Amazon Plagiarism


Really Experienced
Oct 24, 2017
Do you write in the LW genre?

You may want to hop over to Amazon and check out the works "of" Rob Anderson.

"His" books focus on cheating and there's reason to believe that they are the works of others.

I know how much that sucks. Someone did that to me in Amazon's serialized fiction service. I sincerely hope none of you had your work jacked.
Once and awhile I'll do a Google search for my stuff. I did find some in a couple of weird places but one seemed to be shut down and google was just showing the remnants of that. Another seemed to be leading back to here, so I've never had to pursue anything.

But from what I've heard Amazon doesn't care too much about that. Even if you get your work pulled from that author they can still keep publishing other people's stuff. And with it being behind a pay wall, it's kinda hard to be sure, as long as they rename the story and do a Find/Replace on character names. YouTube can do it easily, they even let the stolen content stay up on another Channel but divert the payment to the real owners, or so I've heard. Amazon and other places like them surely could put that in place, but don't because what are we smut authors going to do? Go on the news and complain? Meanwhile they're earning money for very minimal amount of work/resources.