AJ Revisited ~ Joyful Journey

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Thanks love. :kiss:

Wow! Thank you! May i have that to go? Along with that nice rack? ;)

I dunno... Where's it going?

And oh sweet Lord of sweetness!!

Flattery will get you everywhere... With me anyway.

It's a safe bet that you will get attention here sexy. And when you put pics like these up, well your just looking to start a stampeed! Lol!

*blush* hardly!

yummie..... slurp........

You may continue!!

You look damn sexy!! .... and more... of course we want more of that. Something that tastes that good on the tongue is always welcome for more. :devil::devil:

How do you know it tastes good?

I can't repost it, I ate it.:kiss::heart::kiss:

Very cute CP. :p

If only I could afford the airfare! I have no idea that things would get extremely hot :D

I'm pretty sure that's a guaranteed thing!!

Gentlemen.....start your boners!!!!!

You delight me... Thank you!! Can I just take you home and keep you??
Thanks love. :kiss:

I dunno... Where's it going?

Flattery will get you everywhere... With me anyway.

*blush* hardly!

You may continue!!

How do you know it tastes good?

Very cute CP. :p

I'm pretty sure that's a guaranteed thing!!

You delight me... Thank you!! Can I just take you home and keep you??
I always enjoy being your cp:kiss::heart::kiss:
Oh my! Hiya yourself. :D


:nana: :nana: AB-SO-FUCKING-LUTELY!!! :nana: :nana:

And that is easily the bestest compliment I ever got.....Thank you for that, beautiful!!! :kiss::heart:

Awww... You are most welcome darlin' :kiss: x100

Love the new av....

Thanks!! The girls cooperated for that pic!

You got me.... I guess I need to put my mouth where my mouth should be and get an informed view on the topic.

I've been telling you that for years. ;)
A little pre-Valentine's pink and red


Fuck me.................................you sure are mighty pretty, will you be my Valentine? And as for the unrepostable pic....my tongue is hanging out :heart::heart::heart::heart:
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Yes m'lady? *bats eyelashes*

Fuck me.................................you sure are mighty pretty, will you be my Valentine? And as for the unrepostable pic....my tongue is hanging out :heart::heart::heart:

Well as long as its hanging out you might as well put it to use!! :devil:

Oh my! What kissable lips.

and no worry about reposting this pic. It is indelibly seared into my memory. :devil:

Thank you Mr. Talker... Or do you just go by Smooth? ;)
*grabs a chair, flips it around and straddles it...leans forward, crossing my arms to lean onto the chair back* Hi AJ, I thought I come and sit a spell with you.
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