Alt Amnesty


Literotica Guru
Oct 2, 2012
OK. As a prelude to Obama's excitedly anticipated tighter gun controls, including a touted amnesty on ALL firearms.

I thought it might be politic if we fessed up on a voluntaary basis to our alts.

So take the weight off. The guilt off. The having to pretend to be someone you;re not angst. It's time to fess up or shop someone who you know is packing alts.
i'm andraste. and blunt trauma.

shocking stuff!
There are less people on the GB that aren't my alts than that are. I'm LadyVer, Colonel Hogan, Vetteman, LeJackalope and Byron in Exile. I have so many alts that some of my alts have some of my alts on ignore. It helps me stay in character. I actually have alts on other forums that link back to here to prove that they aren't alts and actually use the same handle everywhere.
OK. As a prelude to Obama's excitedly anticipated tighter gun controls, including a touted amnesty on ALL firearms.


We should take a vote.

I don't know exactly what it is, but we should vote.

"What are we voting for?"

I will tell you later, but at this time, we should vote.

"Wait a minute, you want us to vote for something that we don't know anything about?"

Of course, that is the American way!

Just blindly vote and everything will be take care of year after year.

"Don't we have a choice about what happens?"

No, I am sorry. Your vote does not matter one way or the other.
Nobody, including the OP, who isn't me has posted in this thread. It's fucking pathetic.