all these shootings - government @ war


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
clearly, obama is at war with the American people. Why does the ignorant one (obama) hate the American people?
It is clearly Obama's fault!

If he had rounded up the WAR Neo-Cons and prosecuted them, we wouldn't be in this situation, but NOooo...

He didn't want to hold them responsible for their war crimes. How would it look with W and Dick in the docket?
please, you know that this is going to be a "theory" soon as the talks about more gun control start up.

jesus christ. show a little respect to the grieving and shut your stupid mouth for a moment without trying to use this as a platform your dumbfuckery, will you?
Are you serious right now? Nevermind, you're always serious. You are pretty messed up to even think this is ok.
jesus christ. show a little respect to the grieving and shut your stupid mouth for a moment without trying to use this as a platform your dumbfuckery, will you?

Athiest poop. Why aren't you in the other thread telling the gun control crowd to "show a little respect to the grieving and shut your stupid mouth(s) for a moment..." blah blah blah. Only a rightist ever gets told they lack respect when liberals are 1,000 times more disrespectful on a constant basis.

Of course, the OP is a Rory alt, but the principle still holds.
I feel for every victim of these incidents. SO don't go there.


Do not buy that these are random, civilian shootings.....

Every one invovled, even these "shooters" are VICTIMS.

The federal Government of America is trying to make YOU give up your RIGHTS to own and Bare arms.

Don't buy into it!
Our Government did THE SAME thing with th PATRIOT Act.

They could NOT PASS the ACT UNTIL AFTER 9-11.....

I feel for every victim of these incidents. SO don't go there.


Do not buy that these are random, civilian shootings.....

Every one invovled, even these "shooters" are VICTIMS.

The federal Government of America is trying to make YOU give up your RIGHTS to own and Bare arms.

Don't buy into it!
Our Government did THE SAME thing with th PATRIOT Act.

They could NOT PASS the ACT UNTIL AFTER 9-11.....


Do you live in a Muslim country?


people should NOT fear government

those in Government should fear citizens

I feel for every victim of these incidents. SO don't go there.


Do not buy that these are random, civilian shootings.....

Every one invovled, even these "shooters" are VICTIMS.

The federal Government of America is trying to make YOU give up your RIGHTS to own and Bare arms.

Don't buy into it!
Our Government did THE SAME thing with th PATRIOT Act.

They could NOT PASS the ACT UNTIL AFTER 9-11.....


Are you stupid?

Have you not paid attention to any election in the past two decades?
When "the government" can erradicate an entire states VOTES null...

and NOT ONE SINGLE CITIZEN does a darn thing....

yeah fear the Citizens...LMFAO

Bad Dog:

Nope and I never wish to. But I know some....

If you truly believe that "Muslim terrorists" hijacked those planes....

welp you keep on dreaming....

I truly do feel terribly for these Victims...
I feel for those in Portland, Oregon who were gunned down in the shopping mall...
I feel for the Colorado victims, three times over.

But I do not feel that these are random, civil acts upon one another.
Not since Aurora Colorado and the U.N. small arms Treaty that was planned the VERY week of the Aurora Colorado incident.

Oh and the U.N. ban treaty was denied at that time....

Since then, three more shooting events....

Sorry not swallowing that pill. Not after 9-11 and the Patroit Act.

Don't believe me, look up the U.N. small weaposn ban treaty meetings in New York... and the dates...
The the date of Aurora Colorado....

