American Bar Association rates Jackson 'well qualified' to serve on Supreme Court


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021
Which should surprise no one.

(CNN)The American Bar Association on Friday rated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as "well qualified" -- its highest rating -- to serve on the US Supreme Court, ahead of her confirmation hearings next week.
The association's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary was unanimous in its evaluation of Jackson's professional qualifications.

"The Standing Committee is of the unanimous opinion that Judge Jackson is 'Well Qualified' to serve on the United States Supreme Court," Ann Claire Williams, the committee's chair, wrote in a letter to the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will conduct the hearings.
I doubt there will be any serious challenges to her qualifications. Her academic credentials are excellent and she certainly brings relevant experience. Some opponents are raising warnings about her views on specific issues. The only thing I care about is her ability and willingness to interpret the law.

Hopefully Republicans won’t engage in the shameful behavior that Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar and other Democrats displayed during the Kavanaugh confirmation process. The last thing anyone wants are sideshows featuring psychos like Christine Blasey-Ford and Micheal Avanatti.
Starting with the Bar Assoc. The American Bar Assoc. has approx. 60 thousand members. There are over 1.3 million liscensed and practicing attorneys in the US. The American Bar Assoc. only represents a VERY small fraction of the nations attorneys and not necessarily the best and brightest. A recomendation by the Bar Assoc. is no recomendation at all.

That being said, Jackson is qualified. She IS going to be grilled on a few rulings she handed down re. illegal immigrants. Rulings that were overturned.
All that really means anything is that Jackson has much better qualifications than the last three Justices put on the court did. The only thing subtracting anything from this is the need of the Trumpettes to oppose anything that isn't Trumpery.
Hopefully Republicans won’t engage in the shameful behavior that Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar and other Democrats displayed during the Kavanaugh confirmation process. The last thing anyone wants are sideshows featuring psychos like Christine Blasey-Ford and Micheal Avanatti.

You know what? If any evidence emerges that Jackson is guilty of what Judge I-Like-Beer did to Dr. Ford, I'm all for her being raked over the coals for it. Of course I don't think for one second that is the case, but if it is, some of us feel there are more important things than politics at work here.
You know what? If any evidence emerges that Jackson is guilty of what Judge I-Like-Beer did to Dr. Ford, I'm all for her being raked over the coals for it. Of course I don't think for one second that is the case, but if it is, some of us feel there are more important things than politics at work here.
No credible evidence emerged against Kavanaugh and its highly unlikely that any will emerge against this nominee. Hopefully Republicans will show more maturity than Kamala, Amy, and other Democrats did in 2018, and hopefully Jackson will be as good as Kavanaugh.
No credible evidence emerged against Kavanaugh and its highly unlikely that any will emerge against this nominee. Hopefully Republicans will show more maturity than Kamala, Amy, and other Democrats did in 2018, and hopefully Jackson will be as good as Kavanaugh.
What are some of your favorite decisions Kav has made as SCOTUS?
No credible evidence emerged against Kavanaugh
I am aware of how committed the likes of you are to believing that, and how hard the right-wing media worked to pull the wool over your eyes. It's easy to fool those who want to be fooled.
I am aware of how committed the likes of you are to believing that, and how hard the right-wing media worked to pull the wool over your eyes. It's easy to fool those who want to be fooled.
Where is the credible evidence?
What are some of your favorite decisions Kav has made as SCOTUS?
NCAA v Alston and Apple v Pepper.
I am aware of how committed the likes of you are to believing that, and how hard the right-wing media worked to pull the wool over your eyes. It's easy to fool those who want to be fooled.
Yes, Christine Blasey Ford and Michael Avanatti were very credible. 😂
The ABA is a Left-Wing Advocacy Group. For decades now they have never been a reliable source for legal or constitutional judicial competence.
I mean, you could look at her resume
I mean, you could look at her resume
people are doing that now. She's only been on the Circuit Court for a year or so and has only written two decisions at that level. This from the Washington Examiner:

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s ‘weird’ resume stymies criticism and support​

by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist |
| March 07, 2022 11:54 AM

The Congressional Research Service even noted that much of her district court work was on procedural topics, not those the Supreme Court studies. “This uncertainty is especially pronounced when evaluating Judge Jackson because she has spent most of her judicial tenure as a district court judge,” the service said in a report reviewed by Secrets.

“Judge Jackson has resolved relatively few cases involving open constitutional questions, offering somewhat limited insight into what mode of constitutional interpretation she might follow in future cases,” the report added.

Josh Blackman, a professor at the South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas, said Jackson’s path to the court was not only odd but provided little help in figuring out her philosophy.

“I've looked at her opinions," he said. "I don't see, you know, rock star. I don't see the superstar. She only had a couple of noteworthy opinions. I didn't hear her giving any sort of influential speeches. She didn't really write articles. There wasn't much that distinguished her. I mean, nothing. That's not a criticism. It wasn't bad, but it just wasn't that she was the greatest thing in the world."

What’s more, he added, is that she has no record of working with other judges to get them to agree with her view of constitutional law, a basic chore on the Supreme Court. “How is she going to persuade John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, or Amy Coney Barrett in a case? She has no experience doing that,” Blackman said.
She's qualified. Those saying otherwise are full of bullshit.
The first was unanimous and the other he was joined by Dems. Your googlefu is weak.
I’m well aware of how the decisions came down. Is it a problem that he participated in a unanimous decision? Or that he voted with the Democrat appointees? He usually votes with the majority and on occasion votes his own way and/or writes dissenting opinions. My favorite justice is Thomas, followed by Gorsuch. ACB is too new for me to assess. I look forward to seeing how the court rules on Dobbs.
No credible evidence emerged against Kavanaugh and its highly unlikely that any will emerge against this nominee. Hopefully Republicans will show more maturity than Kamala, Amy, and other Democrats did in 2018, and hopefully Jackson will be as good as Kavanaugh.
There was a time . . . long ago, before 1980 . . . when Republicans could reasonably be expected to show maturity.
There was a time . . . long ago, before 1980 . . . when Republicans could reasonably be expected to show maturity.
I’m sure the GOP won’t stoop to Kamala and Amy’s level. Blasey Ford and Avenatti sure had fun with them!