An option I'd Like


Really Experienced
Sep 27, 2002
I'd like to be able to submit multiple branching choices at once. For example. I have two different threads right now that I've thought out for at least four more threads, but I have to wait until they are approved piecemeal. I'd like an option on the thread submittal page to "Add new thread" to a thread that hasn't been approved. Of course the Story Moderator could shut it down, but it would be nice to submit the full thing at once.

Great suggestions...

Hey guys,
Brevdravis you suggestion is a good one, however to do understand the site not having that feature. Say the first thread you send is rejected, then the next 1 or 2 or however many would be useless. So in that respect it would save time and trouble trying to make sure all the threads are approved. What if threads 1 and 3 were approved but not # 2? would that leave a missing page and leave the a missing connection.

Now about Morwen's idea. I like the idea and have thought about adding a link in the continuation question myself. But I am not sure if Chyoo would support that. Does HTML work on the thread pages? Like if I created a thread could I include a link within the thread to the page using the HTML code... the same as I would in the message boards? Anybody know?

Where would I be able to find your story? I hate to see a great idea go to waste because Chyoo is lacking in something. We need great writers and great stories. One last note, Morwen... that is a hell of a nice Avator. Something about a redhead that's so pleasing to the eyes.

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What am I? Chopped Liver?

(No, chopped liver has an appealing and amusing writing style....)

Just kidding.

Like yer Idea Morwen.... It would be interesting for more "Text-adventure" style stories.

I think Chyoo just needs to get a few regulars with moderator/coding priveledges.....

Finding a link...

I have found a way to find the links to certain pages in stories and I thought I'd share it with you as it has been pretty useful to me. It is a little complicated however. I shall use your story as an example.

Just so everybody knows the story is called, Silver Princess - a Faery Romaunce and it can be found in the sci-fi/fantasy section on page 6.

Step 1: Finding your story ID.

Go to "My Home" then to the "My stories" section on your menu. Then click the story that you wish to find the link for. When you click on the name it will open the details about the story. Look at the top in the address bar. This is what we see for your story.


So by looking at the address we know that your story ID is 49.

Step 2: Find a certain page.

Lets say you want to link to the page titled "Fix him with a stern look" So go through the story and stop at the thread which shows "fix him with a stern look" as one of the options. Now right click on the page and go to view source. The HTML source will open up. Scroll down the page until you find the end of the story's base text. This is the code you need to find...

<br><p class="bold">How does she react?<p><br>
<p>      <input type="radio" name="next_id" value="198"> <span>Fix him with a stern look</span></p>
<p>      <input type="radio" name="next_id" value="199"> <span>Blush and smile coyly</span></p>

Read through that and fin the title of the thread you want to link to. Next look in front of the name for the "next_id" value. We see that for the page we want it is 198.

Step: 3.
Now that we have your Story ID and the next_id value we're ready to make the link.

Don't ask how I figured this out.. but here is your base link...

In order to link to any page you want just change the next_id number. Right now it says 193, but if we change it to 198 which is the page from above we have the link to that page.

Interesting? Difficult? well after you get the hang of it, it's not.
Hope it helps.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
how to do it with copy and paste

Hey, the idea is great! I checked it out and found the following way to do it by copy and paste; it may not be very elegant, but it works to link to any other thread of the same or any other story you want - just think about the possibilities of crosslinking!

First, as Tim says, you need the url of the thread you want to link to. Here is a more simple way that works if the thread still can be added to:
- go to the thread
- click on "add new thread"
- click on "view previous thread"
- now copy the thread URL from the browser URL field.

- paste this URL into a line in your new thread, and write a short how-to for the reader to copy this line, paste it into the browser URL field an hit return.

As an example, see .

I also tried introducing a html href command directly into the thread text, but it doesn´t work, so I guess this somehow cumbersome way is the best that is possible until (if ever..) chyoo will be enhanced.

Anyway, it´s less trouble than clicking back and forward through lots of threads, and it may be something to play with.

Best regards, marmot