All this shit over a fuckin AV?!?!


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
I know you all love me, but gosh I can only clean out my pm box so many times a day

edited per Freaky's instructions.
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No one ever pervs on my AV's. I do get PM's that start with "Nice shoes..."
As if we needed one more thread on this subject. Couldn't you have posted this on one of the other 80 threads about it?
I know I just realized that.
*going to "When was the last time you made an ass out of yourself" thread*
freakygurl said:
As if we needed one more thread on this subject. Couldn't you have posted this on one of the other 80 threads about it?

Which one should I read to figure out what's up with the cooters?
modest mouse said:
Wow, JB, you caved quicker than the French after an all ngiht bender.
I simply realized that there really isn’t any need to have 5423 threads on the subject when it can just as easily be argued in 2 or 3. My arguments are still on Lit I’ve simply moved them. Call it caving if you want, Vix knows I’m behind her And I can only tell people to grow up I can’t force them.
Soblue said:
Which one should I read to figure out what's up with the cooters?

The "in" crowd are all posting thiers as AVs. Don't get left out!
Soblue said:
Which one should I read to figure out what's up with the cooters?

Ummm I think that would be the Dixon thread about Vixenshes av.

But I haven't read them all.. so I could be wrong.
I have temporarily exchanged my Fluff crown for the Dorky one
Hey, don't diss da dorks!

Sorry, sorry, getting defense......... Still trying to come to grips with my own dorkiness....

freakygurl said:
Ummm I think that would be the Dixon thread about Vixenshes av.

But I haven't read them all.. so I could be wrong.
