Alright.. I never do this but..

Interesting request.

You might want to post something in the BDSM forums too, might widen your audience a little ;)

I'm sure you'll have some takers soon!:D
By happy coincidence Im stroking my cock......PM me your yahoo...
I'm horny.. semi-drunk.. haven't had a good orgasm in a few days. Would love it if someone could help get me off via Yahoo voice. I just need some fucking ruthlessness right now. I need someone to verbally abuse the shit out of me. Any takers?

I'm just here to compliment you on your ability to omit typo's and form easily coherent thoughts when even semi drunk. Just trying to get the word ruthlessness out sober makes me pause. Me, after a couple of drinks, doing well to turn on the laptop and not spill sticky stuff all over the keyboard in the process.