman. She'd worked this job before, in a large firm during her first few years in the field. She'd been a rising star, but had been stifled by the old boys club. Few of the men - especially the older ones, unaccustomed to a woman in their office playing the part of anything other than a secretary - liked the idea of being out-performed by a woman. And Morgan had outperformed them. Regularly. When she left to strike out on her own, partnered with an old friend, she's ended up taking some of the more lucrative contracts with her, much to the chagrin of the people who had chased her out.

Morgan smiled mysteriously at Daniel, her eyes dancing with laughter. "I work with money," she informed him cryptically, smirking at him. "I'll tell you more, but only if you tell me first."
Daniel grinned. He'd expect nothing less. A woman like Morgan did not reveal her secrets just like that. Beyond her stunning looks and wonderfully supple body, part of what made her so extraordinarily sexy was the exciting hint of mystery and intrigue about her.

"Let's play a game then. You tell me something about yourself -anything at all, something big, something small, or something private, for every time I make you come. And vice versa. Deal?"

The idea of stripping the veils away one by one, reaching such secret intimacy, with this fascinating girl excited him almost as much as the prospect of the marathon fucking sessions that would precede it.
A broad, almost excited smile spread across Morgan's lips as he spoke, and her hand on his leg suddenly squeezed him. "I like the way you think."

That sounded like a fun game. She liked the idea of stripping away the layers of mystery to him. Already, she wanted to know more. Already, she was thinking of wanting to see him again - something utterly unheard of for her, considering the fact that they hadn't actually gotten into bed yet.

Her hand on his thigh was starting to trail a little higher. His cock had been tucked back into his pants, but the belt was still open and the fly still undone. She trailed her fingers up and over his groin, tracing a feather-light touch over the length of him through the thin cotton. "Am I allowed to start now?" she asked huskily, leaning over to press a trail of warm, wet kisses up the side of his neck.