Oh wow, that is rather sad. I had a fun time posting in the am pictures thread, but I guess that is gone now.
I like ImmaginAI app. It’s not super hard to use. There is a website called It’s free and super easy, a 5 year old can use it and despite its name, it’s quite capable of generating images that are completely mundane.
Oh…I think I’m better off leaving that to people like you who have a little more creativity.
I can see that one could make an argument for that although I won’t advocate such.
This whole situation smells like the Middle Ages, and things weren't very good there with the judicial system for the most part ))
uh. they actually decided to delete all the AI content threads? That's insane.
I guess all media content on the forum should be removed. Because all of it is some kind of violation
Admin is still developing guidance, but so far, that is the instruction we've been given. Content on this site must be created by humans, not machines. Anything that does not comply is subject to removal.

This is still being worked on, but it's a start:

It applies to all content, both story and forum sides.

You must have a legal right from the copyright owner to post any images - i.e. photographs/drawings that you yourself created and/or have a legal license or other legal permission to post. You retain all legal rights to your images when posting them on Literotica. You are only granting us a non-exclusive license to display them for as long as you leave them up on your account.

That clause hasn't been widely enforced over the years and has gotten somewhat out of control. As long as the image is linked or hosted remotely, we generally don't take action. Images uploaded to Lit's servers will be deleted if we see them as that moves liability to Lit.

Also: If you are a copyright holder who believes a user is posting your images without permission, we are happy to remove the images and warn or ban the user for violating our rules. Please see our DMCA page for information on contacting us, or simply report the posts you believe are violating your copyrights directly in the forum.
Content on this site must be created by humans, not machines. Anything that does not comply is subject to removal.
Yeah, it's easier to ban and delete everything than it is to figure it out first )

Just curious: a picture with 15-20% interference of a cartoon ai-filter in a real photo, which I took myself with my camera, which I manually retouched and finalized for an hour after applying the filter, is machine generated?
(And all to maintain privacy without cropping face)
And if I photographed a square and used an ai-filter to remove people and garbage from it, is that now a machine image too, or was that a retouching tool?
Yeah, it's easier to ban and delete everything than it is to figure it out first )

Just curious: a picture with 15-20% interference of a cartoon ai-filter in a real photo, which I took myself with my camera, which I manually retouched and finalized for an hour after applying the filter, is machine generated?
(And all to maintain privacy without cropping face)
And if I photographed a square and used an ai-filter to remove people and garbage from it, is that now a machine image too, or was that a retouching tool?
In my view, no. Those would be allowable.
Again, editing a photo you yourself took is not the same as altering one found on the web, or using a machine to create an image based on typed prompts. It really isn't as hard as some of you are trying to make it.

If you aren’t happy here, use another site.

No one is forcing you to be here and fuck knows the site owners do not owe you a goddamn thing. Going on about it will not change that.
well, mods and maybe owners…it’s hard to tell

Stories being rejected claiming AI content
Posts and threads nuked without comment or clarification

It’s hard to tell who you’re trying to insult?

I bet. Ha!