America's censorship - America's shame...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
From the Guardian:

"Not in their names

The American people are more opposed to their president's war plans than the rest of the world may be aware, says Duncan Campbell

Tuesday September 24, 2002"

"Kelly Campbell, a young woman from San Francisco, lost her brother-in-law, Craig Amundson, in the September 11 attack on the Pentagon. She and around 50 others who lost relatives that day have since formed the anti-war group, September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows.

Last weekend in Ojai, a small town in southern California, Ms Campbell addressed a gathering organised at the library by the local People in Black peace group to talk about her work.

She explained that the group wanted their dead relatives remembered in peaceful ways and for this reason they had devoted their energies to working with families of those killed in error by US bomb attacks on Afghanistan and in campaigning against military retaliation.

One of the points that Ms Campbell made was that although both local press and the international media were interested in their work, they had great difficulty in catching the attention of the national US media.

Perhaps for this reason, the most visible signs of opposition to plans for war have come in the form of paid ads at around $100,000 a page, for instance, in the New York Times. Last week there two such whole-page ads."

Where do you see censorship? There is none.

The national US Media reports on what in its judgement is newsworthy. Or will get ratings.

Censorship implies that the government has forced the media to not report the story.

Damn, pp, your sensationalism is rivaling that of the lowest tabloid.
I think 95% of that was a Guardian article and not pp_man's words. The Guardian is an interesting read to say the least.
This thread was really a follow up to uber's thread...

about how many people who lost relatives and friends on 9/11 were anti or pro war...

He didn't seem to know that there is opposition to the war from those very people...

uber's thread

Re: This thread was really a follow up to uber's thread...

p_p_man said:
about how many people who lost relatives and friends on 9/11 were anti or pro war...

He didn't seem to know that there is opposition to the war from those very people...

uber's thread


I understood where you started with this.

And you're still wrong. It's NOT censorship.

And it's NOT the majority of the people who lost relatives and friends on 9/11.
Re: Re: This thread was really a follow up to uber's thread...

morninggirl5 said:
I understood where you started with this.

And you're still wrong. It's NOT censorship.

And it's NOT the majority of the people who lost relatives and friends on 9/11.

OK it's not censorship, it's misdirection by ommission...

Majority? Majority? Where did I say majority?

Yes, especially interesting when they fabricate an American official's email, but spell words in old english.

Now, when they're caught in their spin, PAPER ADMITS TRANSLATION GOOF; WORDS IN ALLEGED NSA EMAIL ALTERED FOR BRITISH SPELLING (among other alterations assumed).
Cherry said:
Yes, especially interesting when they fabricate an American official's email, but spell words in old english.

By this I take it you mean proper English, not the stuff that Webster chappie fabricated...


Re: Re: Re: This thread was really a follow up to uber's thread...

p_p_man said:
OK it's not censorship, it's misdirection by ommission...

Majority? Majority? Where did I say majority?


Misdirection by omission???? WTF????

News outlets made a decision about a story. Major news outlets here get literally thousands of groups wanting coverage for their story. Guess what, most of them never get the coverage they want.

Get a fucking grip. Most people in this country don't give a damn what another group thinks about the war. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and no one citizen's opinion is more important than anothers.

Misdirection? How the hell can there be any misdirection??? Anyone with a fucking brain who thinks about the situation rationally (which you obviously don't) realizes that amongst EVERY group of American citizens there are people who support the president and people who do not support him. Why would they think the families and friends of 9/11 victims would be any different.