Am I like on total board ignore tonight?

Hey Todd-O

What's new? Where is the little lady tonite? And when is the baby due?
Mia62 said:
Hey Todd-O

What's new? Where is the little lady tonite? And when is the baby due?

she's resting peacefully as possible {for 8 1/2 months} at home in bed, she has a real early 8-3 shift at work tommorrow.

the last doctors appintment pushed the date up to January 5th from the 15th.

the baby loves me reading to it in her belly, he calms right down while i talk, like he does when we put classical music on headphones {I call it a he just for identification purposes the gender is yet unknown} and he loves water run over him in the bathtub in her belly, he will actually follow it around her belly as it is pouredon different places.

well i better stop I am getting sappy here
That is so cool. Try putting a bowl of ice cream on her belly. He (do you know for sure that it is a he?) will try and boot it off. It is hilarious.
Mia62 said:
That is so cool. Try putting a bowl of ice cream on her belly. He (do you know for sure that it is a he?) will try and boot it off. It is hilarious.

no we don't know gender I just use he, its easier and more personal that it

we have done ice cubes, we know he doesn't like those.

that has been her pregnancy craving, ice cubes.

except for one night she had a craving for pickle, pork chop, cheese and yogurt sandwich on rye bread, but it was just the once.
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
that has been her pregnancy craving, ice cubes.

With my last child...I lived on crushed ice. It is an iron deficiency or something. I had to be crunching on ice 24/7. Mind went away by 6 hours after she was born.

Are you going to be there with her when she delivers? It is just the most amazing experience. I was with my best friend this summer and I was in awe.
well if that's sappy i guess i am too. when my ex was pregnant with my daughter i'd talk to her (the baby), play music to her and every night i'd massage baby oil onto my wife's stomach. the baby loved it, my wife loved it and i swear she never had a stretch mark.

Mia62 said:
With my last child...I lived on crushed ice. It is an iron deficiency or something. I had to be crunching on ice 24/7. Mind went away by 6 hours after she was born.

Are you going to be there with her when she delivers? It is just the most amazing experience. I was with my best friend this summer and I was in awe.

I won't be there with her, as the child isn't mine, though if things work out it will grow up as mine and never know it wasn't mine.

her parents are going to be there with her.

I have been working with her doing lamaze training at home, as I was trained in it when I worked with a crisis pregnancy center, I got to see 16 birth, the only one i didn't make it through was the first. no matter how many times you watch the video its nothing like actually seeing that baby start to come out of there. birth is an amazing and beautiful sight
You guys are gonna make me cry. It breaks my heart (in a good way) to hear about men bonding with babies, especially inutero. I'm always reminded of that scene in Garp when he draws a happy face on his wife's tummy after she tells him she's pregnant - get gets down and kisses and caresses her tummy and looks radiantly happy.

Hi Todd. Are you going to be a father?
Rubyfruit said:
You guys are gonna make me cry. It breaks my heart (in a good way) to hear about men bonding with babies, especially inutero. I'm always reminded of that scene in Garp when he draws a happy face on his wife's tummy after she tells him she's pregnant - get gets down and kisses and caresses her tummy and looks radiantly happy.

Hi Todd. Are you going to be a father?

well the direction the relationship is going in, we are likely to get married in the mid range future, and I will become the father.