All Bettie, All the Time


Oct 9, 2001
I've decided to honor the most beautiful, playful, sexual, fun pinup girl of all time in my avs.

I know I could search for pictures myself, but it's so much easier when you all do it for me. :)

No pressure, but any and all photos of Ms. Page would be kindly appreciated.

i have a pin with her picture on it on my backpack. it confuses the boys and makes the dykes grin :)
Rubyfruit said:
I've decided to honor the most beautiful, playful, sexual, fun pinup girl of all time in my avs.

I know I could search for pictures myself, but it's so much easier when you all do it for me. :)

No pressure, but any and all photos of Ms. Page would be kindly appreciated.


I have a great one of Bettie in the bathroom at the cottage, but you'll have to come pick it up.

Besides, my daughter always rolls her eyes and tells me it's "cheesy"'ll be doing me a favour.

But you can't have my "Buddy Christ" stays.

Thank you.


Soroyama Did This Groovy Bettie Thing!

I'll Go Find It:D

I Used It Fer Me AV Once, Very HOT!
I was going to be Betty for Christmas but since you asked, I will surrender it to you.
You guys are the best. *muah*

I've saved every one and will be rotating them at will (and you know how strange my will can be.)

Lance, I've already booked my flight. I hope my dates of travel are convenient to you, but I took the best deal I could get on Priceline in the five minutes I took to research it.
You know.....I really feel like I have contributed to the greater cause here life is complete.... :)

Glad to help Ruby.
oops sorry, double posted because I had to resize it. DOH
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Ruby, I am feeling guilty. I have another one I was holding back. Its my personal fav.

I have to say I would MUCH rather see pics of you though! You always have great ones. Ok, I've rambled enough, here ya go:
If Yer Coming Ta Toronto, RubyFruit!

Rubyfruit said:
You guys are the best. *muah*

I've saved every one and will be rotating them at will (and you know how strange my will can be.)

Lance, I've already booked my flight. I hope my dates of travel are convenient to you, but I took the best deal I could get on Priceline in the five minutes I took to research it.

You'll Have To CUM Visit Me:catgrin:
roxanne69 said:
Ruby, I am feeling guilty. I have another one I was holding back. Its my personal fav.

I have to say I would MUCH rather see pics of you though! You always have great ones. Ok, I've rambled enough, here ya go:

Oh yes, renditions of Bettie by Olivia are also very much appreciated. I just picked up her 2003 calendar and the one of Bettie entitled "Bizarre" is my favorite, although the naughty nurse is a close second.

Roxanne, thank you. I do enjoy playing with the camera myself, I just want something different right now.
You like the Olivia ones?Great! I just found another. Betty on a cracker (looks like matzoh to me) or Passover Betty :)
Re: Thanks Fer Sending Me On This Search!

RudeNastyAssBitch said:
I Found THE Perfect Avatar Fer Me Too!

Another Fer You!
*is considering stalking you, because that AV is too beautiful to not follow around*