All is right with the world!


Occasional visitor
Apr 1, 2002
I got feedback! 7 pieces in a day.

I know, kinda trivial, but after my last two submissions garnered a grand total of none between them, I was beginning to wonder.

I'm happy now.

The Earl
Congratulations! Glad to hear the dry spell is over, and I hope the feedback was all good!
Feedback PM comin atcha tonight buddy. Sorry about the rant thread last night.:eek:
TheEarl said:
I got feedback! 7 pieces in a day.

I know, kinda trivial, but after my last two submissions garnered a grand total of none between them, I was beginning to wonder.

I'm happy now.

The Earl

Nice to hear you're happy again mate, savour the feeling, and next time a story attracts none, don't worry about it as long as you're happy with it.