*Almost* Writers Block


Really Experienced
Mar 31, 2002

For those of you that remember me from my short stint here many months ago, Good to be back and good to meet you.

For those of you that don't, the same applies.

The reason stopped swinging by here on a semi-regular basis was because I wanted to finish a story I had been working on for a long time, post it, and then get some feedback.

The plan went awry when I couldn't finish the story.

It's not quite 'extended writers block', because I have written other things, of sexual and non-sexual nature, it's just this one story. It's very long and I've grown attatched to the characters, and so I want to end the story really well. The problem is that I just can't seem to write the end of this one story.

Why? Perhaps because I don't want the story to be finished, perhaps because I want it to be better than I have the ability to write it. Perhaps because It's gotten harder for me to write good sex scenes (of which this ending is one.) Could be a mix.

My question is, might anyone have any advice on how to break through the wall? I'm sure writers block has been discussed into submission, but this isn't quite the same thing. Has anyone had a similar experience? Advice is cool.

Oh, and I love this place.

It's not quite 'extended writers block', because I have written other things, of sexual and non-sexual nature, it's just this one story. It's very long and I've grown attatched to the characters, and so I want to end the story really well. The problem is that I just can't seem to write the end of this one story.

Why? Perhaps because I don't want the story to be finished, perhaps because I want it to be better than I have the ability to write it. Perhaps because It's gotten harder for me to write good sex scenes (of which this ending is one.) Could be a mix.

I can empathize with you here. I am sort of in the same predicament with my novel. I am already falling behind schedule on it because, at times, I find it impossible to work on.

It's not because I am not interested in finishing - I am still totally passionate about the story and the characters - but I do feel as though I am getting sloppy and not writing it in the best way I could. Maybe its a fear thing. I have such high hopes for this book, that maybe if I don't finish it, it can't fail my expectations.

Or maybe, we both just need a kick in the butt, being sent to our rooms and told to just finish it!

I wish you good luck!
Try tricking yourself by writing a "prototype" ending.

If it goes badly, then no harm -- after all, it was just a prototype.
If it goes well -- then by golly you are done.
Just sit down and go at it. You may screw the story up completely, but it'll be done. This may not sound like very good advice, but think about it. If you don't work, you won't have a finished story. If you do work, you stand a chance of making a good story. If it goes tits up, then leave it. In my experience, if you leave a story too long, then it goes stale and the reader will be able to tell.

The Earl

Re-read what The Earl said, and take it to heart. There's a writing truism that nothing gets done without, B*I*C-H*O*C (butt in chair-hands on keyboard).

Rumple Foreskin

ps: And if you think you've got troubles now, just wait until you have to kill off a favorite character. RF